<# .SYNOPSIS Checks the network details .DESCRIPTION This PowerShell script queries the network details of the local computer and prints it. .EXAMPLE PS> ./check-network.ps1 N E T W O R K ✅ Online with 30ms latency (16ms..56ms, 0/10 loss) ... .LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0 #> Write-Host "`n N E T W O R K" -foregroundColor green & "$PSScriptRoot/list-ip-addresses.ps1" & "$PSScriptRoot/list-ssh-key.ps1" & "$PSScriptRoot/ping-remote-hosts.ps1" & "$PSScriptRoot/check-firewall" & "$PSScriptRoot/check-dns.ps1" & "$PSScriptRoot/check-vpn.ps1" & "$PSScriptRoot/ping-local-hosts.ps1" exit 0 # success