ABBR,MEANING 8va,Octave up ABBA,"A swedish pop band consisting of Agnetha, Benny, Björn, and Anni-Frid" ACDC,An australian rock band ad lib,"Ad Libitum (“freely”)" afl,Alto flute AS,"Al Segno (“To the sign”)" bc,"Basso Continuo (“continuous bass accompaniment”)" bcl,Bass clarinet bfl,Bass flute bpm,Beats per minute bn,Bassoon bob,Bass oboe br,Brass instruments bstcl,Basset clarinet bsthn,Basset horn bug,Bugle cbcl,Contrabass clarinet cbn,Contrabassoon cf,"Cantus Firmus (“main melody”)" cl,Clarinet cresc,Crescendo (also noted as <) crt,Cornet D.C. al Coda,Da Capo al Coda (“from the beginning to the Coda sign”) D.C. al Fine,Da Capo al Fine (“from the beginning to the end”) D.S. al Fine,Dal Segno al Fine (“from the Segno mark to the end”) decresc,Descrescendo (also noted as >) dim,Diminuendo EAV,"Band, Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung" eh,English horn ELO,Electric Light Orchestra euph,Euphonium f,Forte fda,"Flute d’amore (tenor flute)" ff,Fortissimo fff,Fortississimo fgh,Flugelhorn fl,Flute fp,Fortepiano gliss,"Glissando (“gliding, sliding”)" hn,Horn KISS,"Knights in Satan's Service (rock band)" KYGO,"Kyrre Gørvell-Dahll (born 11 September 1991), he's a Norwegian DJ, songwriter and record producer" m,Measure mm,Measures MM,Metronome tempo mf,Mezzo-Forte mp,Mezzo-Piano MSG,"Michael Schenker Group (rock band)" mvt,Movement NSYNC,"Boy band consisting of JustiN, ChriS, JoeY, LanstoN, and J.C." ob,Oboe oda,"Oboe d’amore" orch,Orchestra p,Piano p,Page pan,Pan flute pic,Piccolo picc,Piccolo pizz,"Pizzicato (“plucking”)" pp,Pianissio pp,Pages ppp,Pianississimo rall,"Rallentando (“gradual slowing”)" rec,Recorder REM,"An Athens, Georgia-based alt-rock group" rit,Ritardando (“slowing down”) Rf,Rinforzando (“with sudden force”) Rfz,Rinforzando (“with sudden force”) RPM,"Records,Promotion,Music (expansion of the title of a former Canadian music magazine)" sax,Saxophone sf,"Sforzando, Sforzato (“sudden accent”)" sfz,"Sforzando, Sforzato (“sudden accent”)" sfp,Sforzando followed by Piano smorz,"Smorzando (“dying away”)" sord,"Sordino (“muted”)" sost. ped,"Sostenuto pedal (“sustained pedal”)" spicc,"Spiccato (“bounce bow on a stringed instrument”)" stacc,"Staccato (“playing each note separately from the others”)" stpt,Slide trumpet sul pont,"Sul Ponticello (“playing with the bow near the bridge”)" tba,Tuba tbn,Trombone tpt,Trumpet tr,Trill trem,"Tremolo (“trembling, wavering”)" tsx,Tenor saxophone vib,"Vibrato (“pulsing, vibrating”)" vol,Volume ww,Woodwinds XYZ,American hard rock band