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synced 2025-02-18 02:30:52 +01:00
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@ -976,6 +976,7 @@ CVLL,Crypto Variable Logic Label
CVSD,Continuous Variable Slope Delta (modulation)
CVT,Continuously Variable Transmission
CW,"Calendar Week, or: Continuous Wave, or: Clothes Washer, or: Cook Islands (FIPS 10-4 territory code)"
CWA,Communications Workers of America
CWC,Chemical Weapons Convention
CWRU,Case Western Reserve University
CWS,Canadian Wildlife Service
@ -2666,9 +2667,10 @@ LF,Low Frequency
LFO,Low Frequency Oscillation / Oscillator
LFTR,Liquid fluoride thorium reactor
LG,Latvia (FIPS 10-4 country code)
LGB,Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual,Laser-guided bomb,self-explanatory
LGLO,Love God,Love Others
LGLO,"Love God,Love Others"
LGM,Little Green Men
LGS,Landsat Ground Station
LH,Lithuania (FIPS 10-4 country code),Luteinising Hormone
@ -3360,14 +3362,15 @@ NLB,Non-Linear Battlefield
NLD,Netherlands (ISO 3166 trigram)
NLF,National Liberation Front (disambiguation)
NLL,National Lacrosse League
NLP,Natural Language Processing,Neuro-Linguistic Programming (pseudoscience)
NLP,"Natural Language Processing,Neuro-Linguistic Programming (pseudoscience)"
NLRB,National Labor Relations Board
NLW,Non-Lethal Weapon
NM,New Mexico (postal symbol)
NMCI,Navy Marine Corps Intranet
NMCS,Not Mission Capable Supply (SM&R code)
NMD,U.S. National Missile Defense
NMHNFG,Not Made Here,No Fucking Good
NMHNFG,"Not Made Here,No Fucking Good"
NMN,No middle name
NMOS,N-type/Negative Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor transistor ("enn-moss")
NMR,Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
@ -3376,7 +3379,7 @@ nN,Nanonewton
NNE,North North-East
NNSA,U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration
NNW,North North-West
NO,Nitric Oxide,Normally Open,Norway (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
NO,"Nitric Oxide,Normally Open,Norway (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)"
NOAA,U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAF,Norwegian Air Force
@ -3384,58 +3387,58 @@ NOAO,National Optical Astronomy Observatory
NOC,UK. National Oceanography Centre
NODEF,NATO Oceanographic Data Exchange Format
NOGI,New Orleans Grande Isle (award for diving)
NOLA,New Orleans,Louisiana (LA is the official postal code for Louisiana)
NOLA,"New Orleans,Louisiana (LA is the official postal code for Louisiana)"
NOLF,Navy OutLying Field
NOM,Novus Ordo Missae or New Ordinary of the Mass (sometimes abbreviated to simply "NO")
NoMBO,Non-mine,Mine-like Bottom Object
NoMBO,"Non-mine,Mine-like Bottom Object"
NOME,Not on Mars Either
NOME,Not on Mars Either (see NIMBY)
NOPA,National Office Products Alliance,National Office Products Association
NOPA,"National Office Products Alliance,National Office Products Association"
NOR,Norway (ISO 3166 trigram)
NORCECA,North,Central America and Caribbean Volleyball Confederation
NORELPREF,No religious preference
NORML,National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws ("normal")
NORTHAG,Northern Army Group
NOS,Network Operating System,New Old Stock (Internet auction/trading listings),Nitric Oxide Synthase (enzyme)
NOS,"Network Operating System,New Old Stock (Internet auction/trading listings),Nitric Oxide Synthase (enzyme)"
NOSA,NATO OSI Security Architecture
NOTAFLOF,No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds
NOW,National Organization for Women
NP,National Permit,A permit in India for trucks so they can go anywhere in the nation
Np,Neap tide (nautical charts),Neptunium
NP,"National Permit,A permit in India for trucks so they can go anywhere in the nation"
Np,"Neap tide (nautical charts),Neptunium"
NP,Nepal (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
NPB,Nippon Professional Baseball
NPC,National Postgraduate Committee,National Provincial Championship (New Zealand rugby competition,now defunct),Navigation Planning Chart,Non-Player Character (role-playing games)
NPC,"National Postgraduate Committee,National Provincial Championship (New Zealand rugby competition,now defunct),Navigation Planning Chart,Non-Player Character (role-playing games)"
NPCS,Non-Passenger Coaching stock (in Railways)
NPD,Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (German)
NPDI,New Product Development and Introduction
NPG,Needline/Network Participation Group
NPH,Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
NPL,National Priorities List,Nepal (ISO 3166 trigram)
NPL,"National Priorities List,Nepal (ISO 3166 trigram)"
NPO,nothing by mouth
NPOV,Neutral Point Of View
NQ,Dronning Maud Land (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1983)
NQOCD,Not Quite Our Class,Dear (or Darling). (Upper-class English slang)
NQ,"Dronning Maud Land (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1983)"
NQOCD,"Not Quite Our Class,Dear (or Darling). (Upper-class English slang)"
NR,Nauru (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram)
NRA,National Rifle Association
NRAO,National Radio Astronomy Observatory
NRC,National Research Council (U.S.),Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.)
NRC,"(U.S.) National Research Council,Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.)"
NRDC,(U.S.) Natural Resources Defense Council
NREL,U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NREL,(U.S.) National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NRK,Norsk Rikskringkasting (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation)
NRMP,National Resident Matching Program (U.S. medicine)
NRO,U.S. National Reconnaissance Office
NRO,(U.S.) National Reconnaissance Office
NRT,Near Real Time
NRTA,National Rat Terrier Association,National Retail Tenants Association,National Retired Teachers Association,Northwest Regional Transmission Association
NRTA,"National Rat Terrier Association,National Retail Tenants Association,National Retired Teachers Association,Northwest Regional Transmission Association"
NRU,Nauru (ISO 3166 trigram)
NS,Norfolk Southern Railway (AAR reporting mark),Nova Scotia (postal symbol),Suriname (FIPS 10-4 country code)
NSA,U.S. National Security Agency,Naval Support Activity,No Strings Attached
NS,"Norfolk Southern Railway (AAR reporting mark),Nova Scotia (postal symbol),Suriname (FIPS 10-4 country code)"
NSA,"U.S. National Security Agency,Naval Support Activity,No Strings Attached"
NSABB,National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity
NSAID,Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
NSB,Norges Statsbaner (Norwegian State Railways)
NSC,National Security Council
NSDAP,Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German: "German National Socialist Workers Party",the formal name of the Nazi Party)
NSDAP,"Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German: 'German National Socialist Workers Party',the formal name of the Nazi Party)"
NSDL,National Science Digital Library (US)
NSG,National System for Geospatial-Intelligence
NSN,National Stock Number
@ -3444,29 +3447,29 @@ NSO,National Standardization Office (ABCA)
NSS,(U.S.) Naval Simulation System
NST,(UK) Nimrod Software Team
NSTAC,National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NSV,Nikitin-Sokolov-Volkov heavy machine gun (Russian НСВ Никитина-Соколова-Волкова) ru:ПулеметНСВ-12,7 "Утес"
NSV,"Nikitin-Sokolov-Volkov heavy machine gun (Russian НСВ Никитина-Соколова-Волкова) ru:ПулеметНСВ-12,7 'Утес'"
NSW,New South Wales (postal symbol)
NT,National Trust (UK),Saudi-Iraqi neutral zone (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1993),New Technology (Windows NT),Northern Territory (Australia) (postal symbol),Northwest Territories (Canada) (postal symbol)
NTC,National Training Center,Negative Temperature Coefficient (thermistor)
NT,"National Trust (UK),Saudi-Iraqi neutral zone (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1993),New Technology (Windows NT),Northern Territory (Australia) (postal symbol),Northwest Territories (Canada) (postal symbol)"
NTC,"National Training Center,Negative Temperature Coefficient (thermistor)"
NTDS,Naval Tactical Data System
NTP,Network Time Protocol
NTR,Network Time Reference
NTRA,National Thoroughbred Racing Association
NTSB,National Transportation Safety Board
NTSC,National Television Standards Committee (colloquially,Never Twice the Same Color)
NTSC,"National Television Standards Committee (colloquially,Never Twice the Same Color)"
NTV,Non-Tactical Vehicle
NTY,(Internet Abbreviations:) Not Tested Yet; (Alternatively) No Thank You
NTZ,Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1993)
NU,Nicaragua (FIPS 10-4 country code),Niue (ISO 3166 digram),Nunavut (postal symbol)
NTY,"(Internet Abbreviations:) Not Tested Yet; (Alternatively) No Thank You"
NTZ,"Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1993)"
NU,"Nicaragua (FIPS 10-4 country code),Niue (ISO 3166 digram),Nunavut (postal symbol)"
NUI,No user interface ("noo-ey")
NUL,Null character (ASCII code of control character),National Urban League
NUL,"Null character (ASCII code of control character),National Urban League"
NUTS,Nuclear Utilization Target Selection
NUWC,U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center
NV,Naamloze vennootschap (Dutch,"innominate partnership" or "anonymous venture"; i.e. a public limited-liability company),Nevada (postal symbol)
NVEOL,Night Vision and Electro-Optics Laboratory
NVESD,CERDEC Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate,Fort Belvoir,Virginia
NVESD,"CERDEC Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate,Fort Belvoir,Virginia"
NVG,Night Vision Goggles
NVL,Night Vision Laboratory
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