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synced 2025-02-21 04:00:57 +01:00
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Lists the weather report
This PowerShell script lists the hourly weather report.
Specifies the location to use (determined automatically per default)
PS> ./list-weather
Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0
param([string]$Location = "") # empty means determine automatically
function Describe { param([string]$Desc)
switch($Desc) {
"Blizzard" { return "❄️ blizzard" }
"Clear" { return "🌙 clear " }
"Cloudy" { return "☁️ cloudy " }
"Heavy snow" { return "❄️ heavy snow" }
"Light drizzle" { return "💧 light drizzle" }
"Light rain" { return "💧 light rain " }
"Light rain shower" { return "💧 light rain shower" }
"Light sleet" { return "❄️ light sleet" }
"Light snow" { return "❄️ light snow" }
"Moderate snow" { return "❄️ moderate snow" }
"Mist" { return "🌫 misty " }
"Overcast" { return "☁️ overcast " }
"Partly cloudy" { return "⛅️partly cloudy" }
"Patchy light rain" { return "💧 patchy light rain" }
"Patchy rain possible" { return "💧 patchy rain possible" }
"Sunny" { return "☀️ sunny " }
"Thundery outbreaks possible" { return "⚡️thundery outbreaks possible" }
default { return "$Desc" }
try {
$Weather = (Invoke-WebRequest -URI http://wttr.in/${Location}?format=j1 -userAgent "curl" -useBasicParsing).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$Area = $Weather.nearest_area.areaName.value
$Region = $Weather.nearest_area.region.value
$Country = $Weather.nearest_area.country.value
[int]$Day = 0
foreach($Hourly in $Weather.weather.hourly) {
$Hour = $Hourly.time / 100
$Temp = $Hourly.tempC
$Precip = $Hourly.precipMM
$Humidity = $Hourly.humidity
$Pressure = $Hourly.pressure
$WindSpeed = $Hourly.windspeedKmph
$WindDir = $Hourly.winddir16Point
$UV = $Hourly.uvIndex
$Clouds = $Hourly.cloudcover
$Desc = $Hourly.weatherDesc.value
if ($Hour -eq 0) {
if ($Day -eq 0) {
Write-Host -foregroundColor green "Today 🌡°C ☂️mm 💧 💨km/h from ☀️UV ☁️ at $Area ($Region, $Country)"
} elseif ($Day -eq 1) {
Write-Host -foregroundColor green "Tomorrow"
} else {
Write-Host -foregroundColor green "Day after tomorrow"
"$(($Hour.toString()).PadLeft(2))°° $(($Temp.toString()).PadLeft(2))° $($Precip) $(($Humidity.toString()).PadLeft(3))% $(($WindSpeed.toString()).PadLeft(2)) $WindDir`t$($UV) $(($Clouds.toString()).PadLeft(3))% $(Describe $Desc)"
exit 0 # success
} catch {
"⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])"
exit 1
} |