<# .SYNOPSIS write-marquee.ps1 [] [] .DESCRIPTION Writes the given text as marquee .EXAMPLE PS> .\write-marquee.ps1 "Hello World" .LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell .NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz License: CC0 #> param([string]$Text = "PowerShell is powerful! PowerShell is cross-platform! PowerShell is open-source! PowerShell is easy to learn! Powershell is fully documented", [int]$Speed = 60) # 60 ms pause function StartMarquee { param([string]$text) $Length = $text.Length $Start = 1 $End = ($Length - 80) clear-host write-output "" write-output "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" $StartPosition = $HOST.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition $StartPosition.X = 2 write-output "| |" write-output "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" foreach ($Pos in $Start .. $End) { $HOST.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $StartPosition $TextToDisplay = $text.Substring($Pos, 80) write-host -nonewline $TextToDisplay start-sleep -milliseconds $Speed } write-output "" write-output "" write-output "" } StartMarquee " +++ $Text +++ $Text +++ $Text +++ $Text +++ $Text +++ $Text +++ $Text +++ $Text +++ $Text +++ $Text +++ $Text +++ $Text +++ " exit 0