The *list-passwords.ps1* Script =========================== This PowerShell script lists random passwords. Parameters ---------- ```powershell /Repos/PowerShell/scripts/list-passwords.ps1 [[-PasswordLength] ] [[-Columns] ] [[-Rows] ] [] -PasswordLength Specifies the length of the password Required? false Position? 1 Default value 15 Accept pipeline input? false Accept wildcard characters? false -Columns Specifies the number of columns Required? false Position? 2 Default value 6 Accept pipeline input? false Accept wildcard characters? false -Rows Specifies the number of rows Required? false Position? 3 Default value 30 Accept pipeline input? false Accept wildcard characters? false [] This script supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. ``` Example ------- ```powershell PS> ./list-passwords.ps1 "4yE=[mu"Az|IE@ PZ}E9Q"&?.!%49` zU3[E7`xA)(6W_3 :wd'a(O@fr}.Z8= ... ``` Notes ----- Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0 Related Links ------------- Script Content -------------- ```powershell <# .SYNOPSIS Lists random passwords .DESCRIPTION This PowerShell script lists random passwords. .PARAMETER PasswordLength Specifies the length of the password .PARAMETER Columns Specifies the number of columns .PARAMETER Rows Specifies the number of rows .EXAMPLE PS> ./list-passwords.ps1 "4yE=[mu"Az|IE@ PZ}E9Q"&?.!%49` zU3[E7`xA)(6W_3 :wd'a(O@fr}.Z8= ... .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0 #> param([int]$PasswordLength = 15, [int]$Columns = 6, [int]$Rows = 30) $MinCharCode = 33 $MaxCharCode = 126 try { write-output "" $Generator = New-Object System.Random for ($j = 0; $j -lt $Rows; $j++) { $Line = "" for ($k = 0; $k -lt $Columns; $k++) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $PasswordLength; $i++) { $Line += [char]$$MinCharCode,$MaxCharCode) } $Line += " " } write-output "$Line" } write-output "" exit 0 # success } catch { "⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])" exit 1 } ``` *(page generated by convert-ps2md.ps1 as of 01/17/2025 08:37:10)*