# MY POWERSHELL PROFILE - it defines the look & feel of PowerShell. # WINDOW TITLE if ($IsLinux) { $username = $(whoami) } else { $username = $env:USERNAME } $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$username @ $(hostname)" # GREETING Write-Host "šŸ‘‹ Welcome $username to $(hostname)'s PowerShell (type 'hlp' for help)" -foregroundColor green # PROMPT function prompt { Write-Host "`nāž¤ " -noNewline -foregroundColor yellow; return " " } # ALIASES del alias:pwd -force -errorAction SilentlyContinue set-alias -name hlp -value write-help.ps1 set-alias -name pwd -value list-workdir.ps1 # pwd = print working directory set-alias -name ll -value get-childitem # ll = list folder (long format) del alias:ls -force -errorAction SilentlyContinue set-alias -name ls -value list-folder.ps1 # ls = list folder (short format)