Script: *list-ascii-table.ps1* ======================== This PowerShell script lists the ASCII table on the console. Parameters ---------- ```powershell PS> ./list-ascii-table.ps1 [] [] This script supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. ``` Example ------- ```powershell PS> ./list-ascii-table.ps1 Dec Oct Hex Binary HTML Symbol Description --- --- --- ------ ---- ------ ----------- 0 000 00 00000000 � NUL Null character ... ``` Notes ----- Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0 Related Links ------------- Script Content -------------- ```powershell <# .SYNOPSIS Lists the ASCII table .DESCRIPTION This PowerShell script lists the ASCII table on the console. .EXAMPLE PS> ./list-ascii-table.ps1 Dec Oct Hex Binary HTML Symbol Description --- --- --- ------ ---- ------ ----------- 0 000 00 00000000 � NUL Null character ... .LINK .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0 #> "" "Dec Oct Hex Binary HTML Symbol Description" "--- --- --- ------ ---- ------ -----------" " 0 000 00 00000000 � NUL Null character" " 1 001 01 00000001  SOH Start of Header" " 2 002 02 00000010  STX Start of Text" " 3 003 03 00000011  ETX End of Text" " 4 004 04 00000100  EOT End of Transmission" " 5 005 05 00000101  ENQ Enquiry" " 6 006 06 00000110  ACK Acknowledge" " 7 007 07 00000111  BEL Bell" " 8 010 08 00001000  BS Backspace" " 9 011 09 00001001 HT Horizontal Tab" " 10 012 0A 00001010 LF Line Feed" " 11 013 0B 00001011 VT Vertical Tab" " 12 014 0C 00001100 FF Form Feed" " 13 015 0D 00001101 CR Carriage Return" " 14 016 0E 00001110  SO Shift Out" " 15 017 0F 00001111  SI Shift In" " 16 020 10 00010000  DLE Data Link Escape" " 17 021 11 00010001  DC1 Device Control 1 (XON)" " 18 022 12 00010010  DC2 Device Control 2" " 19 023 13 00010011  DC3 Device Control 3 (XOFF)" " 20 024 14 00010100  DC4 Device Control 4" " 21 025 15 00010101  NAK Negative Acknowledge" " 22 026 16 00010110  SYN Synchronize" " 23 027 17 00010111  ETB End of Transmission Block" " 24 030 18 00011000  CAN Cancel" " 25 031 19 00011001  EM End of Medium" " 26 032 1A 00011010  SUB Substitute" " 27 033 1B 00011011  ESC Escape" " 28 034 1C 00011100  FS File Separator" " 29 035 1D 00011101  GS Group Separator" " 30 036 1E 00011110  RS Record Separator" " 31 037 1F 00011111  US Unit Separator" " 32 040 20 00100000 space Space" " 33 041 21 00100001 ! ! Exclamation mark" " 34 042 22 00100010 " `" Double quote" " 35 043 23 00100011 # # Number" " 36 044 24 00100100 $ $ Dollar sign" " 37 045 25 00100101 % % Percent" " 38 046 26 00100110 & & Ampersand" " 39 047 27 00100111 &apos ' Single quote" " 40 050 28 00101000 &lparen; ( Open parenthesis (or open bracket)" " 41 051 29 00101001 &rparen; ) Close parenthesis (or close bracket)" " 42 052 2A 00101010 * * Asterisk" " 43 053 2B 00101011 + + Plus" " 44 054 2C 00101100 , , Comma" " 45 055 2D 00101101 - - Hyphen-minus" " 46 056 2E 00101110 . . Period, dot or full stop" " 47 057 2F 00101111 / / Slash or divide" " 48 060 30 00110000 0 0 Zero" " 49 061 31 00110001 1 1 One" " 50 062 32 00110010 2 2 Two" " 51 063 33 00110011 3 3 Three" " 52 064 34 00110100 4 4 Four" " 53 065 35 00110101 5 5 Five" " 54 066 36 00110110 6 6 Six" " 55 067 37 00110111 7 7 Seven" " 56 070 38 00111000 8 8 Eight" " 57 071 39 00111001 9 9 Nine" exit 0 # success ``` *(generated by convert-ps2md.ps1 using the comment-based help of list-ascii-table.ps1 as of 01/25/2024 13:58:38)*