#!/snap/bin/powershell # Syntax: ./locate-zip-code.ps1 [] [] # Description: prints the geographic location of the given zip-code # Author: Markus Fleschutz # Source: github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell # License: CC0 param([string]$CountryCode, [string]$ZipCode) if ($CountryCode -eq "" ) { $CountryCode = read-host "Enter the country code" } if ($ZipCode -eq "" ) { $ZipCode = read-host "Enter the zip code" } $PathToDataDir=(get-item $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).directory $PathToDataDir="$PathToDataDir/../Data" try { write-progress "Reading zip-codes.csv..." $Table = import-csv "$PathToDataDir/zip-codes.csv" $FoundOne = 0 foreach($Row in $Table) { if ($Row.country -eq $CountryCode) { if ($Row.postal_code -eq $ZipCode) { $Country=$Row.country $City = $Row.city $Lat = $Row.latitude $Lon = $Row.longitude write-host "* $Country $ZipCode $City is at $Lat°N, $Lon°W" $FoundOne = 1 } } } if ($FoundOne) { exit 0 } write-error "Zip-code $ZipCode in country $CountryCode not found" exit 1 } catch { Write-Error "ERROR in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])" exit 1 }