	Adds firewall rules for executables (needs admin rights).
	This PowerShell script adds firewall rules for the given executable. Administrator rights are required.
.PARAMETER PathToExecutables
	Specifies the path to the executables.
.PARAMETER Direction
	Specifies the direction for the firewall rule. Can be 'Inbound' or 'Outbound'. Default is 'Inbound'.
	Specifies the firewall profile. Can be 'Domain', 'Private', or 'Public'. Multiple values can be specified as an array.
	PS> ./add-firewall-rules.ps1 -PathToExecutables C:\MyApp\bin -Direction Outbound -Profile Private
	Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0

#Requires -RunAsAdministrator

	[string]$PathToExecutables = "",
	[string]$Direction = "Inbound",
	[array]$FirewallProfile  = @("Domain", "Private")

try {
	if (-not $PathToExecutables) {
		$PathToExecutables = Read-Host "Enter path to executables"

	$AbsPath = Convert-Path -Path $PathToExecutables
	$Executables = Get-ChildItem -Path $AbsPath -Filter "*.exe"

	if (-not $Executables) {
		Write-Warning "No executables found. No Firewall rules have been created."
		Read-Host "Press Enter to continue..."

	foreach ($exe in $Executables) {
		$exeName = $exe.Name
		$exeFullPath = $exe.FullName

		Write-Output "Adding firewall rule for $exeName"
		New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName $exeName -Direction $Direction -Program $exeFullPath -Profile $FirewallProfile  -Action Allow

	Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Done"
} catch {
	Write-Error "Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)"