2021-12-09 07:19:20 +01:00

31 lines
998 B
Executable File

# My PowerShell Profile
# =====================
# This file defines the look & feel of PowerShell - adapt the following lines to your needs, please.
# The Welcome Message
# -------------------
"Welcome to PowerShell at $(hostname) in 📂$(get-location)"
# The Window Title
# ----------------
if ($IsLinux) { $Username = $(whoami) } else { $Username = $env:USERNAME }
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$Username @ $(hostname)"
# The Command Prompt
# ------------------
function prompt { write-host -noNewline -foregroundColor yellow "`n"; return " " }
# Supported Alias Names
# ---------------------
del alias:pwd -force -errorAction SilentlyContinue
set-alias -name pwd -value list-workdir.ps1 # pwd = print working directory
set-alias -name ll -value get-childitem # ll = list long
del alias:ls -force -errorAction SilentlyContinue
set-alias -name ls -value list-folder.ps1
set-alias -name .. -value cd-up.ps1 # 1 dir level up
set-alias -name ... -value cd-up2.ps1 # 2 dir levels up