2023-08-06 11:57:43 +02:00

62 lines
1.9 KiB
Executable File

Checks the drive space
This PowerShell script checks all drives for free space left.
Specifies the minimum warning level (10 GB by default)
PS> ./check-drives
✅ Drive C: with 250GB is 10% full, 225GB free
Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0
param([int]$MinLevel = 10) # 10 GB minimum
function Bytes2String { param([int64]$Bytes)
if ($Bytes -lt 1000) { return "$Bytes bytes" }
$Bytes /= 1000
if ($Bytes -lt 1000) { return "$($Bytes)KB" }
$Bytes /= 1000
if ($Bytes -lt 1000) { return "$($Bytes)MB" }
$Bytes /= 1000
if ($Bytes -lt 1000) { return "$($Bytes)GB" }
$Bytes /= 1000
if ($Bytes -lt 1000) { return "$($Bytes)TB" }
$Bytes /= 1000
if ($Bytes -lt 1000) { return "$($Bytes)PB" }
$Bytes /= 1000
if ($Bytes -lt 1000) { return "$($Bytes)EB" }
try {
Write-Progress "⏳ Querying drives..."
$Drives = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem
Write-Progress -completed "."
foreach($Drive in $Drives) {
$Details = (Get-PSDrive $Drive.Name)
if ($IsLinux) { $ID = $Drive.Name } else { $ID = $Drive.Name + ":" }
[int64]$Free = $Details.Free
[int64]$Used = $Details.Used
[int64]$Total = ($Used + $Free)
if ($Total -eq 0) {
Write-Host "✅ Drive $ID is empty"
} elseif ($Free -eq 0) {
Write-Host "⚠️ Drive $ID with $(Bytes2String $Total) is 100% full"
} elseif ($Free -lt $MinLevel) {
Write-Host "⚠️ Drive $ID with $(Bytes2String $Total) is nearly full, $(Bytes2String $Free) free"
} else {
[int]$Percent = ($Used * 100) / $Total
Write-Host "✅ Drive $ID with $(Bytes2String $Total) is $Percent% full, $(Bytes2String $Free) free"
exit 0 # success
} catch {
"⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])"
exit 1