<# .SYNOPSIS Converts PowerShell scripts to batch files .DESCRIPTION This script converts one or more PowerShell scripts to .bat batch files. .PARAMETER Filepattern Specifies the file pattern .EXAMPLE PS> ./convert-ps2bat *.ps1 .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz · License: CC0 .LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell #> param([string]$Filepattern = "") function Convert-PowerShellToBatch { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] [Alias("FullName")] $Path ) process { $encoded = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes((Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding UTF8))) $newPath = [Io.Path]::ChangeExtension($Path, ".bat") "@echo off`npowershell.exe -NoExit -encodedCommand $encoded" | Set-Content -Path $newPath -Encoding Ascii } } try { if ($Filepattern -eq "") { $Filepattern = read-host "Enter path to the PowerShell script(s)" } $Files = get-childItem -path "$Filepattern" foreach ($File in $Files) { Convert-PowerShellToBatch "$File" } exit 0 # success } catch { "⚠️ Error: $($Error[0]) ($($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber))" exit 1 }