<# .SYNTAX list-cheat-sheet.ps1 .DESCRIPTION lists the PowerShell cheat sheet .LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz / License: CC0 #> "PowerShell Cheat Sheet" "======================" "" "Basic Commands" "--------------" " Cmdlet : Commands built into shell written in .NET" " Functions : Commands written in PowerShell language" " Parameter : Argument to a Cmdlet/Function/Script" " Alias : Shortcut for a Cmdlet or Function" " Scripts : Text files with .ps1 extension" " Applications : Existing windows programs" " Pipelines : Pass objects Get-process word | Stop-Process" " Ctrl+c : Interrupt current command" " Left/right : Navigate editing cursor" "Ctrl+left/right : Navigate a word at a time" " Home / End : End Move to start / end of line" " Up / down : Move up and down through history" " Insert : Toggles between insert/overwrite mode" " F7 : Command history in a window" "Tab / Shift-Tab : Command line completion" "" "Variables" "---------" " `$var = `"string`" : Assign variable" "`$a,`$b = 0 or `$a,`$b = 'a','b' : Assign multiple variables" " `$a,`$b = `$b,`$a : Flip variables" " `$var=[int]5 : Strongly typed variable" "" exit 0