<# .SYNOPSIS Ping a host continuously .DESCRIPTION This PowerShell script pings the given host continously and shows the roundtrip times in a horizontal chart. .PARAMETER hostname Specifies the hostname or IP address of the host to ping (windows.com by default) .PARAMETER timeInterval Specifies the time interval in milliseconds to repeat the ping (1000 by default) .EXAMPLE PS> ./ping-host.ps1 Ping Roundtrip Times to Host: windows.com ██████████████ 136ms ████████████████ 154ms █████████████████████████ 234ms ... .LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0 #> param([string]$hostname = "windows.com", [int]$timeInterval = 1000) function GetPingLatency([string]$hostname) { $hostsArray = $hostname.Split(",") $tasks = $hostsArray | foreach { (New-Object Net.NetworkInformation.Ping).SendPingAsync($_,1000) } [Threading.Tasks.Task]::WaitAll($tasks) foreach($ping in $tasks.Result) { if ($ping.Status -eq "Success") { return $ping.RoundtripTime } } return 1000 } function WriteChartLine { param([float]$value, [float]$maxValue, [string]$text) $num = ($value * 110.0) / $maxValue while ($num -ge 1.0) { Write-Host -noNewLine "█" $num -= 1.0 } if ($num -ge 0.875) { Write-Host -noNewLine "▉" } elseif ($num -ge 0.75) { Write-Host -noNewLine "▊" } elseif ($num -ge 0.625) { Write-Host -noNewLine "▋" } elseif ($num -ge 0.5) { Write-Host -noNewLine "▌" } elseif ($num -ge 0.375) { Write-Host -noNewLine "▍" } elseif ($num -ge 0.25) { Write-Host -noNewLine "▎" } elseif ($num -ge 0.125) { Write-Host -noNewLine "▏" } Write-Host " $text" } try { Write-Host "`nPing Roundtrip Times to Host: $($hostname)" -foregroundColor green do { [float]$latency = GetPingLatency $hostname WriteChartLine $latency 1000.0 "$($latency)ms" Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $timeInterval } while($true) exit 0 # success } catch { "⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])" exit 1 }