<# .SYNOPSIS Checks the ping latency .DESCRIPTION This PowerShell script checks the ping latency from the local computer to some Internet hosts. .PARAMETER hosts Specifies the hosts to check, seperated by comma (default is: amazon.com,bing.com,cnn.com,dropbox.com,facebook.com,google.com,live.com,twitter.com,youtube.com) .EXAMPLE PS> ./check-ping ✅ Ping is 25ms average, 13ms min, 109ms max. .LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0 #> param([string]$hosts = "amazon.com,bing.com,cnn.com,dropbox.com,facebook.com,google.com,live.com,twitter.com,youtube.com") try { Write-Progress "⏳ Pinging $hosts..." $HostsArray = $hosts.Split(",") $Pings = Test-Connection -count 1 -computerName $HostsArray [int]$Min = 9999999 [int]$Max = [int]$Avg = 0 foreach($Ping in $Pings) { if ($IsLinux) { [int]$Latency = $Ping.latency } else { [int]$Latency = $Ping.ResponseTime } if ($Latency -lt $Min) { $Min = $Latency } if ($Latency -gt $Max) { $Max = $Latency } $Avg += $Latency } $Avg /= $Pings.count "✅ Ping is $($Avg)ms average, $($Min)ms min, $($Max)ms max." exit 0 # success } catch { "⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])" exit 1 }