# My PowerShell Profile # ===================== # Welcome to 'my-profile.ps1' - this file defines the look & feel of PowerShell. # Comment, uncomment or adapt the following lines to your needs, please. # My Welcome Message # ------------------ write-host "+++ Welcome to PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion) at $(hostname), it's $(Get-date) +++" write-host "" # My Command Prompt # ----------------- # function prompt {$null} # result is: PS> # function prompt { "$ " } # result is: $ function prompt { if ($IsLinux) { $User = $(whoami) } else { $User = $env:USERNAME } $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$User @ $(hostname)" write-host -foregroundColor blue -noNewLine "$(Get-Location)" return "> " } # result is: C:\> # My Alias Names (sorted alphabetically) # -------------- set-alias -name ll -value get-childitem # ll = list long set-alias -name lsf -value list-formatted.ps1 # lsf = list directory formatted in columns