diff --git a/Scripts/enter-chat.ps1 b/Scripts/enter-chat.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb230356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Scripts/enter-chat.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# make sure you adjust this path
+# it must point to a network share where you have read and write permissions
+$ServerShare = "\\myserver\chathome"
+function Enter-Chat 
+  param
+  (
+    [Parameter(Mandatory)]
+    [string]
+    $ChatChannelName,
+    [string]
+    $Name = $env:USERNAME,
+    [Switch]
+    $ShowOldPosts,
+    $HomeShare = $ServerShare
+  )
+  if ($ShowOldPosts)
+  {
+    $Option = ''
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    $Option = '-Tail 0'
+  }
+  $Path = Join-Path -Path $HomeShare -ChildPath "$ChatChannelName.txt"
+  $exists = Test-Path -Path $Path
+  if ($exists -eq $false)
+  {
+    $null = New-Item -Path $Path -Force -ItemType File
+  }
+  $process = Start-Process -FilePath powershell -ArgumentList "-noprofile -windowstyle hidden -command Get-COntent -Path '$Path' $Option -Wait | Out-GridView -Title 'Chat: [$ChatChannelName]'" -PassThru
+  Write-Host "To exit, enter: quit"
+  "[$Name entered the chat]" | Add-Content -Path $Path
+  do
+  {
+    Write-Host "[$ChatChannelName]: " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
+    $inputText = Read-Host 
+    $isStopCommand = 'quit','exit','stop','leave' -contains $inputText
+    if ($isStopCommand -eq $false)
+    {
+      "[$Name] $inputText" | Add-Content -Path $Path
+    }
+  } until ($isStopCommand -eq $true)
+  "[$Name left the chat]" | Add-Content -Path $Path
+  $process | Stop-Process
+function Get-ChatChannel
+  param
+  (
+    $HomeShare = $ServerShare
+  )
+  Get-ChildItem -Path $HomeShare -Filter *.txt -File |
+    ForEach-Object {
+      [PSCustomObject]@{
+        ChannelName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.Name)
+        LastActive = $_.LastWriteTime
+        Started = $_.CreationTime
+      }
+    }