2021-04-21 19:53:52 +02:00

26 lines
682 B
Executable File

.SYNTAX check-file-system.ps1 [<drive>]
.DESCRIPTION checks the validity of the file system (needs admin rights)
.LINK https://github.com/fleschutz/PowerShell
.NOTES Author: Markus Fleschutz / License: CC0
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
param($Drive = "")
if ($Drive -eq "" ) {
$Drive = read-host "Enter drive (letter) to check"
try {
$Result = repair-volume -driveLetter $Drive -scan
if ($Result -ne "NoErrorsFound") { throw "'repair-volume' failed" }
write-host -foregroundColor green "✔️ file system on drive $Drive is clean"
exit 0
} catch {
write-error "ERROR: line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])"
exit 1