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Executable File
Lists Git repos
This PowerShell script lists details of all Git repositories in a folder.
Specifies the path to the parent directory.
PS> ./list-repos C:\MyRepos
Repository Branch LatestTag Status
---------- ------ --------- ------
cmake main v3.23.0 clean
opencv main 4.5.5 modified
Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0
param([string]$ParentDir = "$PWD")
function ListRepos {
$Folders = (Get-ChildItem "$ParentDir" -attributes Directory)
foreach($Folder in $Folders) {
$Repository = (Get-Item "$Folder").Name
$Branch = (git -C "$Folder" branch --show-current)
$LatestTagCommitID = (git -C "$Folder" rev-list --tags --max-count=1) | out-null
$LatestTag = (git -C "$Folder" describe --tags $LatestTagCommitID)
$NumCommits = (git -C "$Folder" rev-list HEAD...origin/$Branch --count)
$Status = (git -C "$Folder" status --short)
if ("$Status" -eq "") { $Status = "clean" }
elseif ("$Status" -like " M *") { $Status = "MODIFIED" }
New-Object PSObject -property @{ 'Repository'="📂$Repository"; 'Branch'="$Branch"; 'Latest Tag'="$LatestTag"; 'Updates'="↓$NumCommits"; 'Status'="$Status"; }
try {
if (-not(Test-Path "$ParentDir" -pathType container)) { throw "Can't access directory: $ParentDir" }
$Null = (git --version)
if ($lastExitCode -ne "0") { throw "Can't execute 'git' - make sure Git is installed and available" }
ListRepos | Format-Table -property @{e='Repository';width=22},@{e='Branch';width=20},'Latest Tag',@{e='Updates';width=10},Status
exit 0 # success
} catch {
"⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])"
exit 1