2021-10-16 16:50:10 +02:00

30 lines
771 B
Executable File

Creates a new PowerShell script file
Creates a new PowerShell script file (by using template file ../Data/template.ps1).
.PARAMETER filename
Specifies the path to the resulting file
PS> ./new-script myscript.ps1
✔️ created new PowerShell script: myscript.ps1
Author: Markus Fleschutz · License: CC0
param([string]$filename = "")
try {
if ($filename -eq "" ) { $shortcut = read-host "Enter the new filename" }
copy-item "$PSScriptRoot/../Data/template.ps1" "$filename"
"✔️ created new PowerShell script: $filename"
exit 0 # success
} catch {
"⚠️ Error: $($Error[0]) ($($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name):$($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber))"
exit 1