<# .SYNOPSIS Writes a value with unit and range .DESCRIPTION This PowerShell script writes the given value with the unit and the value range to the console. .PARAMETER value Specifies the value .EXAMPLE PS> ./write-value.ps1 95.0 "°C" 0 10 90 100 [0--------95°C-100] .LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0 #> param([float]$value = 0.5, [string]$unit = "Mach", [float]$redMin, [float]$yellowMin, [float]$yellowMax, [float]$redMax) function WriteValueInRange([float]$value, [string]$unit, [float]$redMin, [float]$yellowMin, [float]$yellowMax, [float]$redMax) { $line = "------------------------------------------------" $text = "[$redMin$($value)$unit $redMax]" [float]$total = 20.0 - $text.Length if ($value -gt $redMax) { Write-Host "[$redMin$($line.Substring(0, $total))$redMax]" -noNewline Write-Host "$($value)$unit " -noNewline -foregroundColor red } elseif ($value -lt $redMin) { Write-Host "$($value)$unit" -noNewline -foregroundColor red Write-Host "[$redMin$($line.Substring(0, $total))$redMax] " -noNewline } else { [float]$leftSide = (($value - $redMin) * $total) / ($redMax - $redMin) if ($leftSide -lt 1.0) { $leftSide = 1.0 } if ($leftSide -gt ($total - 1.0)) { $leftSide = $total - 1.0 } Write-Host "[$redMin$($line.Substring(0, $leftSide))" -noNewline if (($value -le $yellowMin) -or ($value -ge $yellowMax)) { Write-Host "$($value)$unit" -noNewline -foregroundColor yellow } else { Write-Host "$($value)$unit" -noNewline -foregroundColor green } Write-Host "$($line.Substring(0, $total - $leftSide + 0.49))$redMax] " -noNewline } } WriteValueInRange -3.5 "°C" 0 10 90 100 Write-Host "CPU too cold" WriteValueInRange 5 "°C" 0 10 90 100 Write-Host "CPU quite cold" WriteValueInRange 15 "°C" 0 10 90 100 Write-Host "OK" WriteValueInRange 50 "°C" 0 10 90 100 Write-Host "OK" WriteValueInRange 70 "°C" 0 10 90 100 Write-Host "OK" WriteValueInRange 95 "°C" 0 10 90 100 Write-Host "CPU quite hot " WriteValueInRange 110 "°C" 0 10 90 100 Write-Host "CPU too hot " exit 0 # success