Update list-tags.ps1

This commit is contained in:
Markus Fleschutz 2022-11-02 21:43:10 +01:00
parent d0fe73ce11
commit 52eb6034bc

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@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
Lists all tags in a Git repository
This PowerShell script lists all tags in the given Git repository.
This PowerShell script lists all tags in a Git repository.
Specifies the path to the Git repository
Specifies the path to the Git repository (current working directory by default)
.PARAMETER SearchPattern
Specifies the search pattern (anything by default)
@ -23,16 +23,18 @@
param([string]$RepoDir = "$PWD", [string]$SearchPattern="*")
try {
if (-not(test-path "$RepoDir" -pathType container)) { throw "Can't access directory: $RepoDir" }
Write-Progress "⏳ (1/3) Searching for Git executable... "
$Null = (git --version)
if ($lastExitCode -ne "0") { throw "Can't execute 'git' - make sure Git is installed and available" }
write-progress "🢃 Fetching latest tags..."
Write-Progress "⏳ (2/3) Checking folder... "
if (-not(Test-Path "$RepoDir" -pathType container)) { throw "Can't access directory: $RepoDir" }
Write-Progress "⏳ (3/3) Fetching latest tags..."
& git -C "$RepoDir" fetch --all --tags --quiet
if ($lastExitCode -ne "0") { throw "'git fetch --all --tags' failed" }
write-progress -completed "Fetched"
Write-Progress -completed "Fetched"
"Tag Description"
"--- -----------"