<# .SYNOPSIS convert-mysql2csv.ps1 [] [] [] [] [] .DESCRIPTION Convert a MySQL database table to a .CSV file. .EXAMPLE PS> .\convert-mysql2csv.ps1 .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz · License: CC0 .LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell #> param([string]$server = "", [string]$database = "", [string]$username = "", [string]$password = "", [string]$query = "") try { if ($server -eq "") { $server = read-host "Enter the hostname/IP address of the MySQL server" } if ($database -eq "") { $database = read-host "Enter the database name" } if ($username -eq "") { $username = read-host "Enter the database username" } if ($password -eq "") { $password = read-host "Enter the database user password" } if ($query -eq "") { $query = read-host "Enter the database query" } $csvfilepath = "$PSScriptRoot\mysql_table.csv" $result = Invoke-MySqlQuery -ConnectionString "server=$server; database=$database; user=$username; password=$password; pooling = false; convert zero datetime=True" -Sql $query -CommandTimeout 10000 $result | Export-Csv $csvfilepath -NoTypeInformation exit 0 } catch { "⚠️ Error: $($Error[0]) ($($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber))" exit 1 }