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Measures the speed of MergeSort
This PowerShell script measures the speed of the MergeSort algorithm.
MergeSort is an efficient, general-purpose, and comparison-based sorting algorithm.
Most implementations produce a stable sort, which means that the order of equal elements
is the same in the input and output. Merge sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that
was invented by John von Neumann in 1945. A detailed description and analysis of bottom-up
merge sort appeared in a report by Goldstine and von Neumann as early as 1948.
.PARAMETER numIntegers
Specifies the number of integers to sort
PS> ./measure-MergeSort.ps1
🧭 0.378 sec to sorting 1000 integers by MergeSort
Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0
param([int]$numIntegers = 1000)
class MergeSort {
static Merge($theArray, $tempArray, $leftPos, $rightPos, $rightEnd) {
$leftEnd = $rightPos - 1
$tmpPos = $leftPos
$numElements = $rightEnd - $leftPos + 1
while (($leftPos -le $leftEnd) -and ($rightPos -le $rightEnd)) {
if ($theArray[$leftPos].CompareTo($theArray[$rightPos]) -le 0) {
$tempArray[$tmpPos++] = $theArray[$leftPos++]
else {
$tempArray[$tmpPos++] = $theArray[$rightPos++]
while ($leftPos -le $leftEnd) { $tempArray[$tmpPos++] = $theArray[$leftPos++] }
while ($rightPos -le $rightEnd) { $tempArray[$tmpPos++] = $theArray[$rightPos++] }
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $numElements; $i++, $rightEnd--) {
$theArray[$rightEnd] = $tempArray[$rightEnd]
static Sort($theArray) {
$tempArray = New-Object Object[] $theArray.Count
[MergeSort]::Sort($theArray, $tempArray, 0, ($theArray.Count - 1))
static Sort($theArray, $tempArray, $left, $right) {
if ($left -lt $right) {
$center = [Math]::Floor(($left + $right) / 2)
[MergeSort]::Sort($theArray, $tempArray, $left, $center)
[MergeSort]::Sort($theArray, $tempArray, ($center + 1), $right)
[MergeSort]::Merge($theArray, $tempArray, $left, ($center + 1), $right)
$list = (1..$numIntegers | foreach{Get-Random -minimum 1 -maximum $numIntegers})
$stopWatch = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::startNew()
[float]$elapsed = $stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
$elapsed3 = "{0:N3}" -f $elapsed # formatted to 3 decimal places
"🧭 $elapsed3 sec to sort $numIntegers integers by MergeSort"
exit 0 # success