"" Write-Host "ASCII TABLE" -foregroundColor green "" "Dec Oct Hex HTML Symbol Description" "--- --- --- ---- ------ -----------" " 0 000 00 � NUL Null character" " 1 001 01  SOH Start of Heading" " 2 002 02  STX Start of Text" " 3 003 03  ETX End of Text" " 4 004 04  EOT End of Transmission" " 5 005 05  ENQ Enquiry" " 6 006 06  ACK Acknowledge" " 7 007 07  BEL Bell, Alert" " 8 010 08  BS Backspace" " 9 011 09 HT Horizontal Tab" " 10 012 0A LF Line Feed" " 11 013 0B VT Vertical Tabulation" " 12 014 0C FF Form Feed" " 13 015 0D CR Carriage Return" " 14 016 0E  SO Shift Out" " 15 017 0F  SI Shift In" " 16 020 10  DLE Data Link Escape" " 17 021 11  DC1 Device Control One (XON)" " 18 022 12  DC2 Device Control Two" " 19 023 13  DC3 Device Control Three (XOFF)" exit 0 # success