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synced 2025-03-29 08:06:51 +01:00
Update Various.csv
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@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ ACA-Affordable Care Act, shorthand for the Patient Protection and Affordable Car
ACARS, Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System
ACARS, Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System
ACAS- Aboriginal Children's Advancement Society,Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
ACAS- Aboriginal Children's Advancement Society,Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
ACB, Asociación de Clubes de Baloncesto (Spanish for "Association of Basketball Clubs")
ACB, Asociación de Clubes de Baloncesto (Spanish for "Association of Basketball Clubs")
ACC- U.S. Air Combat Command,Air Component Commander,Alpine Club of Canada,Altocumulus castellanus,Area Control Center,Atlantic Coast Conference,Automatic climate control
ACCA- The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,Automatic Cloud Cover Assessment
ACCA- The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,Automatic Cloud Cover Assessment
ACCAC, Awdurdod Cymwysterau, Cwricwlwm ac Asesu Cymru (Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales)
ACCAC, Awdurdod Cymwysterau, Cwricwlwm ac Asesu Cymru (Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales)
ACCD,American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities
ACCD,American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities
@ -100,7 +99,6 @@ ACCS, Air Communications and Control Squadron
ACDA, Arms Control & Disarmament Agency
ACDA, Arms Control & Disarmament Agency
ACDC- Alternating Current Direct Current,the name of an Australian rock music band,a term for a bisexual person,A/Cdre,Air Commodore
ACDC- Alternating Current Direct Current,the name of an Australian rock music band,a term for a bisexual person,A/Cdre,Air Commodore
ACDT- Apple Certified Desktop Technician, Australian Central Daylight Time
ACDT- Apple Certified Desktop Technician, Australian Central Daylight Time
ACE- Air Combat Emulator (computer game),Allied Command Europe,Armored Combat Earthmover,Automatic Computing Engine
ACES- Aerolíneas Centrales de Colombia (Spanish, "Central Colombian Airlines"),Auxiliary Campus Enterprises and Services of Alfred State College
ACES- Aerolíneas Centrales de Colombia (Spanish, "Central Colombian Airlines"),Auxiliary Campus Enterprises and Services of Alfred State College
ACF- Administration for Children and Families,American Car and Foundry,American Culinary Federation
ACF- Administration for Children and Families,American Car and Foundry,American Culinary Federation
ACHT, Average Call Hold Time
ACHT, Average Call Hold Time
@ -134,7 +132,6 @@ ACTF- (U.S.) Army Constructive Training Federation,Australian Children's Televis
ACTU, Australian Council of Trade Unions
ACTU, Australian Council of Trade Unions
ACU, American Conservative Union
ACU, American Conservative Union
ACUF- BGN Advisory Committee on Undersea Features, American Conservative Union Foundation
ACUF- BGN Advisory Committee on Undersea Features, American Conservative Union Foundation
ACV, Armoured Combat Vehicle
AD, Air Defence, Andorra (ISO 3166 digram), Anno Domini (Latin, "In the year of our Lord")
AD, Air Defence, Andorra (ISO 3166 digram), Anno Domini (Latin, "In the year of our Lord")
ADA, Air Defence Artillery,American Dental Association,Assistant District Attorney,Americans with Disabilities Act (see also the similar but non-acronymic Ada programming language)
ADA, Air Defence Artillery,American Dental Association,Assistant District Attorney,Americans with Disabilities Act (see also the similar but non-acronymic Ada programming language)
ADAC,(a/i) Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club (German, "General German Automobile Club")
ADAC,(a/i) Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club (German, "General German Automobile Club")
@ -146,7 +143,6 @@ ADatP, Automated Data Processing
ADATS, Agricultural Development and Training Society,Air Defence Anti-Tank System,Australian Defence Air Traffic System
ADATS, Agricultural Development and Training Society,Air Defence Anti-Tank System,Australian Defence Air Traffic System
ADB, Asian Development Bank
ADB, Asian Development Bank
ADC, Aide De Camp,U.S. Air Defense Command (1946-1992),Apple Display Connector,Program Against Digital Counterfeiting of Currency
ADC, Aide De Camp,U.S. Air Defense Command (1946-1992),Apple Display Connector,Program Against Digital Counterfeiting of Currency
ADCTS, Advanced Distributed Combat Training System
ADD, Analog Digital Digital (CD quality),Attention-Deficit Disorder,Administration on Developmental Disabilities
ADD, Analog Digital Digital (CD quality),Attention-Deficit Disorder,Administration on Developmental Disabilities
ADDIE, Analyze Design Develop Implement and Evaluate
ADDIE, Analyze Design Develop Implement and Evaluate
ADDNS, Advanced Deployable Day/Night Simulation
ADDNS, Advanced Deployable Day/Night Simulation
@ -299,7 +295,6 @@ ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Automatic Landing System
ALSHS, Abraham Low Self-Help Systems
ALSHS, Abraham Low Self-Help Systems
ALSP, Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol
ALSP, Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol
ALTE, Association of Language Testers in Europe
ALTE, Association of Language Testers in Europe
ALTACS, Automated decision Logic Tactical Air Combat Simulation
am- Amharic language (ISO 639-1 code),Attometre
am- Amharic language (ISO 639-1 code),Attometre
Am, Americium
Am, Americium
AM-many, including Amplitude Modulation and Ante Meridiem; see entry, Armenia (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram)
AM-many, including Amplitude Modulation and Ante Meridiem; see entry, Armenia (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram)
@ -309,7 +304,6 @@ AMAPS, Aircraft, Missile, Avionics Performance Simulation
AMC- Adaptive modulation and coding (digital communications),U.S. Air Mobility Command,American Motors Corporation,American Movie Classics (TV network; now known simply by the initials),U.S. Army Materiel Command
AMC- Adaptive modulation and coding (digital communications),U.S. Air Mobility Command,American Motors Corporation,American Movie Classics (TV network; now known simply by the initials),U.S. Army Materiel Command
AMCB, U.S. Army/Marine Corps Board
AMCB, U.S. Army/Marine Corps Board
AMD- Advanced Micro Devices,Age-related Macular Degeneration, Armenian dram (ISO 4217 currency code)
AMD- Advanced Micro Devices,Age-related Macular Degeneration, Armenian dram (ISO 4217 currency code)
AMF, Afghan Military Force
AMFOM, Advanced Missile Fly Out Model ("am-fomm")
AMFOM, Advanced Missile Fly Out Model ("am-fomm")
AMFR- Age-specific Marital Fertility Rate,Amplitude Modulation Following Response
AMFR- Age-specific Marital Fertility Rate,Amplitude Modulation Following Response
AMFRS- Advanced Multi-Function Radio Frequency System,Automatic Multisensor Feature-based Recognition System
AMFRS- Advanced Multi-Function Radio Frequency System,Automatic Multisensor Feature-based Recognition System
@ -427,7 +421,6 @@ asbl, association sans but lucratif (French "Non-profit organisation")
ASBO, Anti-Social Behaviour Order
ASBO, Anti-Social Behaviour Order
ASCAP, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers
ASCAP, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers
ASCC, Army Service Component Commander,Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator,Air Standardization Coordinating Committee
ASCC, Army Service Component Commander,Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator,Air Standardization Coordinating Committee
ASCIET, All Services Combat Identification Evaluation Team
ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASD, (U.S.) Assistant Secretary of Defense,autism spectrum disorder
ASD, (U.S.) Assistant Secretary of Defense,autism spectrum disorder
ASDIC, Allied Submarine Detection Investigation Committee (Sonar)
ASDIC, Allied Submarine Detection Investigation Committee (Sonar)
@ -529,7 +522,6 @@ AWC, Air Warfare Centre
AWD,many, including All Wheel Drive; see entry
AWD,many, including All Wheel Drive; see entry
AWE,(i/a) Advanced Warfighting Experiment
AWE,(i/a) Advanced Warfighting Experiment
AWG, Aruban guilder (ISO 4217 currency code)
AWG, Aruban guilder (ISO 4217 currency code)
AWOL, Absent Without Official Leave / Absent WithOut Leave (military jargon)
AWP, Awaiting Parts (SM&R code)
AWP, Awaiting Parts (SM&R code)
AWSIM, Air Warfare SIMulation
AWSIM, Air Warfare SIMulation
AWST, Australian Western Standard Time
AWST, Australian Western Standard Time
@ -558,12 +550,8 @@ BBYO,B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
BC- Before Christ,Blind Copy (in emailers),Boston College, Botswana (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Bechuanaland),British Columbia (postal symbol)
BC- Before Christ,Blind Copy (in emailers),Boston College, Botswana (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Bechuanaland),British Columbia (postal symbol)
BCA- Bachelor of Computer Application,Black Coaches & Administrators,BCC - Blind Carbon Copy
BCA- Bachelor of Computer Application,Black Coaches & Administrators,BCC - Blind Carbon Copy
BCCI- Bank of Credit and Commerce International,Board of Control for Cricket in India,BCD - Binary-Coded Decimal
BCCI- Bank of Credit and Commerce International,Board of Control for Cricket in India,BCD - Binary-Coded Decimal
BCE- Banque centrale européenne (French, "European Central Bank"),Battlefield Co-ordination Element,BC Electric, a former name for BC Hydro,Before Common Era,BCER - British Columbia Electric Railway,BCFG - Patchy Fog (METAR Code),BCIS (fratricide avoidance system) - Battlefield Combat Identification System,BCLL - Bibliography of Celtic Latin Literature,BCPL - Basic Combined Programming Language (progenitor of C)
BCS- Bachelor of Computer Science,Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer superconduction theory,Bowl Championship Series (US college football),BCT - Brigade Combat Team,BD[edit],BD - Bangladesh (ISO 3166 digram) - Bermuda (FIPS 10-4 territory code),BDA - British Dental Association,BDD - Body Dysmorphic Disorder - British Defence Doctrine,Bde - Brigade,BDFL - Benevolent Dictator For Life,BDI - Burundi (ISO 3166 trigram),BDNF - Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor,BDO - Battle Dress Overgarment,BDOS - Basic Disk Operating System; part of CP/M,BDS - - Bachelor of Dental Surgery,BDSM - Bondage and Discipline, Domination and Submission, Sadism and Masochism,BDT - Bangladeshi taka (ISO 4217 currency code) - Bureau de développement des télécommunications (Telecommunication Development Bureau, became ITU-D),BDTA - British Dental Trade Association,BDU - Battle-Dress Uniform,BE[edit],be - Belarusian language (ISO 639-1 code),Be - Beryllium,BE - Belgium (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram)
BEA- Banque extérieure d'Algérie,British European Airways (ancestor of British Airways),British Electricity Authority,bel - Belarusian language (ISO 639-2 code),BEL - Belgium (ISO 3166 trigram),BEM - British Empire Medal - Bug-Eyed Monster,ben - Bengali language (ISO 639-2 code),BEN - Benin (ISO 3166 trigram),BEO - Banquet Event Order,BERC - Business Environmental Resource Center,BER - Bit Error Rate
BEA- Banque extérieure d'Algérie,British European Airways (ancestor of British Airways),British Electricity Authority,bel - Belarusian language (ISO 639-2 code),BEL - Belgium (ISO 3166 trigram),BEM - British Empire Medal - Bug-Eyed Monster,ben - Bengali language (ISO 639-2 code),BEN - Benin (ISO 3166 trigram),BEO - Banquet Event Order,BERC - Business Environmental Resource Center,BER - Bit Error Rate
BES- Budget Estimate Submission, Caribbean Netherlands (ISO 3166 trigram; from the entity's alternate name of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba),BESS - Business, Education, and Social Sciences,BET - (a/i) Black Entertainment Television,BETS - Bradley Embedded Training System,BF[edit],BF - The Bahamas (FIPS 10-4 country code) - Burkina Faso (ISO 3166 digram),b/f - before,BFA - Burkina Faso (ISO 3166 trigram),BfArM - Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte, German governmental institute for drugs and medical devices,BFI - British Film Institute,BFR - Biennial flight review,BFR - Brominated Flame Retardant,BFSA - Blue Force Situation Awareness,BFT - Blue Force Tracking,BFF - Best Friends Forever,BFS - Belfast International Airport (IATA airport code),BFX - Bioinformatics,BG[edit],bg - Bulgarian language (ISO 639-1 code),BG - Bangladesh (FIPS 10-4 country code) - Battle Group - Body Guard - Brigadier General - Bulgaria (ISO 3166 digram),BGA - Ball Grid Array - Brandy and Ginger Ale (alcoholic beverage),BGD - Bangladesh (ISO 3166 trigram),BGN - U.S. Board on Geographic Names - Bulgarian lev (ISO 4217 currency code),BGR - Bulgaria (ISO 3166 trigram),BGS - Bristol Grammar School - British Geographical Survey,BGWG - Battle Group Wargame (military simulation; "big wig"),BH[edit],bh - Bihari languages (ISO 639-1 code),Bh - Bohrium
BH- Bahrain (ISO 3166 digram),Belize (FIPS 10-4 country code),BHD - Bahraini dinar (ISO 4217 currency code),BHR - Bahrain (ISO 3166 trigram)
BH- Bahrain (ISO 3166 digram),Belize (FIPS 10-4 country code),BHD - Bahraini dinar (ISO 4217 currency code),BHR - Bahrain (ISO 3166 trigram)
BHS- British Home Stores, The Bahamas (ISO 3166 trigram),BI[edit],bi - Bislami language (ISO 639-1 code),Bi - Bismuth,BI - Burundi (ISO 3166 digram),BIAP - Baghdad International Airport - Biafran pound,BICS - (i/a) Battlefield Information and Communication System,BID - bis in die (Latin, "twice a day"),BIDST - British Institute of Dental and Surgical Technologists,BIF - Burundian franc (ISO 4217 currency code),bih - Bihari languages (ISO 639-2 code),BIH - Bosnia and Herzegovina (ISO 3166 trigram),BIOS - Basic Input/Output System - British Institute of Organ Studies,BIP - Battlefield Interoperability Programme (ancestor of MIP) - Broadcast incremental power algorithm,bis - Bislami language (ISO 639-2 code),BISEPS - Battlefield Identification System Environment Performance Simulation,BIST - Built-In Self-Test,BIT - Bilateral Investment Treaty - Built-In Test,BITE - Built-In Test Equipment,BJ[edit],BJ - Benin (ISO 3166 digram) - Blowjob (oral sex),BJJ - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu,BJP - Bharatiya Janata Party (Indian People's Party),BJT - Bipolar Junction Transistor,BK[edit],Bk - Berkelium,BK - Burger King - Bankrupt (most often seen as "gone BK") - Bosnia and Herzegovina (FIPS 10-4 country code),BKN - Broken Sky (METAR Code),BL[edit],BL - Bolivia (FIPS 10-4 country code) - British Leyland,BLCSE - Battle Laboratory Constructive Simulation Environment,BLDU - Blowing Dust (METAR Code),BLEVE - Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion ("blevy"),BLOB - Binary Large OBject,BLR - Belarus (ISO 3166 trigram),BLSA - Blowing Sand (METAR Code),BLRSI - Battle Lab Reconfigurable Simulator (U.S. Army),BLSN - Blowing Snow (METAR Code),BLT - Bacon Lettuce Tomato (sandwich),BLUFOR - Blue Force (military),BLUI - (a/i) Body Language User Interface ("blooie"),BLZ - Belize (ISO 3166 trigram),BM[edit],bm - Bambara language (ISO 639-1 code),BM - Battle Management - Bermuda (ISO 3166 digram) - Myanmar (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Burma),BMA - British Medical Association,BMCC - Borough of Manhattan Community College,BMD - Ballistic Missile Defence - Bermudian dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) - Boyevaya Mashina Desanta (Russian Боевая Машина Десанта, "Combat Vehicle Airborne") †[2] - British Military Doctrine,BMDG - British Military Doctrine Group,BMDO - (U.S.) Ballistic Missile Defense Organization ("bim-do"),BME - Biomedical Engineering - Black and Minority Ethnic group - Body Modification E-zine,BMEWS - (a/i) Ballistic Missile Early Warning System ("bee-mews"),BMI - Body Mass Index - Broadcast Music Incorporated,BMG - Bertelsmann Music Group,BML - Battle Management Language,BMNT - Begin Morning Nautical Twilight,BMP - Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoti (Russian Боевая Машина Пехоты, "Combat Vehicle for the Infantry") †[2],BMR - Basal metabolic rate - Bronirovannaya Mashina Razminirovaniya (Russian Бронированная Машина Разминирования, "Armoured Vehicle for Mine-Clearing") †[2],BMU - Bermuda (ISO 3166 trigram),BMW - Bayerische Motoren Werke (German, "Bavarian Motor Works"),BMX - Bicycle/Bike Moto (r) Cross,BN[edit],bn - Bengali language (ISO 639-1 code),Bn - Battalion,BN - Brunei (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code),BND - Brunei dollar (ISO 4217 currency code),BnF - Bibliothèque nationale de France (French, "National Library of France")
BNF- Backus-Naur Form (computing),British National Formulary,BNICE - Biological, Nuclear, Incendiary, Chemical, and Explosive Agents
BNF- Backus-Naur Form (computing),British National Formulary,BNICE - Biological, Nuclear, Incendiary, Chemical, and Explosive Agents
BNP- British National Party,Banque Nationale de Paris, a predecessor to today's BNP Paribas,BNS - Bank of Nova Scotia,BNSF - (i/s) Burlington Northern Santa Fe (also AAR reporting mark),BO[edit],bo - Tibetan language (ISO 639-1 code)
BNP- British National Party,Banque Nationale de Paris, a predecessor to today's BNP Paribas,BNS - Bank of Nova Scotia,BNSF - (i/s) Burlington Northern Santa Fe (also AAR reporting mark),BO[edit],bo - Tibetan language (ISO 639-1 code)
BO- Back Orifice, Belarus (FIPS 10-4 country code), Biarritz Olympique (French rugby union club), Bolivia (ISO 3166 digram), Body odor,BO2k - Back Orifice 2000,BOAC - British Overseas Airways Corporation (predecessor of British Airways)
BO- Back Orifice, Belarus (FIPS 10-4 country code), Biarritz Olympique (French rugby union club), Bolivia (ISO 3166 digram), Body odor,BO2k - Back Orifice 2000,BOAC - British Overseas Airways Corporation (predecessor of British Airways)
@ -578,7 +566,6 @@ BP- Battle Position,British Petroleum (today, BP does not officially stand for a
BPV- Battlefield Planning Visualization,Bovine papillomavirus,BQ[edit]
BPV- Battlefield Planning Visualization,Bovine papillomavirus,BQ[edit]
BQ- British Antarctic Territory (former ISO 3166 digram; merged with AQ in 1979),Caribbean Netherlands (current ISO 3166 digram; based on the entity's alternate name of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba),Navassa Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code),BR[edit],br - Breton language (ISO 639-1 code),Br - Bromine
BQ- British Antarctic Territory (former ISO 3166 digram; merged with AQ in 1979),Caribbean Netherlands (current ISO 3166 digram; based on the entity's alternate name of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba),Navassa Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code),BR[edit],br - Breton language (ISO 639-1 code),Br - Bromine
BR- Brazil (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code) - Bihar (Indian state code), British Rail,Break Ranks (marching band term),BRA - Brazil (ISO 3166 trigram),BRAG - Bicycle Ride Across Georgia,BRASS - Breathe, Relax, Aim, Sight, Squeeze (Acronym for using a rifle)
BR- Brazil (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code) - Bihar (Indian state code), British Rail,Break Ranks (marching band term),BRA - Brazil (ISO 3166 trigram),BRAG - Bicycle Ride Across Georgia,BRASS - Breathe, Relax, Aim, Sight, Squeeze (Acronym for using a rifle)
BRB- Barbados (ISO 3166 trigram), "Be Right Back" (Internet chat abbreviation),BRDM - Boyevaya Razvedyvatelnaya Dosornaya Mashina (Russian Боевая Разведывательная Дозорная Машина, "Combat Reconnaissance Patrol Vehicle") †[2],bre - Breton language (ISO 639-2 code),BRFSS - Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System ("burf-us", a CDC health survey covering the U.S. and its territories),BRI - Bathroom ers Institute (publishers of series of "Uncle John's Bathroom ers" books),BRIC - Brazil, Russia, India and China,BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa,BRIMS - Behavior Representation In Modeling and Simulation (conference),BRL - Brazilian real (ISO 4217 currency code),BRM - Boyevaya Razvedyvatelnaya Mashina (Russian Боевая Разведывательная Машина, "Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle") †[2]
BRN- Bahrain (IOC trigram, but not FIFA or ISO 3166), Brunei (ISO 3166 trigram),BRSB - Battlefield Reasoning System Brianna,BRU - Brunei (IOC and FIFA trigram, but not ISO 3166),BS[edit],bs - Bosnian language (ISO 639-1 code)
BRN- Bahrain (IOC trigram, but not FIFA or ISO 3166), Brunei (ISO 3166 trigram),BRSB - Battlefield Reasoning System Brianna,BRU - Brunei (IOC and FIFA trigram, but not ISO 3166),BS[edit],bs - Bosnian language (ISO 639-1 code)
BS- The Bahamas (ISO 3166 digram),Bassas da India (FIPS 10-4 territory code),Bachelor of Science degree,British subject
BS- The Bahamas (ISO 3166 digram),Bassas da India (FIPS 10-4 territory code),Bachelor of Science degree,British subject
@ -627,7 +614,6 @@ CAN, Canada (ISO 3166 trigram)
CANA, Convulsive Antidote, Nerve Agent
CANA, Convulsive Antidote, Nerve Agent
CANDU, CANada Deuterium Uranium (nuclear reactor design)
CANDU, CANada Deuterium Uranium (nuclear reactor design)
Canola, Canadian oil, low acid (referring to a specific cultivar of rapeseed bred to have a low erucic acid content)
Canola, Canadian oil, low acid (referring to a specific cultivar of rapeseed bred to have a low erucic acid content)
CAP- Combat Air Patrol,Civil Air Patrol,Common [Operating/Operational] Air Picture,Crisis Action Procedures,Common Agricultural Policy (European Union)
CAPES- CAPability Evaluation System, Combined Arms Planning and Execution System
CAPES- CAPability Evaluation System, Combined Arms Planning and Execution System
CARE- Citizens Association for Racial Equality (former New Zealand organisation), Community database on Accidents on the Roads in Europe, Cooperative for Aid and Relief Everywhere (originally Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe)
CARE- Citizens Association for Racial Equality (former New Zealand organisation), Community database on Accidents on the Roads in Europe, Cooperative for Aid and Relief Everywhere (originally Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe)
CARMONETTE, Computerized Monte Carlo Simulation
CARMONETTE, Computerized Monte Carlo Simulation
@ -663,7 +649,6 @@ CBR, Case-Based Reasoning
CBRN, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear (weapon or event)
CBRN, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear (weapon or event)
CBRNE, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or [high-yield] Explosive (weapon or event)
CBRNE, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or [high-yield] Explosive (weapon or event)
CBS- Columbia Broadcasting System,Corps Battle Simulation
CBS- Columbia Broadcasting System,Corps Battle Simulation
CBT- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Combat
CBUS, Columbus, Ohio
CBUS, Columbus, Ohio
CC,many, including carbon copy; see entry
CC,many, including carbon copy; see entry
CCA, Counter Command Activity
CCA, Counter Command Activity
@ -696,7 +681,6 @@ CCSCS, Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems
CCSIL, Command and Control Simulation Interface Language ("cecil")
CCSIL, Command and Control Simulation Interface Language ("cecil")
CCSK, Cyclic Code Shift Keying
CCSK, Cyclic Code Shift Keying
CCT, Current Commitments Team
CCT, Current Commitments Team
CCTT, Close Combat Tactical Trainer
cd, Candela
cd, Candela
Cd, Cadmium
Cd, Cadmium
CD,many, including Compact Disc; see entry
CD,many, including Compact Disc; see entry
@ -705,7 +689,6 @@ CDA, UK Centre for Defence Analysis
CDC- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (originally (U.S.) Communicable Disease Center),Control Data Corporation,Cult of the Dead Cow
CDC- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (originally (U.S.) Communicable Disease Center),Control Data Corporation,Cult of the Dead Cow
CDD, Capabilities Development Document
CDD, Capabilities Development Document
CDE, Chemical Defence Equipment
CDE, Chemical Defence Equipment
CDEC, U.S. Combat Development Experimentation Center
CDF- California Department of Forestry [and Fire Protection],Common Data Format, Democratic Republic of Congo franc congolais (ISO 4217 currency code)
CDF- California Department of Forestry [and Fire Protection],Common Data Format, Democratic Republic of Congo franc congolais (ISO 4217 currency code)
CDIAC, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center ("see-dee-ack")
CDIAC, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center ("see-dee-ack")
CDipAF, Certified Diploma in Accounting and Finance
CDipAF, Certified Diploma in Accounting and Finance
@ -738,7 +721,6 @@ CERN, Centre européen pour la recherche nucléaire (French, "European Organizat
CERT, Computer Emergency Response Team
CERT, Computer Emergency Response Team
ces, Czech language (ISO 639-2 code)
ces, Czech language (ISO 639-2 code)
CESS, Centre for Earth Science Studies (India)
CESS, Centre for Earth Science Studies (India)
CEV- Combat Engineer Vehicle,Confédération européenne de volleyball (French, "European Volleyball Confederation"),Crew Exploration Vehicle
CEWC,(a/i) Council for Education in World Citizenship
CEWC,(a/i) Council for Education in World Citizenship
Cf, Californium
Cf, Californium
CF- Canadian Forces, Central African Republic (ISO 3166 digram),Republic of the Congo (FIPS 10-4 country code)
CF- Canadian Forces, Central African Republic (ISO 3166 digram),Republic of the Congo (FIPS 10-4 country code)
@ -792,7 +774,6 @@ CHN, China (ISO 3166 trigram)
CHOGM, Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
CHOGM, Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
CHP, California Highway Patrol,Combined Heat and Power
CHP, California Highway Patrol,Combined Heat and Power
CHPSO, California Hospital Patient Safety Organization
CHPSO, California Hospital Patient Safety Organization
CHS, Combat Health Support
CHT, Certified Hand Therapist
CHT, Certified Hand Therapist
chu, Old Church Slavonic language (ISO 639-2 code)
chu, Old Church Slavonic language (ISO 639-2 code)
chv, Chuvash language (ISO 639-2 code)
chv, Chuvash language (ISO 639-2 code)
@ -804,16 +785,13 @@ CIAO- Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office,Component-Integrated ACE ORB
CIB, Complete In Box (Internet auction/trading listings)
CIB, Complete In Box (Internet auction/trading listings)
CIBC, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
CIBC, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
CICS, Customer Information Control System (IBM mainframe software; "kicks" or "C-I-C-S")
CICS, Customer Information Control System (IBM mainframe software; "kicks" or "C-I-C-S")
CID- Combat Identification, Criminal Investigation Division,Criminal Investigations Department
CID,Certified Interior Designer,A Certified Interior Designer (CID) licensed in New York (USA) plans, designs, supervises and/or consults on various aspects of interior spaces.
CID,Certified Interior Designer,A Certified Interior Designer (CID) licensed in New York (USA) plans, designs, supervises and/or consults on various aspects of interior spaces.
CIEF, Comité international d'enregistrement des fréquences (International Frequency Registration Board)
CIEF, Comité international d'enregistrement des fréquences (International Frequency Registration Board)
CIF, Cost, Insurance, and Freight (Paid) (shipping)
CIF, Cost, Insurance, and Freight (Paid) (shipping)
CIMIC, Civil-Military Co-operation
CIMMYT,(a/i) Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz Y Trigo (Spanish, "International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center")
CIMMYT,(a/i) Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz Y Trigo (Spanish, "International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center")
CINC, Commander in Chief
CINC, Commander in Chief
CINEOS, Campo Imperatore Near-Earth Object Survey
CINEOS, Campo Imperatore Near-Earth Object Survey
CIO- Chief information officer,Congress of Industrial Organizations
CIO- Chief information officer,Congress of Industrial Organizations
CIP, Combat Identification Panel
CIPE, (European) Centre for International Political Economy
CIPE, (European) Centre for International Political Economy
CIR, (Commander's) Critical Information Requirements
CIR, (Commander's) Critical Information Requirements
CIR, Corotating Interaction Region
CIR, Corotating Interaction Region
@ -823,7 +801,6 @@ CISB, Complete In Sealed Box (Internet auction/trading listings)
CISPR, Comité international spécial des perturbations radioélectriques (Special International Committee on Radio Interference)
CISPR, Comité international spécial des perturbations radioélectriques (Special International Committee on Radio Interference)
CISSP, Certified Information Systems Security Professional
CISSP, Certified Information Systems Security Professional
CITES, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (of Wild Fauna and Flora) ("sigh-tease")
CITES, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (of Wild Fauna and Flora) ("sigh-tease")
CITS, Combat Identification Training System
CIV, Côte d'Ivoire (ISO 3166 trigram)
CIV, Côte d'Ivoire (ISO 3166 trigram)
CIVETS, Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, South Africa (economics)
CIVETS, Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, South Africa (economics)
CIVPOP, Civilian Population
CIVPOP, Civilian Population
@ -867,11 +844,8 @@ CMLL, Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (Spanish, "Worldwide Wrestling Council"—M
CMM, Capability Maturity Model
CMM, Capability Maturity Model
CMMC, Corps Materiel Management Centre
CMMC, Corps Materiel Management Centre
CMML- Chronic MyeloMonocytic Leukemia,Continuous Media Markup Language
CMML- Chronic MyeloMonocytic Leukemia,Continuous Media Markup Language
CMO, Civil-Military Operations
CMOC, Civil-Military Operations Centre
CMOS- Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society,(The) Chicago Manual of Style,Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CMOS- Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society,(The) Chicago Manual of Style,Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CMP, Common [Operating/Operational] Maritime Picture
CMP, Common [Operating/Operational] Maritime Picture
CMP, Canadian Military Pattern truck (World War II)
CMPD, Chronic Myeloproliferative Disease
CMPD, Chronic Myeloproliferative Disease
CMPD, Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department
CMPD, Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department
CMR- Cameroon (ISO 3166 trigram), Coaxial Main Rotors (helicopter type)
CMR- Cameroon (ISO 3166 trigram), Coaxial Main Rotors (helicopter type)
@ -890,39 +864,25 @@ CNI, Communications, Navigation and Identification
CNI, Clinical Nursing Intern
CNI, Clinical Nursing Intern
CNN- Cable News Network,Cellular Nonlinear Network
CNN- Cable News Network,Cellular Nonlinear Network
CNO, Computer Network Operations
CNO, Computer Network Operations
CNR- Canadian National Railway,Combat Net Radio
CNV, Copy-Number Variable (genetics)
CNV, Copy-Number Variable (genetics)
CNY, Chinese yuan renminbi (ISO 4217 currency code)
CNY, Chinese yuan renminbi (ISO 4217 currency code)
co, Corsican language (ISO 639-1 code)
co, Corsican language (ISO 639-1 code)
Co, Cobalt
Co, Cobalt
CO,many, including Central Office (phone company); see entry, Colorado (postal symbol), Commanding Officer (military)
COA, Certificate/Concept Of Analysis,Course Of Action (military)
COB, Close Of Business [day]
COB, Close Of Business [day]
COBRA,Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985
COBRA,Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985
COCOM, Combatant Command (military)
COD, Cash On Delivery, Democratic Republic of the Congo (ISO 3166 trigram)
COD, Cash On Delivery, Democratic Republic of the Congo (ISO 3166 trigram)
CoDA, Co-Dependents Anonymous
CoDA, Co-Dependents Anonymous
codec, Coder-Decoder / Compressor-Decompressor / Compression-Decompression algorithm
codec, Coder-Decoder / Compressor-Decompressor / Compression-Decompression algorithm
COE, Cab Over Engine (see truck),Common Operating Environment (military)
COEA, Cost Operational Effectiveness Analysis (military)
COEIA, Combined Operational Effectiveness and Investment Appraisal (military)
COFT, Conduct Of Fire Trainer (military)
COG, Centre Of Gravity,Current Operations Group (military), Republic of the Congo (ISO 3166 trigram)
COGENT, Cognitive Objects within a Graphical EnviroNmenT
COGENT, Cognitive Objects within a Graphical EnviroNmenT
COIL, Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser
COIL, Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser
COIN, Counter-Insurgency (military)
COK, Cook Islands (ISO 3166 trigram)
COK, Cook Islands (ISO 3166 trigram)
COL, Colombia (ISO 3166 trigram)
COL, Colombia (ISO 3166 trigram)
COLA, comp.os.linux.announce,Cost Of Living Adjustment
COLA, comp.os.linux.announce,Cost Of Living Adjustment
COLT, Combat Observation and Lasing Team (military)
COM, Comoros (ISO 3166 trigram), Component Object Model
COM, Comoros (ISO 3166 trigram), Component Object Model
COMECON, Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (economic counterpart of the Warsaw Pact, 1949-1991)
COMECON, Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (economic counterpart of the Warsaw Pact, 1949-1991)
COMMZ, Communications Zone (military)
COMSEC, Communications Security (military)
CONAD, U.S. Continental Air Defense Command
CONAD, U.S. Continental Air Defense Command
CONCACAF, Confederation Of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football
CONCACAF, Confederation Of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football
CONMEBOL, Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol or Confederação Sul-Americana de Futebol (respectively Spanish and Portuguese for "South American Football Confederation")
CONMEBOL, Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol or Confederação Sul-Americana de Futebol (respectively Spanish and Portuguese for "South American Football Confederation")
CONOPS, Concept of Operations (military)
CONUS, Continental United States
CONUS, Continental United States
COO, Chief Operating Officer
COO, Chief Operating Officer
COP, Colombian peso (ISO 4217 currency code), Common Operating/Operational Picture
COP, Colombian peso (ISO 4217 currency code), Common Operating/Operational Picture
@ -932,15 +892,12 @@ cor, Cornish language (ISO 639-2 code)
CORBA, Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CORBA, Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CORD,(i/a) Common Operational Requirements Document
CORD,(i/a) Common Operational Requirements Document
CORE, Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education
CORE, Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education
CORG, (U.S.) Combat Operations Research Group
COROT, COnvection, ROtation and planetary Transits
COROT, COnvection, ROtation and planetary Transits
cos, Corsican language (ISO 639-2 code),Cosine
cos, Corsican language (ISO 639-2 code),Cosine
COS, Cooper Ornithological Society
COS, Cooper Ornithological Society
COSCOM, Corps Support Command (military)
COSER, COoperative SERvice
COSER, COoperative SERvice
CoT, Car of Tomorrow (former NASCAR race car design)
CoT, Car of Tomorrow (former NASCAR race car design)
COTS, Commercial Off The Shelf
COTS, Commercial Off The Shelf
Coy, Company (military unit)Cow
CP, Canadian Pacific,Check Point,Command Post,Club Penguin
CP, Canadian Pacific,Check Point,Command Post,Club Penguin
CPA, Certified Public Accountant
CPA, Certified Public Accountant
CPAC, Conservative Political Action Conference,Cable Public Affairs Channel ("see-pack")
CPAC, Conservative Political Action Conference,Cable Public Affairs Channel ("see-pack")
@ -983,11 +940,8 @@ CRT- Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy,Cathode Ray Tube,Chinese Remainder Theore
CRTC, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
CRTC, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
cs, Czech language (ISO 639-1 code)
cs, Czech language (ISO 639-1 code)
Cs, Caesium
Cs, Caesium
CS- Combat Support,Computer Scientist, Costa Rica (FIPS 10-4 country code),Serbia and Montenegro (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete since 2006)
CSA- Canadian Soccer Association,Canadian Space Agency,Canadian Standards Association,Child Support Agency,Command Staff Advisor,Community-supported agriculture,Confederate States of America,Corps Storage Area, Czech Airlines,C/S/A, CINC, Service, and Agency
CSA- Canadian Soccer Association,Canadian Space Agency,Canadian Standards Association,Child Support Agency,Command Staff Advisor,Community-supported agriculture,Confederate States of America,Corps Storage Area, Czech Airlines,C/S/A, CINC, Service, and Agency
CSAR, Combat Search and Rescue ("seessar")
CSC- Closed Spacelike Curve (relativity),Compact system camera,Computer Sciences Corporation,Computer Security Centre,CSCC Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists
CSC- Closed Spacelike Curve (relativity),Compact system camera,Computer Sciences Corporation,Computer Security Centre,CSCC Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists
CSEAL,(i/a) Combat Systems Engineering and Analysis Laboratory ("see-seal")
CSERIAC, (U.S. DoD) Crew Systems Ergonomics Information Analysis Center
CSERIAC, (U.S. DoD) Crew Systems Ergonomics Information Analysis Center
CSG, Corps Support Group
CSG, Corps Support Group
CSI,see entry
CSI,see entry
@ -1001,13 +955,10 @@ CSR, Control Supply Rate
CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility [1]
CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility [1]
CSRC, Conflict Studies Research Centre
CSRC, Conflict Studies Research Centre
CSRF, Cross-Site Request Forgery
CSRF, Cross-Site Request Forgery
CSS- Cascading Style Sheets,Catalina Sky Survey,Central Security Service,Combat Service Support,Confederate States Ship,Content-scrambling system,Cross-site scripting
CSSCS, Combat Service Support Control System
CST, Central Standard Time (UTC−6 hours)
CST, Central Standard Time (UTC−6 hours)
CT, Computed tomography (medical scan also known as a CAT scan),Central Time zone,Chrono Trigger (Computer/Video games), Connecticut (postal symbol),Canterbury (postal symbol),Chhattisgarh (Indian state code)
CT, Computed tomography (medical scan also known as a CAT scan),Central Time zone,Chrono Trigger (Computer/Video games), Connecticut (postal symbol),Canterbury (postal symbol),Chhattisgarh (Indian state code)
CTA- Central African Republic (FIFA trigram, but not ISO 3166 or IOC), Chicago Transit Authority, Comando-Geral de Tecnologia Aerospacial (Portuguese, [Brazilian] "General Command for Aerospace Technology")
CTA- Central African Republic (FIFA trigram, but not ISO 3166 or IOC), Chicago Transit Authority, Comando-Geral de Tecnologia Aerospacial (Portuguese, [Brazilian] "General Command for Aerospace Technology")
CTBT, Comprehensive [Nuclear] Test Ban Treaty
CTBT, Comprehensive [Nuclear] Test Ban Treaty
CTC, Closed Timelike Curve (relativity),(U.S.) Combat Training Center
CTDB, Compact Terrain Data Base (file format)
CTDB, Compact Terrain Data Base (file format)
CTE- Canton and Enderbury Islands (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1984), Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
CTE- Canton and Enderbury Islands (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1984), Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
CTGF, connective tissue growth factor
CTGF, connective tissue growth factor
@ -1035,11 +986,8 @@ CuW, Copper-tungsten pseudo-alloy (from the chemical symbols of the two componen
CUW, Curaçao (ISO 3166 trigram)
CUW, Curaçao (ISO 3166 trigram)
cv, Chuvash language (ISO 639-1 code)
cv, Chuvash language (ISO 639-1 code)
CV,many, including curriculum vitae (résumé); see entry
CV,many, including curriculum vitae (résumé); see entry
CVCC- Combat Vehicle Command and Control,Compound Vortex Controlled Combustion (1970s Honda automobile engine technology)
CVE, Cape Verde escudo (ISO 4217 currency code)
CVE, Cape Verde escudo (ISO 4217 currency code)
CVI, Combat Vehicle Identification
CVLL, Crypto Variable Logic Label
CVLL, Crypto Variable Logic Label
CVR, Cockpit Voice Recorder,Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance
CVS, Concurrent Versions System
CVS, Concurrent Versions System
CVSD, Continuous Variable Slope Delta (modulation)
CVSD, Continuous Variable Slope Delta (modulation)
CVT, Continuously Variable Transmission
CVT, Continuously Variable Transmission
@ -1054,7 +1002,6 @@ CY, Calendar year, Cyprus (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
cym, Welsh language (ISO 639-2 code)
cym, Welsh language (ISO 639-2 code)
CYM, Cayman Islands (ISO 3166 trigram)
CYM, Cayman Islands (ISO 3166 trigram)
CYP, Cyprus (ISO 3166 trigram),Cyprus pound (ISO 4217 currency code)
CYP, Cyprus (ISO 3166 trigram),Cyprus pound (ISO 4217 currency code)
CZ, Combat Zone, Czech Republic (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
CZE, Czech Republic (ISO 3166 trigram)
CZE, Czech Republic (ISO 3166 trigram)
CZK, Czech koruna (ISO 4217 currency code)
CZK, Czech koruna (ISO 4217 currency code)
CZF, (Christian Zombie Fan)
CZF, (Christian Zombie Fan)
@ -1064,7 +1011,6 @@ D, Deuterium
da, Danish language (ISO 639-1 code),deca
da, Danish language (ISO 639-1 code),deca
DA, Denmark (FIPS 10-4 country code), Debtors Anonymous, U.S. Department of the Army,District Attorney
DA, Denmark (FIPS 10-4 country code), Debtors Anonymous, U.S. Department of the Army,District Attorney
DAB,Digital Audio Broadcasting
DAB,Digital Audio Broadcasting
DACT, Data Automated Communications Terminal,Dissimilar Air Combat Training
DADVSI, Loi sur le droit d’auteur et les droits voisins dans la société de l’information (French, "Law on copyrights and related rights in the information society")
DADVSI, Loi sur le droit d’auteur et les droits voisins dans la société de l’information (French, "Law on copyrights and related rights in the information society")
DAES, Defence Acquisition Executive Summary,(UK MoD) Directorate of Analysis, Experimentation and Simulation
DAES, Defence Acquisition Executive Summary,(UK MoD) Directorate of Analysis, Experimentation and Simulation
DAF, Dissolved Air Flotation, a technique used in water treatment
DAF, Dissolved Air Flotation, a technique used in water treatment
@ -1091,7 +1037,6 @@ DBCS, Double Byte Character Set
DBDO, Desert BDO
DBDO, Desert BDO
DBE, Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire
DBE, Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire
DBF, Detection By Fire (weapon launch signature)
DBF, Detection By Fire (weapon launch signature)
DBM, De Bellis Multitudinis (miniature wargaming rules),Detection By Movement (military target)
DBR, De Bellis Renationis (miniature wargaming rules)
DBR, De Bellis Renationis (miniature wargaming rules)
DBRA, Davis-Bacon Related Acts
DBRA, Davis-Bacon Related Acts
DBS, Direct Broadcast Services (television)
DBS, Direct Broadcast Services (television)
@ -1100,14 +1045,12 @@ DCA, Defensive Counter Air,Drum Corps Associates, DiChloroAcetate, Ronald Reagan
DCAA, (U.S.) Defense Contract Audit Agency
DCAA, (U.S.) Defense Contract Audit Agency
DCAS, Devon and Cornwall Archery Society
DCAS, Devon and Cornwall Archery Society
DCC, Dallas Christian College
DCC, Dallas Christian College
DCC, Digital Command Control (model railroading),Direct Client-to-Client (Internet Relay Chat),Dismounted Close Combat
DCCP, Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
DCCP, Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
DCD, [Organ] Donation after Cardiac Death
DCD, [Organ] Donation after Cardiac Death
DCE, Data Communication Equipment
DCE, Data Communication Equipment
DCFC, Death Cab for Cutie
DCFC, Death Cab for Cutie
DCI, Detection, Classification and Identification,Drum Corps International,Duellists' Convocation International, now known simply by the initials
DCI, Detection, Classification and Identification,Drum Corps International,Duellists' Convocation International, now known simply by the initials
DCIM, Digital Camera Images
DCIM, Digital Camera Images
DCIMS, Dental Classification Information Management System,Dismounted Combat Identification Marking System
DCL,Disney Cruise Line
DCL,Disney Cruise Line
DCOM,Disney Channel Original Movie
DCOM,Disney Channel Original Movie
@ -1131,7 +1074,6 @@ DEA, Drug Enforcement Administration
DEA, Drug Enforcement Agency
DEA, Drug Enforcement Agency
DEC,(a/i) Department of Environmental Conservation,Digital Equipment Corporation,Disasters Emergency Committee
DEC,(a/i) Department of Environmental Conservation,Digital Equipment Corporation,Disasters Emergency Committee
DeCA, (U.S.) Defense Commissary Agency
DeCA, (U.S.) Defense Commissary Agency
DECSIM, Model DEComposition and SIMulation algorithm,Directed Energy Combat SIMulation
DECT, Digital European Cordless Telephone
DECT, Digital European Cordless Telephone
DEFCON, Defence readiness condition
DEFCON, Defence readiness condition
DEFRA, (UK) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DEFRA, (UK) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
@ -1172,8 +1114,6 @@ DIA, U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency
DIAC, Department of Immigration and Citizenship (Australia) [1]
DIAC, Department of Immigration and Citizenship (Australia) [1]
DiC,Design Island Centre (computing usually used in a teaching situation)
DiC,Design Island Centre (computing usually used in a teaching situation)
DICASS, DIrectional Command Activated Sonobuoy System
DICASS, DIrectional Command Activated Sonobuoy System
DILLIGAD, Do I Look Like I Give A Damn? (military shorthand, slightly less offensive than the following)
DILLIGAF, Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck? (military shorthand)
DIF, Data Interchange Format
DIF, Data Interchange Format
DIFAR, DIrectional Frequency Analysis and Recording
DIFAR, DIrectional Frequency Analysis and Recording
DIME, Dense Inert Metal Explosive
DIME, Dense Inert Metal Explosive
@ -1254,7 +1194,6 @@ DOE,(i/a) U.S. Department of Energy
DOHC, Dual-OverHead-Cam engine
DOHC, Dual-OverHead-Cam engine
DOI, Digital Object Identifier,U.S. Department of the Interior
DOI, Digital Object Identifier,U.S. Department of the Interior
DOM, Deo optimo maximo (Latin, "to God, the best and greatest"), Document Object Model, Dominican Republic (ISO 3166 trigram)
DOM, Deo optimo maximo (Latin, "to God, the best and greatest"), Document Object Model, Dominican Republic (ISO 3166 trigram)
DOMS, (U.S.) Director of Military Support
DOP, Dominican peso (ISO 4217 currency code)
DOP, Dominican peso (ISO 4217 currency code)
DORA, Defence of the Realm Act
DORA, Defence of the Realm Act
DOS, Denial of Service (DoS, cf. DDoS),Density of State,Disk Operating System
DOS, Denial of Service (DoS, cf. DDoS),Density of State,Disk Operating System
@ -1311,7 +1250,6 @@ DSL, Digital Subscriber Line
DSLR, Digital single-lens reflex (camera)
DSLR, Digital single-lens reflex (camera)
DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
DSN, Deep Space Network
DSN, Deep Space Network
DSO, Distinguished Service Order (British military decoration)
dsp, decessit sine prole (Latin, "died without issue"),genealogy short-hand
dsp, decessit sine prole (Latin, "died without issue"),genealogy short-hand
dspl, decessit sine prole legitima (Latin, "died without legitimate issue")
dspl, decessit sine prole legitima (Latin, "died without legitimate issue")
dspm, decessit sine prole mascula [superstite] (Latin, "died without surviving male issue" )
dspm, decessit sine prole mascula [superstite] (Latin, "died without surviving male issue" )
@ -1360,7 +1298,6 @@ DVP,various meanings (disambiguation page)
dvp, decessit vita patris (Latin, "died in the lifetime of the father")
dvp, decessit vita patris (Latin, "died in the lifetime of the father")
dvu, decessit vita uxoris (Latin, "died in the lifetime of spouse")
dvu, decessit vita uxoris (Latin, "died in the lifetime of spouse")
DW, Drum Workshop
DW, Drum Workshop
DWG, Divisional Wargame (military simulation)
DWI, Dance With Intensity,Danish West Indies,Diffusion-weighted imaging,Direct water injection,Disaster Welfare Inquiry,Drinking Water Inspectorate,Driving While Intoxicated/Impaired
DWI, Dance With Intensity,Danish West Indies,Diffusion-weighted imaging,Direct water injection,Disaster Welfare Inquiry,Drinking Water Inspectorate,Driving While Intoxicated/Impaired
DWM, Doctor Who Magazine
DWM, Doctor Who Magazine
DWIM, Do What I Mean
DWIM, Do What I Mean
@ -1391,7 +1328,6 @@ EBO,(i/a) Effects Based Operations,Encyclopædia Britannica Online,European Boar
EBSA, Employee Benefits Security Administration
EBSA, Employee Benefits Security Administration
EBW, Electron Beam Welding
EBW, Electron Beam Welding
EBW, Exploding BridgeWire
EBW, Exploding BridgeWire
EC- Ecuador (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code), Electronic Combat,European Community (see EEC), Exacoulomb
ECB- England (and Wales) Cricket Board,European Central Bank
ECB- England (and Wales) Cricket Board,European Central Bank
ECBR, European Coalition for Biomedical Research
ECBR, European Coalition for Biomedical Research
ECASS, European Centre for Analysis in the Social Sciences [1]
ECASS, European Centre for Analysis in the Social Sciences [1]
@ -1414,7 +1350,6 @@ EDA, European Defence Agency
EDAC, Error Detection And Correction
EDAC, Error Detection And Correction
EDCS, Environmental Data Coding Specification
EDCS, Environmental Data Coding Specification
EDD- Earliest due date,Electron-detachment dissociation,Elena Delle Donne (American basketball player),Employment Development Department (California state agency),End-diastolic dimension,Expected Date of Delivery (pregnancy)
EDD- Earliest due date,Electron-detachment dissociation,Elena Delle Donne (American basketball player),Employment Development Department (California state agency),End-diastolic dimension,Expected Date of Delivery (pregnancy)
EDECSIM, Extended Directed Energy Combat Simulation
EDGAR, Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings database)
EDGAR, Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings database)
EDH, Eastman Dental Hospital
EDH, Eastman Dental Hospital
EDS- Electronic Data Systems,Electronic Differential System
EDS- Electronic Data Systems,Electronic Differential System
@ -1591,7 +1526,6 @@ ewe, Ewe language (ISO 639-2 code)
EWR, Newark Liberty International Airport (IATA airport code)
EWR, Newark Liberty International Airport (IATA airport code)
EWSD, Elektronisches Wählsystem Digital (German, "Electronic Digital Switching System")
EWSD, Elektronisches Wählsystem Digital (German, "Electronic Digital Switching System")
EWTN, Eternal Word Television Network
EWTN, Eternal Word Television Network
EXFOR, Experimental Force (military)
EXREP, Expeditious Repair (SM&R code)
EXREP, Expeditious Repair (SM&R code)
EYD-Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan (Indonesian, "Perfected Spelling System", used officially in Indonesia since 1972),Eurovision Young Dancers,EZ[edit]
EYD-Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan (Indonesian, "Perfected Spelling System", used officially in Indonesia since 1972),Eurovision Young Dancers,EZ[edit]
EZ, Czech Republic (FIPS 10-4 country code), Extraction Zone
EZ, Czech Republic (FIPS 10-4 country code), Extraction Zone
@ -1628,7 +1562,6 @@ FAPA,Fellow of the American Psychological Association
FAPHA,Fellow of the American Public Health Association
FAPHA,Fellow of the American Public Health Association
FAQ,(a/i) Frequently Asked Questions (sometimes pronounced "fak")
FAQ,(a/i) Frequently Asked Questions (sometimes pronounced "fak")
FARC, Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Spanish, "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia")
FARC, Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Spanish, "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia")
FARDC, "Military of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
FARP, Forward Arming and Refuelling Point / Forward Area Rearm/refuel Point
FARP, Forward Arming and Refuelling Point / Forward Area Rearm/refuel Point
fas, Persian language (ISO 639-2 code)
fas, Persian language (ISO 639-2 code)
FAS, Federation of American Scientists,Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
FAS, Federation of American Scientists,Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
@ -1648,16 +1581,13 @@ FBR- Fast Breeder Reactor,Foundation for Biomedical Research,Friedman, Billings,
FBS-Federal Bureau of Statistics (Pakistan),Fetal bovine serum,Football Bowl Subdivision (U.S. college football),Fukuoka Broadcasting Corporation,FC[edit]
FBS-Federal Bureau of Statistics (Pakistan),Fetal bovine serum,Football Bowl Subdivision (U.S. college football),Fukuoka Broadcasting Corporation,FC[edit]
fC, Femtocoulomb
fC, Femtocoulomb
FC- Fire Control,Football Club, Funnel Cloud (METAR Code)
FC- Fire Control,Football Club, Funnel Cloud (METAR Code)
FCA- Fellowship of Christian Athletes,Fiat Chrysler Automobiles,Fraction of Combat Active forces
FCC, U.S. Federal Communications Commission
FCC, U.S. Federal Communications Commission
FCE, First Certificate in English
FCE, First Certificate in English
FCF, Financial Free Cash Flow
FCF, Financial Free Cash Flow
FCLA,Fraud Claims Law Associate
FCLA,Fraud Claims Law Associate
FCM- Federation of Canadian Municipalities,Fogarty's Cove Music
FCM- Federation of Canadian Municipalities,Fogarty's Cove Music
FCO, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FCO, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FCS- Football Championship Subdivision (U.S. college football),Future Combat System
FCW, Florida Championship Wrestling
FCW, Florida Championship Wrestling
FCZ, Forward Combat Zone
FD, Falun Dafa
FD, Falun Dafa
FDA, Food and Drug Administration (U.S.)
FDA, Food and Drug Administration (U.S.)
FDC, Federal Detention Center (U.S.),Fire Direction Centre
FDC, Federal Detention Center (U.S.),Fire Direction Centre
@ -1782,14 +1712,12 @@ FMJD, Fédération Mondiale du Jeu de Dames[2]
FMLA, Family Medical Leave Act
FMLA, Family Medical Leave Act
Fmr,Former (As in "Fmr. president")
Fmr,Former (As in "Fmr. president")
fMRI, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
fMRI, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
FMS- Federal Magistrates Service (an Australian federal court, now FMC), Flight Management System,Foreign Military Sales
FMSF, False Memory Syndrome Foundation
FMSF, False Memory Syndrome Foundation
FMTV, Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles
FMTV, Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles
FMCG, (Fast Moving Consumer Goods)
FMCG, (Fast Moving Consumer Goods)
fN, Femtonewton
fN, Femtonewton
FNA, Functional Needs Analysis
FNA, Functional Needs Analysis
fo, Faroese language (ISO 639-1 code)
fo, Faroese language (ISO 639-1 code)
FO, Faroe Islands (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 territory code), Force Operations (military),Forward Observer,Frame Optional (military symbology)
FOAD, Fuck Off And Die
FOAD, Fuck Off And Die
FOAF, Friend Of A friend
FOAF, Friend Of A friend
FoB, Free On Board (shipping)
FoB, Free On Board (shipping)
@ -1825,7 +1753,6 @@ Fr, Francium
FR, France (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram)
FR, France (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram)
fra, French language (ISO 639-2 code)
fra, French language (ISO 639-2 code)
FRA- Federal Railroad Administration, France (ISO 3166 trigram)
FRA- Federal Railroad Administration, France (ISO 3166 trigram)
FRAGO, Fragmentary Order (military)
FRAND, Fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (concept in standards-setting and intellectual property law)
FRAND, Fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (concept in standards-setting and intellectual property law)
FRCP- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
FRCP- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
@ -1838,7 +1765,6 @@ fry, West Frisian language (ISO 639-2 code)
FRY, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
FRY, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
fs, Femtosecond
fs, Femtosecond
fS, Femtosiemens
fS, Femtosiemens
FS- Fire Support (military), French Southern and Antarctic Territories (FIPS 10-4 territory code)
FSA- Fire Support Area,UK Food Standards Agency,Functional Solution Analysis
FSA- Fire Support Area,UK Food Standards Agency,Functional Solution Analysis
FSB- Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti Rossiyskoi Federatsii (Федера́льная слу́жба безопа́сности Росси́йской Федера́ции, Russian "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation", succeeded the FSK in 1995),Forward Support Battalion
FSB- Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti Rossiyskoi Federatsii (Федера́льная слу́жба безопа́сности Росси́йской Федера́ции, Russian "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation", succeeded the FSK in 1995),Forward Support Battalion
FSC- Federal Supply Classification, Forest Stewardship Council (ecological pressure group
FSC- Federal Supply Classification, Forest Stewardship Council (ecological pressure group
@ -1899,7 +1825,6 @@ G5, Generation Five PowerPC microprocessor, Assistant Chief-of-Staff, Public Aff
G6, Assistant Chief-of-Staff, Information Technology, Group of 6 (France, Germany, United States, Japan, United Kingdom, Italy) (1975)
G6, Assistant Chief-of-Staff, Information Technology, Group of 6 (France, Germany, United States, Japan, United Kingdom, Italy) (1975)
G7, Assistant Chief-of-Staff, Training, Group of 7 (G6 + Canada) (1976)
G7, Assistant Chief-of-Staff, Training, Group of 7 (G6 + Canada) (1976)
G8, Assistant Chief-of-Staff, Finance, Group of 8 (G7 + Russia) (1998)
G8, Assistant Chief-of-Staff, Finance, Group of 8 (G7 + Russia) (1998)
G9, Assistant Chief-of-Staff, Civil-Military Co-operation (CIMIC)
G10, Group of 10 (G7 + Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland; numbering 11 in fact)
G10, Group of 10 (G7 + Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland; numbering 11 in fact)
G15, Group of 15 (subset of G77, formed 1989: Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Nigeria, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Venezuela and Zimbabwe; currently numbers 17)
G15, Group of 15 (subset of G77, formed 1989: Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Nigeria, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Venezuela and Zimbabwe; currently numbers 17)
G20, Group of 20 (G8 + Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey + current European Union presiding country) (1999)
G20, Group of 20 (G8 + Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey + current European Union presiding country) (1999)
@ -2308,11 +2233,9 @@ HU, Hungary (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code)
HUD,(i/a) Head-Up Display,Housing and Urban Development
HUD,(i/a) Head-Up Display,Housing and Urban Development
HUF, Hungarian forint (ISO 4217 currency code)
HUF, Hungarian forint (ISO 4217 currency code)
HUHA, Head up his/her ass (Marine salute; probably a backcronym)
HUHA, Head up his/her ass (Marine salute; probably a backcronym)
HUMINT, Human Intelligence (military parlance)
hun, Hungarian language (ISO 639-2 code)
hun, Hungarian language (ISO 639-2 code)
HUN, Hungary (ISO 3166 trigram)
HUN, Hungary (ISO 3166 trigram)
HURD, Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons (cf. Hird)
HURD, Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons (cf. Hird)
HVU, High Value Unit (military)
HV, Upper Volta (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1984)
HV, Upper Volta (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1984)
HVAC, Heating, ventilation and air conditioning Used in architecture, business and marketing; refers to a building's entire system of heating, moving, or cooling air.
HVAC, Heating, ventilation and air conditioning Used in architecture, business and marketing; refers to a building's entire system of heating, moving, or cooling air.
HVAP, High Velocity Armour Piercing (ammunition)
HVAP, High Velocity Armour Piercing (ammunition)
@ -2539,7 +2462,6 @@ iq, idem quod (Latin, "the same as")
IQ, Intelligence Quotient, Iraq (ISO 3166 digram)
IQ, Intelligence Quotient, Iraq (ISO 3166 digram)
IQD, Iraqi dinar (ISO 4217 currency code)
IQD, Iraqi dinar (ISO 4217 currency code)
Ir, Iridium
Ir, Iridium
IR, Infrared,Intelligence requirement (military), Iran (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Iran Air (IATA alpha code) see entry for more
IRA, Individual Retirement Account,Irish Republican Army (see also List of organisations known as the Irish Republican Army for groups claiming descent from this organisation)
IRA, Individual Retirement Account,Irish Republican Army (see also List of organisations known as the Irish Republican Army for groups claiming descent from this organisation)
IRAD, Internal Research and Development
IRAD, Internal Research and Development
IRAN,(I) Inspect and Repair As Necessary
IRAN,(I) Inspect and Repair As Necessary
@ -2648,11 +2570,9 @@ J5, Joint Strategic Plans & Policy Directorate
J6, Joint Information Technology Directorate (Command, Control, Communications & Computer Systems)
J6, Joint Information Technology Directorate (Command, Control, Communications & Computer Systems)
J7, Joint Operational Plans & Interoperability Directorate
J7, Joint Operational Plans & Interoperability Directorate
J8, Joint Force Structure, Resources, & Assessment Directorate
J8, Joint Force Structure, Resources, & Assessment Directorate
J9, Joint Public Affairs Directorate (Civilian-Military Cooperation)
ja, Japanese language (ISO 639-1 code)
ja, Japanese language (ISO 639-1 code)
JA, Japan (FIPS 10-4 country code)
JA, Japan (FIPS 10-4 country code)
JAFT, Just A Field Test
JAFT, Just A Field Test
JAG, Judge Advocate General Corps (military law)
JAL, Japan Airlines
JAL, Japan Airlines
JALLC, Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (NATO)
JALLC, Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (NATO)
JAM, Jamaica (ISO 3166 trigram)
JAM, Jamaica (ISO 3166 trigram)
@ -2668,9 +2588,7 @@ JCATS, Joint Conflict And Tactical Simulation ("djay-catts")
JCDB, Joint Common Data Base
JCDB, Joint Common Data Base
JCDS, Joint Chiefs of the Defence Staff
JCDS, Joint Chiefs of the Defence Staff
JCIDS, Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System
JCIDS, Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System
JCIET, Joint Combat Identification Evaluation Team
JCL, Job Control Language
JCL, Job Control Language
JCMOTF, Joint Civil-Military Operations Task Force
JCP, Java Community Process
JCP, Java Community Process
JCPM, Java Child Process Manager,Jesus Christ Prison Ministry
JCPM, Java Child Process Manager,Jesus Christ Prison Ministry
JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
@ -2908,7 +2826,6 @@ kV, Kilovolt
KV, Kosovo
KV, Kosovo
KV, Kavminvodyavia (IATA airline designator), Kendriya Vidhyalaya (Indian school),Kliment Voroshilov (tanks),Köchel-Verzeichnis (Mozart catalogue),Valley of the Kings (originally "Kings' Valley")
KV, Kavminvodyavia (IATA airline designator), Kendriya Vidhyalaya (Indian school),Kliment Voroshilov (tanks),Köchel-Verzeichnis (Mozart catalogue),Valley of the Kings (originally "Kings' Valley")
KVM, Keyboard, Video, Mouse switch
KVM, Keyboard, Video, Mouse switch
KVT, Killer-Victim Table (military simulations)
kw, Cornish language (ISO 639-1 code)
kw, Cornish language (ISO 639-1 code)
kW, Kilowatt
kW, Kilowatt
KW, Kuwait (ISO 3166 digram)
KW, Kuwait (ISO 3166 digram)
@ -2922,7 +2839,6 @@ KYD, Cayman Islands dollar (ISO 4217 currency code)
KZ, Kazakhstan (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram)
KZ, Kazakhstan (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram)
KZN, KwaZulu-Natal
KZN, KwaZulu-Natal
KZT, Kazakh tenge (ISO 4217 currency code)
KZT, Kazakh tenge (ISO 4217 currency code)
L, Fifty (in Roman numerals), Label,Lap,Large,Laser (US military aircraft basic mission designation),Latin,Left, Litre, Low (transmissions)
la, Latin language (ISO 639-1 code)
la, Latin language (ISO 639-1 code)
La, Lanthanum
La, Lanthanum
LA- Laos (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Louisiana (postal symbol), Los Angeles
LA- Laos (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Louisiana (postal symbol), Los Angeles
@ -3156,8 +3072,6 @@ Ma, Megaannum
MA- Madagascar (FIPS 10-4 country code), Marijuana Anonymous, Master of Arts,Massachusetts (postal symbol),Megaampere,Morocco (ISO 3166 digram)
MA- Madagascar (FIPS 10-4 country code), Marijuana Anonymous, Master of Arts,Massachusetts (postal symbol),Megaampere,Morocco (ISO 3166 digram)
MAA, Mathematical Association of America
MAA, Mathematical Association of America
MAAC, Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference
MAAC, Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference
MAC- Macau (ISO 3166 trigram), U.S. Military Airlift Command (1966-1992),Mid-American Conference
MACA, Military Aid to the Civil Authorities
MACE, Multi-Agent Computing Environment
MACE, Multi-Agent Computing Environment
MACHO, MAssive Compact Halo Object
MACHO, MAssive Compact Halo Object
MAD- Magnetic Anomaly Detector, Moroccan dirham (ISO 4217 currency code), Mutual Assured Destruction
MAD- Magnetic Anomaly Detector, Moroccan dirham (ISO 4217 currency code), Mutual Assured Destruction
@ -3184,13 +3098,11 @@ MARC- MAchine able Cataloging (often also defined as MAchine able Code),Mailing
MARCENT, United States Marine Forces Central Command
MARCENT, United States Marine Forces Central Command
MARFORCC, Marine Force Component Commander
MARFORCC, Marine Force Component Commander
MARRS, Martyn Young, Alex Ayuli, Rudy Tambala, Russell Smith, and Steve Young (British electronic music act)
MARRS, Martyn Young, Alex Ayuli, Rudy Tambala, Russell Smith, and Steve Young (British electronic music act)
MAS, NATO Military Agency for Standardization
MASAS, Monte Agliale Supernovae and Asteroid Survey
MASAS, Monte Agliale Supernovae and Asteroid Survey
Maser, Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Maser, Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
MASH, Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
MASH, Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
MASINT, Measurement And Signature Intelligence
MASINT, Measurement And Signature Intelligence
MATREX, Modeling Architecture for Technology, Research & EXperimentation
MATREX, Modeling Architecture for Technology, Research & EXperimentation
MATS, U.S. Military Air Transport Service (1948-1966)
MAVS,(a/i) Mobile Artillery Vehicle System
MAVS,(a/i) Mobile Artillery Vehicle System
MAW, Malawi (IOC trigram, but not FIFA or ISO 3166)
MAW, Malawi (IOC trigram, but not FIFA or ISO 3166)
MAX, Meta-reasoning Architecture for "X"
MAX, Meta-reasoning Architecture for "X"
@ -3208,7 +3120,6 @@ MBT, Main Battle Tank
MBTA, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority,Migratory Bird Treaty Act (U.S.)
MBTA, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority,Migratory Bird Treaty Act (U.S.)
MBTI, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
MBTI, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
mC, Millicoulomb
mC, Millicoulomb
MC- Macau (FIPS 10-4 territory code), Master of Ceremonies, Megacoulomb, Military Cross (bravery award), Monaco (ISO 3166 digram), Mortar Carrier, Eleven Hundred (in Roman numerals)
MCA- Master of Computer Applications,Micro Channel Architecture,MultiChannel Analyzer,Music Corporation of America, the original name of the now-defunct MCA Inc.
MCA- Master of Computer Applications,Micro Channel Architecture,MultiChannel Analyzer,Music Corporation of America, the original name of the now-defunct MCA Inc.
MCC- Marylebone Cricket Club,Mission Control Center,Motor Control Center,Movement Control Centre
MCC- Marylebone Cricket Club,Mission Control Center,Motor Control Center,Movement Control Centre
MCD- Minimal Cerebral Dysfunction,Minor civil division (U.S. Census term)
MCD- Minimal Cerebral Dysfunction,Minor civil division (U.S. Census term)
@ -3220,7 +3131,6 @@ MCIS, Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
MCM, Mine Counter-Measures
MCM, Mine Counter-Measures
MCMV, Mine Counter-Measure Vessel
MCMV, Mine Counter-Measure Vessel
MCNC- Microelectronics Center of North Carolina, Mixing Condensation Nucleus Counter
MCNC- Microelectronics Center of North Carolina, Mixing Condensation Nucleus Counter
MCO- Major Combat Operation, Monaco (ISO 3166 trigram), Movement Control Officer
MCP- Maintenance Collection Point,Male Chauvinist Pig
MCP- Maintenance Collection Point,Male Chauvinist Pig
MCR, My Chemical Romance
MCR, My Chemical Romance
MCSF, Marine Corps Security Forces
MCSF, Marine Corps Security Forces
@ -3228,7 +3138,6 @@ MCT, Movement Control Team
MCTIS, Mounted Co-operative Target Identification System
MCTIS, Mounted Co-operative Target Identification System
MCU- Marine Corps University,Marvel Cinematic Universe,Medium close-up (camera direction in British TV scripts), Microcontroller unit, Milk clotting units,Ming Chuan University,Minimum coded unit (digital imaging),Multipoint control unit,Municipal Credit Union (New York),MD[edit]
MCU- Marine Corps University,Marvel Cinematic Universe,Medium close-up (camera direction in British TV scripts), Microcontroller unit, Milk clotting units,Ming Chuan University,Minimum coded unit (digital imaging),Multipoint control unit,Municipal Credit Union (New York),MD[edit]
Md, Mendelevium
Md, Mendelevium
MD- Fifteen Hundred (in Roman numerals),Maryland (postal symbol), Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Medicine/Medical Doctor),Mentioned in Dispatches (military), Moldova (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram)
MDA- Main Defensive Action/Area, Moldova (ISO 3166 trigram),Muscular Dystrophy Association
MDA- Main Defensive Action/Area, Moldova (ISO 3166 trigram),Muscular Dystrophy Association
MDF- Main distribution frame,Medium-density fiberboard
MDF- Main distribution frame,Medium-density fiberboard
MDG- Madagascar (ISO 3166 trigram), UN Millennium Development Goal
MDG- Madagascar (ISO 3166 trigram), UN Millennium Development Goal
@ -3240,7 +3149,6 @@ MDO, Membership Driven Organisation
MDP, Markov Decision Process
MDP, Markov Decision Process
MDT, Mountain Daylight Time (UTC-6 hours)
MDT, Mountain Daylight Time (UTC-6 hours)
MDV, Maldives (ISO 3166 trigram)
MDV, Maldives (ISO 3166 trigram)
MDW- Chicago Midway International Airport in Chicago (IATA airport code), Military District of Washington, Minnesota, Dakota and Western Railway (AAR reporting mark),ME[edit]
Me, Messerschmitt
Me, Messerschmitt
ME, Maine (postal symbol), Mechanical engineer[ing],Medical examiner,Middle East, Middle East Airlines (IATA code), Memory Effect,Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
ME, Maine (postal symbol), Mechanical engineer[ing],Medical examiner,Middle East, Middle East Airlines (IATA code), Memory Effect,Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
MEA, Maine Educational Assessment,Middle East Airlines,Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,Minimum en route altitude,Mono-ethanol Amine,Multilateral Environmental Agreement
MEA, Maine Educational Assessment,Middle East Airlines,Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,Minimum en route altitude,Mono-ethanol Amine,Multilateral Environmental Agreement
@ -3301,35 +3209,26 @@ MHWS, Mean High Water Springs (nautical charts)
MHz, Megahertz
MHz, Megahertz
mi, Māori language (ISO 639-1 code)
mi, Māori language (ISO 639-1 code)
Mi, Mebi
Mi, Mebi
MI- Malawi (FIPS 10-4 country code),Michigan (postal symbol),Midway Islands (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1986), Military Intelligence
MIA, Missing In Action
MIA, Missing In Action
MIAA- Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association,Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association,Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association,Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association
MIAA- Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association,Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association,Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association,Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association
MIB- Men In Black,Mint In Box (Internet auction/trading listings)
MIB- Men In Black,Mint In Box (Internet auction/trading listings)
MIC, Military Industrial Complex
MICLIC, Mine Clearing Line Charge
MICLIC, Mine Clearing Line Charge
MICOM, Missile Command
MICOM, Missile Command
MICV, Mechanised Infantry Combat Vehicle
MID, Midway Islands (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1986)
MID, Midway Islands (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1986)
MIDI, Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIDI, Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIDAS, Man-machine Integration Design and Analysis System
MIDAS, Man-machine Integration Design and Analysis System
MIDS, Multi-Function Information Distribution System
MIDS, Multi-Function Information Distribution System
MIFC, Military Industrial Financial Complex
MIFG, Shallow Fog (METAR Code)
MIFG, Shallow Fog (METAR Code)
MIFPC, Military Industrial Financial Pharmaceutical Complex
MIKE, Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants
MIKE, Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants
MIL, Man-In-the-Loop
MIL, Man-In-the-Loop
MILAN, Missile d´infanterie léger antichar (French, "Anti-Tank Light Infantry Missile")
MILAN, Missile d´infanterie léger antichar (French, "Anti-Tank Light Infantry Missile")
MILC, Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera
MILC, Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera
MILES, Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (live combat simulation)
MILF- Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Mother I'd Like to Fuck
MILF- Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Mother I'd Like to Fuck
MILSATCOM, Military Satellite Communications
MILSET, Mouvement International pour le Loisir Scientifique Et Technique (French, "International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology")
MILSET, Mouvement International pour le Loisir Scientifique Et Technique (French, "International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology")
MILSTRIP, Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure DLMSO MILSTRIP Manual
MIMAROPA, Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, Palawan (a region in the Philippines)
MIMAROPA, Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, Palawan (a region in the Philippines)
MIMOSA, MIcroMeasurements Of Satellite Acceleration
MIMOSA, MIcroMeasurements Of Satellite Acceleration
MIMPT, Member of the Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists
MIMPT, Member of the Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists
MIP- Multilateral Interoperability Programme,Multiple Identity Poster
MIP- Multilateral Interoperability Programme,Multiple Identity Poster
MIPC, Military Industrial Pharmaceutical Complex
MIRA, MILAN Infra-Red Acquisition (thermal sight)
MIRA, MILAN Infra-Red Acquisition (thermal sight)
MIRV, Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle
MIRV, Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle
MIS- Management Information Systems,Museum Information System
MIS- Management Information Systems,Museum Information System
@ -3341,17 +3240,14 @@ MITS,see entry
mJ, Millijoule
mJ, Millijoule
MJ- Megajoule, Michael Jordan
MJ- Megajoule, Michael Jordan
MJD, Modified Julian Day
MJD, Modified Julian Day
MJP, Military Judgement Panel
mk, Macedonian language (ISO 639-1 code)
mk, Macedonian language (ISO 639-1 code)
mK, Millikelvin
mK, Millikelvin
MK- Air Mauritius (IATA code),Macedonia (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code), Mandalskameratene (Norwegian football club), Megakelvin, Milton Keynes,Missionary Kids,Mortal Kombat (1992 video game),Mortal Kombat (2011 video game)
mkd, Macedonian language (ISO 639-2 code)
mkd, Macedonian language (ISO 639-2 code)
MKD- Macedonian denar (ISO 4217 currency code),Republic of Macedonia (ISO 3166 trigram)
MKD- Macedonian denar (ISO 4217 currency code),Republic of Macedonia (ISO 3166 trigram)
MKG, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist (American basketball player)
MKG, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist (American basketball player)
MKO, Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (Persian, "People's Mujahedin of Iran")
MKO, Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (Persian, "People's Mujahedin of Iran")
MKS- Metre-Kilogram-Second (system of units), MKS Inc. software company
MKS- Metre-Kilogram-Second (system of units), MKS Inc. software company
MKSA, Metre-Kilogram-Second-Ampere (system of units)
MKSA, Metre-Kilogram-Second-Ampere (system of units)
MKT- Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad (1865-1989),Mortal Kombat Trilogy,ML[edit]
ml, Malayalam language (ISO 639-1 code)
ml, Malayalam language (ISO 639-1 code)
mL, Millilitre
mL, Millilitre
ML- Mali (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram), Maximum Likelihood, Megalitre
ML- Mali (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram), Maximum Likelihood, Megalitre
@ -3378,7 +3274,6 @@ MLWN, Mean Low Water Neaps (nautical charts)
MLWS, Mean Low Water Springs (nautical charts)
MLWS, Mean Low Water Springs (nautical charts)
mm, Millimetre
mm, Millimetre
Mm, Megametre
Mm, Megametre
MM, Military Medal, Myanmar (ISO 3166 digram),Two Thousand (in Roman numerals)
MMA, Mixed martial arts,Moving Mechanical Assembly
MMA, Mixed martial arts,Moving Mechanical Assembly
MMC, Machinist's Mate, Chief (USN rating), Materiel Management Centre
MMC, Machinist's Mate, Chief (USN rating), Materiel Management Centre
MMCM, Machinist's Mate, Master Chief (USN rating), Magnetic Mine Counter Measure
MMCM, Machinist's Mate, Master Chief (USN rating), Magnetic Mine Counter Measure
@ -3422,7 +3317,6 @@ MoD, Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom) and various other countries
MOD, Magneto-optical disc,Masters of Deception,Minimum Object Distance,Multiple Organ Dysfunction
MOD, Magneto-optical disc,Masters of Deception,Minimum Object Distance,Multiple Organ Dysfunction
MoDAF, Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework ("moh-daff")
MoDAF, Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework ("moh-daff")
modem, Modulator-Demodulator
modem, Modulator-Demodulator
ModSAF, Modular Semi-Automated Forces (military simulation)
Moe, Marvel of entertainment
Moe, Marvel of entertainment
MOE, Measure Of Effectiveness
MOE, Measure Of Effectiveness
MOF,(a/i) Ministry of Finance (Japan)
MOF,(a/i) Ministry of Finance (Japan)
@ -3439,13 +3333,10 @@ MoMA, Museum of Modern Art (NYC)
mon, Mongolian language (ISO 639-2 code)
mon, Mongolian language (ISO 639-2 code)
MOND, Modified Newtonian Dynamics
MOND, Modified Newtonian Dynamics
MOO, Measure Of Outcome
MOO, Measure Of Outcome
MOOTW, Military Operations Other Than War ("moot-double-you")
MOP, Macau pataca (ISO 4217 currency code), Measure Of Performance
MOP, Macau pataca (ISO 4217 currency code), Measure Of Performance
MOPE, Ministry of Population and Environment (Nepal),Most Oppressed People Ever (politics)
MOPE, Ministry of Population and Environment (Nepal),Most Oppressed People Ever (politics)
MOPP,(i/a) Mission-Oriented Protective Posture
MOPP,(i/a) Mission-Oriented Protective Posture
MORP, Meteorite Observation and Recovery Project
MORP, Meteorite Observation and Recovery Project
MORS, Military Operations Research Society
MOS, Military Occupational Specialty, Mit Out Sound / Motor Only Sync, Mobile Object System,Model Output Statistics,Multiplayer Online Services, Mean Opinion Score
MOSFET, Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
MOSFET, Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
MOSS, MObile Submarine Simulator, Moving Object Support System
MOSS, MObile Submarine Simulator, Moving Object Support System
MOT, Ministry of Transport (UK)
MOT, Ministry of Transport (UK)
@ -3453,17 +3344,14 @@ MOTA, Member of the Orthodontic Technicians Association
MOTESS, Moving Object and Transient Event Search System
MOTESS, Moving Object and Transient Event Search System
MOTO, Mail Order / Telephone Order,Master of the obvious
MOTO, Mail Order / Telephone Order,Master of the obvious
MOU, Memorandum Of Understanding
MOU, Memorandum Of Understanding
MOUT, Military Operations in Urban[ized] Terrain
MOVES, Modeling, Virtual Environments, and Simulation Institute
MOVES, Modeling, Virtual Environments, and Simulation Institute
MOW, Maintenance of way (also MW)
MOW, Maintenance of way (also MW)
MOZ, Mozambique (ISO 3166 trigram)
MOZ, Mozambique (ISO 3166 trigram)
MP, Magic points, Mauritius (FIPS 10-4 country code), Member of Parliament,Military Police,Missouri Pacific, Northern Mariana Islands (postal symbol; ISO 3166 digram)
mPa, Millipascal
mPa, Millipascal
MPa, Megapascal
MPa, Megapascal
MPA, Maritime Patrol Aircraft,Master of Public Administration
MPA, Maritime Patrol Aircraft,Master of Public Administration
MPAA, Motion Picture Association of America
MPAA, Motion Picture Association of America
MPC, Minor Planet Center,Minor Planet Circular
MPC, Minor Planet Center,Minor Planet Circular
MPC, Military Payment Certificate
MPEC, Minor Planet Electronic Circular
MPEC, Minor Planet Electronic Circular
MPEG, Motion Pictures (Coding) Experts Group
MPEG, Motion Pictures (Coding) Experts Group
MPEV, Multi-Purpose Engineering Vehicle
MPEV, Multi-Purpose Engineering Vehicle
@ -3481,7 +3369,6 @@ MRAV, Multi-Role Armoured Vehicle
MRBM, Medium Range Ballistic Missile
MRBM, Medium Range Ballistic Missile
MRC, Maintenance Requirements Card
MRC, Maintenance Requirements Card
MRD, Motorized Rifle Division
MRD, Motorized Rifle Division
MRE, Meal y to Eat (U.S. military rations)
MRGO, Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal (also referred to as MR-GO or "Mr. Go")
MRGO, Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal (also referred to as MR-GO or "Mr. Go")
MRGW, Medium-Range Guided Weapon
MRGW, Medium-Range Guided Weapon
mri, Māori language (ISO 639-2 code)
mri, Māori language (ISO 639-2 code)
@ -3502,8 +3389,6 @@ msa, Malay language (ISO 639-2 code)
MSB- Main Support Battalion,Most Significant Bit (or Byte)
MSB- Main Support Battalion,Most Significant Bit (or Byte)
MSD, Minimum Safe Distance
MSD, Minimum Safe Distance
MSDB, Multi Source Data Base
MSDB, Multi Source Data Base
MSDE- Maryland State Department of Education, Microsoft Data[base] Engine,Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine, Military Scenario Development Environment,Mission Simulation Dynamic Engine
MSDL, Military Scenario Definition Language
MSE, Multiple Subscriber Element
MSE, Multiple Subscriber Element
MSEC, Message Security Encryption Code ("emm-sec")
MSEC, Message Security Encryption Code ("emm-sec")
MSG- MonoSodium Glutamate,Madison Square Garden (either the 1879, 1890, 1925, or current versions of the venue)
MSG- MonoSodium Glutamate,Madison Square Garden (either the 1879, 1890, 1925, or current versions of the venue)
@ -3525,7 +3410,6 @@ MSU- Michigan State University,Montana State University,Mountain State Universit
mt, Maltese language (ISO 639-1 code)
mt, Maltese language (ISO 639-1 code)
mT, Millitesla
mT, Millitesla
Mt, Meitnerium
Mt, Meitnerium
MT- Malta (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Megatesla,Montana (postal symbol), Motor Transport (military)
MTA- Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Boston) (now Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority),Metropolitan Transportation Authority (New York)
MTA- Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Boston) (now Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority),Metropolitan Transportation Authority (New York)
MTBF, Mean time between failures
MTBF, Mean time between failures
MtF, Male-to-female transsexual
MtF, Male-to-female transsexual
@ -3535,7 +3419,6 @@ MTL- Maltese lira (ISO 4217 currency code), Mean Tide Level (nautical charts)* M
MTOE, Modified Table of Organization and Equipment ("emm-toe")
MTOE, Modified Table of Organization and Equipment ("emm-toe")
MTP- Maritime Tactical Publication,Materiel Transfer Plan,Mission Training Plan
MTP- Maritime Tactical Publication,Materiel Transfer Plan,Mission Training Plan
MTQ, Martinique (ISO 3166 trigram)
MTQ, Martinique (ISO 3166 trigram)
MTR- Main and Tail Rotor (helicopter type),Mass Transit Railway (Hong Kong metro system),Military-Technological Revolution
MTS- Maintenance Training System,Manitoba Telecom Services,Michigan Terminal/Timesharing System,Movement Tracking System,Multichannel television sound,Multi-Technical Services
MTS- Maintenance Training System,Manitoba Telecom Services,Michigan Terminal/Timesharing System,Movement Tracking System,Multichannel television sound,Multi-Technical Services
MTT, Methylthiazol tetrazolium (assay)
MTT, Methylthiazol tetrazolium (assay)
MTU, Tankovei Mostoukladchik (Russian Танковый Мостоукладчик, "Tank Bridge-Layer") †
MTU, Tankovei Mostoukladchik (Russian Танковый Мостоукладчик, "Tank Bridge-Layer") †
@ -3543,7 +3426,6 @@ MTV- MainosTeleVisio (Finnish commercial TV company),Music TeleVision
MTVL, Mobile Tracked Vehicle, Light
MTVL, Mobile Tracked Vehicle, Light
MTWS, MAGTF Tactical Warfare System
MTWS, MAGTF Tactical Warfare System
MU, Mauritius (ISO 3166 digram),Oman (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Muscat)
MU, Mauritius (ISO 3166 digram),Oman (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Muscat)
MUA, Meritorious Unit Award,Military Utility Assessment
MUR, Mauritius rupee (ISO 4217 currency code)
MUR, Mauritius rupee (ISO 4217 currency code)
MUS, Mauritius (ISO 3166 trigram)
MUS, Mauritius (ISO 3166 trigram)
mV, Millivolt
mV, Millivolt
@ -3704,7 +3586,6 @@ NED, Netherlands (IOC and FIFA trigram, but not ISO 3166)
NECTEC, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (Thailand)
NECTEC, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (Thailand)
NEI, National Eye Institute,Not Enough Information,Nuclear Energy Institute
NEI, National Eye Institute,Not Enough Information,Nuclear Energy Institute
NEMS, National Energy Modeling System (USDOE-EIA)
NEMS, National Energy Modeling System (USDOE-EIA)
NEO- Near-Earth Object,Non-combatant Evacuation Operations
nep, Nepali language (ISO 639-2 code)
nep, Nepali language (ISO 639-2 code)
NEPA, National Environmental Policy Act
NEPA, National Environmental Policy Act
NER, Niger (ISO 3166 trigram)
NER, Niger (ISO 3166 trigram)
@ -3969,7 +3850,6 @@ OAU, Organization for African Unity
ob, obiit (Latin, " he died")
ob, obiit (Latin, " he died")
OB, Obedience,Obligation,Obligatory,Obsolete,Obstetrics, Ocean Beach (California),Off Break (cricket),Old Bryanstonian,Order of Battle,Outlet Box (electrical), Overbought (stock market), Oversight Board
OB, Obedience,Obligation,Obligatory,Obsolete,Obstetrics, Ocean Beach (California),Off Break (cricket),Old Bryanstonian,Order of Battle,Outlet Box (electrical), Overbought (stock market), Oversight Board
OBE, Officer of the Order of the British Empire
OBE, Officer of the Order of the British Empire
OBJ, Objective (military parlance)
OBS, Observation/Observer,Obsolete,Obstacle, Off Balance Sheet,Optical Burst Switching (IEEE),Organic Brain Syndrome,Organization(al) Breakdown Structure
OBS, Observation/Observer,Obsolete,Obstacle, Off Balance Sheet,Optical Burst Switching (IEEE),Organic Brain Syndrome,Organization(al) Breakdown Structure
OBSS, Off Board Sensor Systems,Ordo Byantinus Sancti Sepulchri (Byzantine Order of the Holy Sepulchre),Orbiter Boom Sensor System (space shuttle),Origins Billion Star Survey
OBSS, Off Board Sensor Systems,Ordo Byantinus Sancti Sepulchri (Byzantine Order of the Holy Sepulchre),Orbiter Boom Sensor System (space shuttle),Origins Billion Star Survey
OBX, Outer Banks (North Carolina)
OBX, Outer Banks (North Carolina)
@ -3980,7 +3860,6 @@ OCD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
OCFS, Oracle Cluster File System
OCFS, Oracle Cluster File System
OCFS2, Oracle Cluster File System Release 2
OCFS2, Oracle Cluster File System Release 2
oci, Occitan language (ISO 639-2 code)
oci, Occitan language (ISO 639-2 code)
OCIDS, Optical Combat Identification System
OCMCC, [2] Orchard County MCC
OCMCC, [2] Orchard County MCC
OCN, Oncology Certified Nurse
OCN, Oncology Certified Nurse
OCO, Oort Cloud Object
OCO, Oort Cloud Object
@ -4343,14 +4222,11 @@ pm, picometre
Pm, petametre,Promethium
Pm, petametre,Promethium
PM, Panama (FIPS 10-4 country code), Perry Mason,Phase Modulation,Post Meridiem (Latin "after noon"),Prime Minister,Project Manager, Saint Pierre and Miquelon (ISO 3166 digram)
PM, Panama (FIPS 10-4 country code), Perry Mason,Phase Modulation,Post Meridiem (Latin "after noon"),Prime Minister,Project Manager, Saint Pierre and Miquelon (ISO 3166 digram)
PMC, Primary Motor Cortex
PMC, Primary Motor Cortex
PMCS, Partial Mission Capable Supply (SM&R code),Power Management Control System,Professional Military Comptroller School
PME, Professional Military Education
PMI, Positive Material Identification
PMI, Positive Material Identification
PMID, PubMed Identifier
PMID, PubMed Identifier
PMMA, PolyMethylMethAcrylate
PMMA, PolyMethylMethAcrylate
PMOS,(i/a) P-type/Positive Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor transistor ("pee-moss")
PMOS,(i/a) P-type/Positive Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor transistor ("pee-moss")
PMS, Premenstrual Syndrome
PMS, Premenstrual Syndrome
PMSC, NATO Political-Military Steering Committee on Partnership for Peace
PMSL, Piss Myself Laughing (Internet shorthand)
PMSL, Piss Myself Laughing (Internet shorthand)
PMT,Premenstrual Tension (UK) (see Premenstrual Syndrome)
PMT,Premenstrual Tension (UK) (see Premenstrual Syndrome)
pN, piconewton
pN, piconewton
@ -4571,7 +4447,6 @@ RATELO, Radiotelephone Operator
Rb, Rubidium
Rb, Rubidium
RB, Running Back (football)
RB, Running Back (football)
RBAR, Row By Agonizing Row,a derogatory way of describing a technique of scanning a set of records in a database to update or examine the contents of each one. This is the technique of last resort in most cases, since most database operations are optimized when using set based analysis instead of the RBAR method.
RBAR, Row By Agonizing Row,a derogatory way of describing a technique of scanning a set of records in a database to update or examine the contents of each one. This is the technique of last resort in most cases, since most database operations are optimized when using set based analysis instead of the RBAR method.
RBCI, Radio Based Combat Identification
RBI, Runs Batted In
RBI, Runs Batted In
RBOC,(a/i) Regional Bell Operating Company ("Baby Bell")
RBOC,(a/i) Regional Bell Operating Company ("Baby Bell")
RC,see entry
RC,see entry
@ -4585,7 +4460,6 @@ RCMP, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RCRA, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("reck-ra" or "rick-ra")
RCRA, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("reck-ra" or "rick-ra")
RCS- Radar Cross-Section,Reaction Control System,Revision Control System
RCS- Radar Cross-Section,Reaction Control System,Revision Control System
RCT- Randomized Controlled Trial,Robotically Controlled Telescope,Rugby club toulonnais (French, "Rugby Club of Toulon")
RCT- Randomized Controlled Trial,Robotically Controlled Telescope,Rugby club toulonnais (French, "Rugby Club of Toulon")
RCZ, Rear Combat Zone
RD,Radio Disney
RD,Radio Disney
RDA- Research, Development, and Acquisition,Recommended Daily Allowance (Nutrition)
RDA- Research, Development, and Acquisition,Recommended Daily Allowance (Nutrition)
RDD, Radiological Dispersion Device
RDD, Radiological Dispersion Device
@ -4611,7 +4485,6 @@ RESNA, Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North Amer
REU, Réunion (ISO 3166 trigram)
REU, Réunion (ISO 3166 trigram)
Rf, Rutherfordium
Rf, Rutherfordium
RF, Radio Frequency,Receptive Field (neurophysiology)
RF, Radio Frequency,Receptive Field (neurophysiology)
RFA, Restrictive Fire Area (military),Royal Field Artillery
RFC, Request for Comments,Royal Flying Corps (WWI precursor to RAF)
RFC, Request for Comments,Royal Flying Corps (WWI precursor to RAF)
RFD, Request for Documentation
RFD, Request for Documentation
RFE, Request for Evaluation
RFE, Request for Evaluation
@ -4620,7 +4493,6 @@ RFF, Right of First Refusal (legal term)
RFI, y For Inspection,y For Issue,Request For Information,Radio Frequency Interference
RFI, y For Inspection,y For Issue,Request For Information,Radio Frequency Interference
RFID, Radio Frequency IDentification
RFID, Radio Frequency IDentification
RFL, Rugby Football League
RFL, Rugby Football League
RFL, Restrictive Fire Line (military)
RFP, Request for Proposal
RFP, Request for Proposal
RFQ, Request for Quotation
RFQ, Request for Quotation
RFT, Request for Tender
RFT, Request for Tender
@ -4663,9 +4535,7 @@ RLS, Restless Leg Syndrome
RLY, Rally Point
RLY, Rally Point
RM,see separate disambiguation page
RM,see separate disambiguation page
rm, Raeto-Romansh language (ISO 639-1 code)
rm, Raeto-Romansh language (ISO 639-1 code)
RMA, Return Mailing Authorization,Revolution in Military Affairs,Rachel McAdams
RMC, Robert Menzies College
RMC, Robert Menzies College
RMC,(ii) Royal Military College (Australia, Canada, UK)
RMDA, Records Management and Declassification Agency
RMDA, Records Management and Declassification Agency
RMP, Recognised [Operating/Operational] Maritime Picture
RMP, Recognised [Operating/Operational] Maritime Picture
RMS, Rate-Monotonic Scheduling,Richard M. Stallman,Root-Mean-Square,Royal Mail Ship (e.g. RMS Titanic)
RMS, Rate-Monotonic Scheduling,Richard M. Stallman,Root-Mean-Square,Royal Mail Ship (e.g. RMS Titanic)
@ -4789,17 +4659,14 @@ SAT- formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test; now known
SAW- Squad Automatic Weapon,Surface acoustic wave,SAWE — Society of Allied Weight Engineers,SB[edit],Sb — Antimony (Latin Stibium)
SAW- Squad Automatic Weapon,Surface acoustic wave,SAWE — Society of Allied Weight Engineers,SB[edit],Sb — Antimony (Latin Stibium)
SB- Sexy Bitch,Sexy Bastard,Sexy Boy (disambiguation), Solomon Islands (ISO 3166 digram), Special Warfare Boat Operator
SB- Sexy Bitch,Sexy Bastard,Sexy Boy (disambiguation), Solomon Islands (ISO 3166 digram), Special Warfare Boat Operator
SBA- Santa Barbara Airport,Simulation-Based Acquisition,Sovereign Base Area,Student bar association,SBB — German for the Swiss Federal Railways
SBA- Santa Barbara Airport,Simulation-Based Acquisition,Sovereign Base Area,Student bar association,SBB — German for the Swiss Federal Railways
SBC- Sensotronic Brake Control,Single-Board Computer,Southern Baptist Convention,SBCCOM — U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (disbanded 2003),SBCS — Single-Byte Character Set,SBCT — Stryker Brigade Combat Team
SBD- Solomon Islands dollar (ISO 4217 currency code),Silent But Deadly
SBD- Solomon Islands dollar (ISO 4217 currency code),Silent But Deadly
SBNO, Standing but not operating (in reference to amusement parks)
SBNO, Standing but not operating (in reference to amusement parks)
SBP- Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas (Filipino, "Basketball Federation of the Philippines"),U.S. School Breakfast Program,Society of Business Practitioners,State Bank of Pakistan
SBP- Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas (Filipino, "Basketball Federation of the Philippines"),U.S. School Breakfast Program,Society of Business Practitioners,State Bank of Pakistan
SBS- Special Boat Service,Special Broadcasting Service,Seoul Broadcasting System
SBS- Special Boat Service,Special Broadcasting Service,Seoul Broadcasting System
SBW- Sonny Bill Williams (New Zealand dual-code rugby player),SC[edit],sc — Sardinian language (ISO 639-1 code),Sc — Scandium
SBW- Sonny Bill Williams (New Zealand dual-code rugby player),SC[edit],sc — Sardinian language (ISO 639-1 code),Sc — Scandium
SC- Cruiser Submarine (US Navy hull classification) c Saint Kitts and Nevis (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Saint Christopher),Seychelles (ISO 3166 digram),South Carolina (postal symbol)
SC- Cruiser Submarine (US Navy hull classification) c Saint Kitts and Nevis (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Saint Christopher),Seychelles (ISO 3166 digram),South Carolina (postal symbol)
SCA- Service Contract Act,Sexual Compulsives Anonymous,Society for Creative Anachronism,SCAP — Supreme Commander Allied Powers (Allied occupation of Japan),sccm — Standard cubic centimetre per minute (unit of measurement of fluid flow),sccs — Standard cubic centimetre per second (unit of measurement of fluid flow),scfh — Standard cubic foot per hour (unit of measurement of fluid flow),scfm — Standard cubic foot per minute (unit of measurement of fluid flow),scfs — Standard cubic foot per second (unit of measurement of fluid flow),SCG — Serbia and Montenegro (ISO 3166 trigram; defunct since 2006),SCHIMS — Soldier Combat Helmet Identification Marking System,SCHIP — State Children's Health Insurance Program (U.S.; often pronounced "ess-chip"),SciFi — Science Fiction,sCJD — Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,SCM — Surface Contamination Module,SCMODS — State, County, Municipal Offender Data System,SCN — Suprachiasmatic Nucleus,SCNT — Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
SCO- Santa Cruz Operation (initials later used by SCO Group), Scotland (FIFA trigram; not eligible for an ISO 3166 or IOC trigram), Shanghai Cooperation Organization,SCOTUS — Supreme Court of the United States,SCR — Seychelles rupee (ISO 4217 currency code),SCRAM — Safety Control Rod Axe Man
SCO- Santa Cruz Operation (initials later used by SCO Group), Scotland (FIFA trigram; not eligible for an ISO 3166 or IOC trigram), Shanghai Cooperation Organization,SCOTUS — Supreme Court of the United States,SCR — Seychelles rupee (ISO 4217 currency code),SCRAM — Safety Control Rod Axe Man
SCS- Scan Correlated Shift,Soil Conservation Service
SCS- Scan Correlated Shift,Soil Conservation Service
SCSI- Small Computer System Interface (“scuzzy”), Strategic and Combat Studies Institute,SCT — Scattered Sky (METAR Code),SCTP — Stream Control Transmission Protocol,Scuba — Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus,SCUF — Slow Continuous Ultrafiltration,SCUFN — Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (of GEBCO),SD[edit],sd — Sindhi language (ISO 639-1 code)
SD- Secure Digital (memory card format),Sheriff's department,Smoke/Decontamination, South Dakota (postal symbol),Sudan (ISO 3166 digram)
SD- Secure Digital (memory card format),Sheriff's department,Smoke/Decontamination, South Dakota (postal symbol),Sudan (ISO 3166 digram)
SDC- Shaft Driven Compressor,U.S. Army Strategic Defense Command (1985-1992),SDG — Sudanese pound (ISO 4217 currency code),SDG — Sum Dum Goy,greasy spoon chinese restaurant,SDH — Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDC- Shaft Driven Compressor,U.S. Army Strategic Defense Command (1985-1992),SDG — Sudanese pound (ISO 4217 currency code),SDG — Sum Dum Goy,greasy spoon chinese restaurant,SDH — Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDHC, Secure Digital High Capacity
SDHC, Secure Digital High Capacity
@ -4827,7 +4694,6 @@ SIP- Session Initiation Protocol,State Implementation Plan,System Improvement Pr
Siri, Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface (Apple iOS software)
Siri, Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface (Apple iOS software)
SIRI, Service Interface for Real Time Information
SIRI, Service Interface for Real Time Information
SISO- Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization,Society of Independent Show Organizers,SIW — Simulation Interoperability Workshop,SIYSS — Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar,SJ[edit]
SISO- Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization,Society of Independent Show Organizers,SIW — Simulation Interoperability Workshop,SIYSS — Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar,SJ[edit]
SJ- Svalbard and Jan Mayen (ISO 3166 digram), Societas Iesu (Latin: The Society of Jesus, the Jesuit order), Statens Järnvägar (Swedish State Railways),SJA — Staff Judge Advocate (military law),SJC — Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts (note: the highest court in the state of Maine is also called the Supreme Judicial Court),SJM — Svalbard and Jan Mayen (ISO 3166 trigram),SK[edit],sk — Slovak language (ISO 639-1 code)
SK- Saskatchewan (postal symbol),Slovakia (ISO 3166 digram),SKC — Clear Sky (METAR Code),SKK — Slovak koruna (ISO 4217 currency code),SKM — Sikkim (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1975),SL[edit],sl — Slovene language (ISO 639-1 code)
SK- Saskatchewan (postal symbol),Slovakia (ISO 3166 digram),SKC — Clear Sky (METAR Code),SKK — Slovak koruna (ISO 4217 currency code),SKM — Sikkim (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1975),SL[edit],sl — Slovene language (ISO 639-1 code)
SL- Sierra Leone (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram), Start Line
SL- Sierra Leone (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram), Start Line
SLA- Service Level Agreement,Symbionese Liberation Army,SLAA — Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous,SLAC — Stanford Linear Accelerator Center,SLAN — sine loco, anno, nomine (Latin, “without place, year, or name”),SLAPP — Strategic lawsuit against public participation,SLB — Solomon Islands (ISO 3166 trigram),SLBM — Sea/Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile,SLC — Scan Line Corrector,SLE — Sierra Leone (ISO 3166 trigram),SLI/SLi,(i/s) Scan-Line Interleave,Scalable Link Interface,SLIT — SubLingual ImmunoTherapy,slk — Slovak language (ISO 639-2 code),SLL — Sierra Leone leone (ISO 4217 currency code),SLO — Slovenia (IOC trigram, but not FIFA or ISO 3166)
SLA- Service Level Agreement,Symbionese Liberation Army,SLAA — Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous,SLAC — Stanford Linear Accelerator Center,SLAN — sine loco, anno, nomine (Latin, “without place, year, or name”),SLAPP — Strategic lawsuit against public participation,SLB — Solomon Islands (ISO 3166 trigram),SLBM — Sea/Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile,SLC — Scan Line Corrector,SLE — Sierra Leone (ISO 3166 trigram),SLI/SLi,(i/s) Scan-Line Interleave,Scalable Link Interface,SLIT — SubLingual ImmunoTherapy,slk — Slovak language (ISO 639-2 code),SLL — Sierra Leone leone (ISO 4217 currency code),SLO — Slovenia (IOC trigram, but not FIFA or ISO 3166)
@ -4836,7 +4702,6 @@ SLP- Sea Level Pressure, Super Long Play,slph — Standard litre per hour (air
SLT- Single Lens Translucent, Speech and language therapist, Solid Logic Technology (electronics),Swing Landing Trainer (paratroops),Secondary lymphoid tissue,slv — Slovenian language (ISO 639-2 code),SLV — El Salvador (ISO 3166 trigram),SM[edit],sm — Samoan language (ISO 639-1 code),Sm — Samarium
SLT- Single Lens Translucent, Speech and language therapist, Solid Logic Technology (electronics),Swing Landing Trainer (paratroops),Secondary lymphoid tissue,slv — Slovenian language (ISO 639-2 code),SLV — El Salvador (ISO 3166 trigram),SM[edit],sm — Samoan language (ISO 639-1 code),Sm — Samarium
SM- Sado-Masochism, San Marino (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram), Soldier's Manual, Submarine Minelayer (US Navy hull classification),SMA — Scan Mirror Assembly,SMART — Subject Matter And Requirements Team,SMASS — Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey,SMCT — Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks,SMD — Surface Mount Device,SMDR — Station Message Detail Recording,sme — Northern Sami language (ISO 639-2 code)
SM- Sado-Masochism, San Marino (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram), Soldier's Manual, Submarine Minelayer (US Navy hull classification),SMA — Scan Mirror Assembly,SMART — Subject Matter And Requirements Team,SMASS — Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey,SMCT — Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks,SMD — Surface Mount Device,SMDR — Station Message Detail Recording,sme — Northern Sami language (ISO 639-2 code)
SME- Scan Mirror Electronics,Subject Matter Expert
SME- Scan Mirror Electronics,Subject Matter Expert
SMG- Sequential Motorsport Gearbox,SubMachine Gun,SMH — Shaking My Head,SMil — Sadomasochisterne i landet (Danish SM organisation),SMIL — Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language,smo — Samoan language (ISO 639-2 code),SMP — Standard Military Pattern,SM&R — Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability,SMR — San Marino (ISO 3166 trigram),SMS — many, including: Short message service; see entry,SMTP — Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,SMU — Southern Methodist University
SMX-many, including: Server Macro Expansion, Solaris MINIX, Spatial multiplexing, Sulfamethoxazole; see entry
SMX-many, including: Server Macro Expansion, Solaris MINIX, Spatial multiplexing, Sulfamethoxazole; see entry
SMZ-many, including: Silver Mt. Zion, Sulfamethazine, Sulfamethoxazole; see entry,SN[edit],sn — Shona language (ISO 639-1 code),Sn — Tin (Latin Stannum)
SMZ-many, including: Silver Mt. Zion, Sulfamethazine, Sulfamethoxazole; see entry,SN[edit],sn — Shona language (ISO 639-1 code),Sn — Tin (Latin Stannum)
SN- Senegal (ISO 3166 digram),Singapore (FIPS 10-4 country code),Snow (METAR Code),SuperNova,Screen Name,sna — Shona language (ISO 639-2 code),SNAFU — “Situation Normal — All Fouled/Fucked Up”,SNAP — Supernova/Acceleration Probe,SNCB — Société nationale des chemins de fer de Belgique (French for “Belgian Railways National Society”, NMBS in Dutch),SNCF — Société nationale des chemins de fer français (French for “French Railways National Society”),snd — Sindhi language (ISO 639-2 code),SND — Standard Nomenclature Database,SNE — Synthetic Natural Environment,SNES — Super Nintendo Entertainment System,SNÉTA — Syndicat national pour l'étude des transports aériens (French for “Aerial transport Study National Syndicate”, 1919-1923),SNG — Satellite News Gathering (television)
SN- Senegal (ISO 3166 digram),Singapore (FIPS 10-4 country code),Snow (METAR Code),SuperNova,Screen Name,sna — Shona language (ISO 639-2 code),SNAFU — “Situation Normal — All Fouled/Fucked Up”,SNAP — Supernova/Acceleration Probe,SNCB — Société nationale des chemins de fer de Belgique (French for “Belgian Railways National Society”, NMBS in Dutch),SNCF — Société nationale des chemins de fer français (French for “French Railways National Society”),snd — Sindhi language (ISO 639-2 code),SND — Standard Nomenclature Database,SNE — Synthetic Natural Environment,SNES — Super Nintendo Entertainment System,SNÉTA — Syndicat national pour l'étude des transports aériens (French for “Aerial transport Study National Syndicate”, 1919-1923),SNG — Satellite News Gathering (television)
@ -4857,7 +4722,6 @@ SOR- State Of iness,Statement Of Requirements
SOS- Somali shilling (ISO 4217 currency code),Save Our Souls,SOSTAR — Stand-Off Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar,sot — Sotho language (ISO 639-2 code),SOUTHAG — Southern Army Group,SOUTHCOM — (U.S.) Southern Command,SOV — Single Occupant Vehicle,SOW — Statement Of Work,SOWHAT — RESNA Subcommittee on Wheelchairs and Transportation,SOX — Sarbanes-Oxley Act,SP[edit]
SOS- Somali shilling (ISO 4217 currency code),Save Our Souls,SOSTAR — Stand-Off Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar,sot — Sotho language (ISO 639-2 code),SOUTHAG — Southern Army Group,SOUTHCOM — (U.S.) Southern Command,SOV — Single Occupant Vehicle,SOW — Statement Of Work,SOWHAT — RESNA Subcommittee on Wheelchairs and Transportation,SOX — Sarbanes-Oxley Act,SP[edit]
Sp- Special,Spring tide (nautical charts), sine prole (Latin, “without offspring”)
Sp- Special,Spring tide (nautical charts), sine prole (Latin, “without offspring”)
SP- Security Police,Self-Propelled,Shore Patrol, Spain (FIPS 10-4 country code), Start Point,Strong Point,spa — Spanish language (ISO 639-2 code),SPAAG — Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun,SPACECOM — (U.S.) Space Command,Spaser — Surface plasmon amplification by stimulated emission of radiation,SPC — Secretariat of the Pacific Community,SPCO — Single-Pole Change Over
SP- Security Police,Self-Propelled,Shore Patrol, Spain (FIPS 10-4 country code), Start Point,Strong Point,spa — Spanish language (ISO 639-2 code),SPAAG — Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun,SPACECOM — (U.S.) Space Command,Spaser — Surface plasmon amplification by stimulated emission of radiation,SPC — Secretariat of the Pacific Community,SPCO — Single-Pole Change Over
SPD- Shimano Pedaling Dynamics,Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Social Democratic Party of Germany),SPDT — Single-Pole Double-Throw,SPEAC — Stop Primate Experiments at Cambridge (later became SPEAK),SPECTRE — SPecial Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion,SPEED — Subsistence Preparation by Electronic Energy Diffusion (early military microwave oven),SPIE — originally the Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (“SPIE — The International Society for Optical Engineering” 1981-2007, “SPIE” since 2007)
SPL- Scottish Premier League,Superior Parietal Lobule,Sound Pressure Level,SPM — Saint Pierre and Miquelon (ISO 3166 trigram),SPOD — (a/i) Sea Port of Debarkation,SPOE — (a/i) Sea Port of Embarkation,SPOT — Satellite pour l'observation de la Terre (French, “Satellite for Earth Observation”),SPQR — Senatus Populusque Romanus (Latin “The Senate and the People of Rome”),sps — sine prole superstite (Latin, “without surviving issue”),SPS — Standard Positioning Service (GPS),SPST — Single-Pole Single-Throw,SQ[edit],sq — Albanian language (ISO 639-1 code),SQ — Sound Quality,SQ — Standard Quality,sqi — Albanian language (ISO 639-2 code),SQL — (i/a) Structured Query Language (“seek-well”),SQUID — Superconducting QUantum Interference Device,SR[edit],sr — Serbian language (ISO 639-1 code),Sr — Strontium
SPL- Scottish Premier League,Superior Parietal Lobule,Sound Pressure Level,SPM — Saint Pierre and Miquelon (ISO 3166 trigram),SPOD — (a/i) Sea Port of Debarkation,SPOE — (a/i) Sea Port of Embarkation,SPOT — Satellite pour l'observation de la Terre (French, “Satellite for Earth Observation”),SPQR — Senatus Populusque Romanus (Latin “The Senate and the People of Rome”),sps — sine prole superstite (Latin, “without surviving issue”),SPS — Standard Positioning Service (GPS),SPST — Single-Pole Single-Throw,SQ[edit],sq — Albanian language (ISO 639-1 code),SQ — Sound Quality,SQ — Standard Quality,sqi — Albanian language (ISO 639-2 code),SQL — (i/a) Structured Query Language (“seek-well”),SQUID — Superconducting QUantum Interference Device,SR[edit],sr — Serbian language (ISO 639-1 code),Sr — Strontium
SR- Sound Reinforcement,Supply Route, Suriname (ISO 3166 digram), Sveriges Radio (Swedish Radio Ltd),SR — Sustained release of a drug
SR- Sound Reinforcement,Supply Route, Suriname (ISO 3166 digram), Sveriges Radio (Swedish Radio Ltd),SR — Sustained release of a drug
SRAM- Scott (King), Ray (Day), SAM (Patterson) — founders of bicycle component manufacturer SRAM Corporation, Static Random Access Memory (“ess-ram”),SR-ATGW — Short-Range Anti-Tank Guided Weapon,SRB — Solid Rocket Booster,SRBM — Short-Range Ballistic Missile (cf. IRBM, ICBM),SRC — Scheduled Removal Component,srd — Sardinian language (ISO 639-2 code)
SRAM- Scott (King), Ray (Day), SAM (Patterson) — founders of bicycle component manufacturer SRAM Corporation, Static Random Access Memory (“ess-ram”),SR-ATGW — Short-Range Anti-Tank Guided Weapon,SRB — Solid Rocket Booster,SRBM — Short-Range Ballistic Missile (cf. IRBM, ICBM),SRC — Scheduled Removal Component,srd — Sardinian language (ISO 639-2 code)
@ -4907,7 +4771,6 @@ TAACOM, U.S. Theater Army Area Command
TAADCOORD, Theatre Army Air Defence Co-ordinator
TAADCOORD, Theatre Army Air Defence Co-ordinator
TAAR, Trace Amine-Associated Receptor
TAAR, Trace Amine-Associated Receptor
TAC, U.S. Tactical Air Command (1946-1992)
TAC, U.S. Tactical Air Command (1946-1992)
TACAMO, Take Charge and Move Out (U.S. military)
TACAN, Tactical Air Navigation
TACAN, Tactical Air Navigation
TACC, Tactical Air Control Centre,(USAF) Tanker Airlift Control Center
TACC, Tactical Air Control Centre,(USAF) Tanker Airlift Control Center
TACCO, Tactical Coordinator
TACCO, Tactical Coordinator
@ -4986,7 +4849,6 @@ TEETH, Tried Everything Else, Try Homeopathy (medical diagnosis in-joke)
tel, Telugu language (ISO 639-2 code)
tel, Telugu language (ISO 639-2 code)
TEL,(a/i) Transporter, Erector and Launcher
TEL,(a/i) Transporter, Erector and Launcher
TELAR, Transporter, Erector, Launcher And Radar
TELAR, Transporter, Erector, Launcher And Radar
TEMO, Training, Exercise, and Military Operations
TENCAP, Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities
TENCAP, Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities
TERS, Tactical Event Reporting System
TERS, Tactical Event Reporting System
TES, Tactical Event System
TES, Tactical Event System
@ -5197,7 +5059,6 @@ UBC, United Baptist Church,University of British Columbia
UBIGEO, Ubicación Geografica (Spanish for Geographical Location)
UBIGEO, Ubicación Geografica (Spanish for Geographical Location)
UBS, Unbundled Bitstream Services,United Bank of Switzerland,United Banque Suisse
UBS, Unbundled Bitstream Services,United Bank of Switzerland,United Banque Suisse
UCBSA, United Cricket Board of South Africa
UCBSA, United Cricket Board of South Africa
UCAV,(a/i) Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle
UCF, University of Central Florida
UCF, University of Central Florida
UCI, Union Cycliste Internationale (French, "International Cycling Union"),University of California, Irvine
UCI, Union Cycliste Internationale (French, "International Cycling Union"),University of California, Irvine
UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles
UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles
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