<# .SYNOPSIS check-ping.ps1 [] .DESCRIPTION Checks the ping latency from the local computer to selected Internet hosts (default is: 'amazon.com,apple.com,bing.com,cnn.com,dropbox.com,facebook.com,google.com,live.com,twitter.com,youtube.com) .EXAMPLE PS> ./check-ping .LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz · License: CC0 #> param([string]$hosts = "amazon.com,apple.com,bing.com,cnn.com,dropbox.com,facebook.com,google.com,live.com,twitter.com,youtube.com") try { write-progress "Sending pings to $hosts..." $HostsArray = $hosts.Split(",") $Pings = test-connection -count 1 -computerName $HostsArray [int]$Min = 9999999 [int]$Max = 0 [int]$Avg = 0 foreach($Ping in $Pings) { if ($IsLinux) { [int]$Latency = $Ping.latency } else { [int]$Latency = $Ping.ResponseTime } if ($Latency -lt $Min) { $Min = $Latency } if ($Latency -gt $Max) { $Max = $Latency } $Avg += $Latency } $Avg = $Avg / $Pings.count "✔️ $Avg ms net latency average ($Min ms min, $Max ms max, $($Pings.count) hosts)" exit 0 # success } catch { "⚠️ Error: $($Error[0]) ($($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber))" exit 1 }