<# .SYNOPSIS Prints the geographic location of a city .DESCRIPTION This PowerShell script prints the geographic location of the given city. .PARAMETER City Specifies the city to look for .EXAMPLE PS> ./locate-city Paris .LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz / License: CC0 #> param([string]$City = "") try { if ($City -eq "" ) { $City = read-host "Enter the city name" } write-progress "Reading worldcities.csv..." $Table = import-csv "$PSScriptRoot/../Data/worldcities.csv" $FoundOne = 0 foreach($Row in $Table) { if ($Row.city -eq $City) { $FoundOne = 1 $Country = $Row.country $Region = $Row.admin_name $Lat = $Row.lat $Long = $Row.lng $Population = $Row.population write-host "* $City ($Country, $Region, population $Population) is at $Lat°N, $Long°W" } } if ($FoundOne) { exit 0 # success } write-error "City $City not found" exit 1 } catch { "⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])" exit 1 }