	Writes animated text
	This PowerShell script writes animated text to the console.
	PS> ./write-animated "Hello World"
	Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0

param($Line1 = "", $Line2 = "", $Line3 = "", $Line4 = "", $Line5 = "", $Line6 = "", $Line7 = "", $Line8 = "", $Line9 = "", [int]$Speed = 30) # 30 ms pause

$TerminalWidth = 120 # characters

function WriteLine { param([string]$Line)
	if ($Line -eq "") { return }
	[int]$End = $Line.Length
	$StartPosition = $HOST.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition
	$Spaces = "                                                                     "
	foreach($Pos in 1 .. $End) {
		$TextToDisplay = $Spaces.Substring(0, $TerminalWidth / 2 - $pos / 2) + $Line.Substring(0, $Pos)
		Write-Host $TextToDisplay -noNewline
		Start-Sleep -milliseconds $Speed
		$HOST.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $StartPosition
	Write-Host ""

try {
	if ($Line1 -eq "") {
		$Line1 = "Welcome to PowerShell Scripts"
		$Line2 = " "
		$Line3 = "This repository contains useful and cross-platform PowerShell scripts."
		$Line4 = " "
		$Line5 = "Best regards,"
		$Line6 = "Markus"
	WriteLine $Line1 
	WriteLine $Line2 
	WriteLine $Line3 
	WriteLine $Line4 
	WriteLine $Line5 
	WriteLine $Line6 
	WriteLine $Line7
	WriteLine $Line8
	WriteLine $Line9
	exit 0 # success
} catch {
        "⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])"
        exit 1