	Lists the hourly weather report
	This script lists the hourly weather report.
	Specifies the location to use (determined automatically per default)
	PS> ./list-weather
	Author: Markus Fleschutz · License: CC0

param([string]$Location = "") # empty means determine automatically

try {
	$Weather = (invoke-webRequest -uri http://wttr.in/${Location}?format=j1 -userAgent "curl" -useBasicParsing).Content | ConvertFrom-Json

	$Area = $Weather.nearest_area.areaName.value
	$Region = $Weather.nearest_area.region.value
	$Country = $Weather.nearest_area.country.value	

	[int]$Day = 0
	foreach ($Hourly in $Weather.weather.hourly) {
		$Hour = $Hourly.time / 100
		$Temp = $Hourly.tempC
		$Precip = $Hourly.precipMM
		$Humidity = $Hourly.humidity
		$Pressure = $Hourly.pressure
		$WindSpeed = $Hourly.windspeedKmph
		$WindDir = $Hourly.winddir16Point
		$UV = $Hourly.uvIndex
		$Clouds = $Hourly.cloudcover
		$Desc = $Hourly.weatherDesc.value
		if ($Hour -eq 0) {
			if ($Day -eq 0) {
				write-host -foregroundColor green "🕗      🌡°C   ☂️    💧     💨 from     ☀️UV ☁️    TODAY at $Area ($Region, $Country)"
			} elseif ($Day -eq 1) {
				write-host -foregroundColor green "                                                  TOMORROW"
			} else {
				write-host -foregroundColor green "                                                  DAY AFTER TOMORROW"
		"$(($Hour.toString()).PadLeft(2))°°   $(($Temp.toString()).PadLeft(2))°   $($Precip)mm $(($Humidity.toString()).PadLeft(3))%   $(($WindSpeed.toString()).PadLeft(2))km/h $WindDir`t$($UV)  $(($Clouds.toString()).PadLeft(3))%   $Desc"

	exit 0 # success
} catch {
	"⚠️ Error: $($Error[0]) ($($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber))"
	exit 1