diff --git a/Scripts/my-profile.ps1 b/Scripts/my-profile.ps1
index 1044c62e..e28baa9a 100755
--- a/Scripts/my-profile.ps1
+++ b/Scripts/my-profile.ps1
@@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
 ļ»æ#  My PowerShell Profile
 #  =====================
 #  Welcome to 'my-profile.ps1' - this file defines the look & feel of PowerShell.
-#  Comment, uncomment or adapt the following lines to your needs, please.
+#  Adapt the following lines to your needs, please.
 #  My Welcome Message
 #  ------------------
 if ($IsLinux) { $Username = $(whoami) } else { $Username = $env:USERNAME }
 $Hostname = $(hostname)
-$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$Username @ $Hostname"
 $Time = (get-date).ToString('t')
+$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$Username @ $Hostname"
 "šŸ§‘$Username entered šŸ“‚$(Get-Location) at šŸ’»$Hostname, it's $Time"
 #  My Command Prompt
 #  -----------------
-# function prompt {$null}	# result is: PS> 
-# function prompt { "$ " }	# result is: $
-function prompt { "`nšŸ’² " }	# result is: šŸ’² 
+function prompt { write-host -noNewline -foregroundColor yellow "`nāž¤āž¤"; return " " }	# result is: āž¤āž¤
 #  My Alias Names (sorted alphabetically)