2024-10-01 15:11:03 +02:00

76 lines
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Executable File

Configures Git
This PowerShell script configures your Git user settings.
Specifies the user's full name
.PARAMETER emailAddress
Specifies the user's email address
.PARAMETER favoriteEditor
Specifies the user's favorite text editor
PS> ./configure-git.ps1 "Joe Doe" joe@doe.com vim
⏳ (1/5) Searching for Git executable... git version 2.42.0.windows.1
⏳ (2/5) Asking for user details...
⏳ (3/5) Saving basic settings (autocrlf,symlinks,longpaths,etc.)...
⏳ (4/5) Saving user settings (name,email,editor)...
⏳ (5/5) Saving user shortcuts ('git br', 'git ls', 'git st', etc.)...
✅ Saved your Git configuration to ~/.gitconfig in 11s.
Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0
param([string]$fullName = "", [string]$emailAddress = "", [string]$favoriteEditor = "")
try {
Write-Host "⏳ (1/5) Searching for Git executable... " -noNewline
& git --version
if ($lastExitCode -ne "0") { throw "Can't execute 'git' - make sure Git is installed and available" }
"⏳ (2/5) Asking for user details..."
if ($fullName -eq "") { $fullName = Read-Host "Enter your full name" }
if ($emailAddress -eq "") { $emailAddress = Read-Host "Enter your e-mail address"}
if ($favoriteEditor -eq "") { $favoriteEditor = Read-Host "Enter your favorite text editor, e.g. atom,code,emacs,nano,notepad,subl,vi,vim" }
$stopWatch = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::startNew()
"⏳ (3/5) Saving basic settings (autocrlf,symlinks,longpaths,etc.)..."
& git config --global core.autocrlf false # don't change newlines
& git config --global core.symlinks true # enable support for symbolic link files
& git config --global core.longpaths true # enable support for long file paths
& git config --global init.defaultBranch main # set the default branch name to 'main'
& git config --global merge.renamelimit 99999 # raise the rename limit
& git config --global pull.rebase false
& git config --global fetch.parallel 0 # enable parallel fetching to improve the speed
if ($lastExitCode -ne "0") { throw "'git config' failed with exit code $lastExitCode" }
"⏳ (4/5) Saving user settings (name,email,editor)..."
& git config --global user.name $fullName
& git config --global user.email $emailAddress
& git config --global core.editor $favoriteEditor
if ($lastExitCode -ne "0") { throw "'git config' failed with exit code $lastExitCode" }
"⏳ (5/5) Saving user shortcuts ('git br', 'git ls', 'git st', etc.)..."
& git config --global alias.br "branch"
& git config --global alias.chp "cherry-pick --no-commit"
& git config --global alias.ci "commit"
& git config --global alias.co "checkout"
& git config --global alias.ls "log -n20 --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %C(bold blue)by %an%Creset %C(green)%cr%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
& git config --global alias.mrg "merge --no-commit --no-ff"
& git config --global alias.pl "pull --recurse-submodules"
& git config --global alias.ps "push"
& git config --global alias.smu "submodule update --init"
& git config --global alias.st "status"
if ($lastExitCode -ne "0") { throw "'git config' failed" }
[int]$elapsed = $stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
"✅ Saved your Git configuration to ~/.gitconfig in $($elapsed)s."
exit 0 # success
} catch {
"⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)): $($Error[0])"
exit 1