<# .SYNOPSIS Checks every symlink in a folder (including subfolders) .DESCRIPTION This script checks every symlink in a folder (including subfolders). Returns the number of broken symlinks as exit value. .PARAMETER folder Specifies the path to the directory tree .EXAMPLE PS> ./check-symlinks . โ๏ธ 0 out of 10 symlinks are broken in ๐/home/markus .LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz ยท License: CC0 #> param([string]$folder = "") try { if ($folder -eq "" ) { $folder = read-host "Enter the path to the folder" } $FullPath = Resolve-Path "$folder" write-progress "Checking every symlink in ๐$FullPath..." [int]$NumTotal = [int]$NumBroken = 0 Get-ChildItem $FullPath -recurse | Where { $_.Attributes -match "ReparsePoint" } | ForEach-Object { $Symlink = $_.FullName $Target = ($_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Target -ErrorAction Ignore) if ($Target) { $path = $_.FullName + "\..\" + ($_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Target) $item = Get-Item $path -ErrorAction Ignore if (!$item) { write-warning "Broken symlink $Symlink -> $Target" $NumBroken++ } } $NumTotal++ } "โ๏ธ $NumBroken out of $NumTotal symlinks are broken in ๐$FullPath" exit $NumBroken } catch { "โ ๏ธ Error: $($Error[0]) ($($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber))" exit 1 }