This unconditionally removes all pointers (touches) pressing modifiers
which are not already locked, avoiding that the (currently) latched
modifier will be locked aventually.
This can be verfified while sliding the space bar to move the cursor
left or right.
This activity points to the system settings page for enabling input
methods. This is purely a shortcut but is expected by many users.
It could be made more useful in the future or hidden whenever the
keyboard is enabled.
The previous algorithm did not cut the circle into 16 equal parts.
The division by 2pi yielded numbers smaller than 16, which no longer
made sense after the cast to int.
'Keyboard.Key' now contains an array of size 9, giving each keyvalue an
index. The algorithm for finding the nearest key during a swipe now
needs 16 segments, which are now calculated as an angle.
The algorithm does one more interation instead of 2 more, slightly
reducing the sensitivity of corner values. The 'getAtDirection' function
is moved into the Pointers class to clearly separate the two systems.
The 'edgekey' attribute is now obsolete but is kept for compatibility.
The flag is removed internally, key index are simply translated.
Similarly, the 'slider' attribute now act on keys at index 5 and 6
instead of 2 and 3.
The 'keysHeight' field needs to be updated. As this class is not
intended to be mutable, copy the list of rows and call the constructor.
Also remove an unecessary component of the keyboard height calculation.
A new option changes the "change_method" into the new
"change_method_prev". It switch to the previously used input method.
A long press on "change_method_prev" sends "change_method".
A new section is added in the settings and existing options are moved.
Refactor, follow up of 90b7944. Add a modification step to the "special"
layouts: numpad, greekmath, pin entry.
Remove the apply_key0 function, which is not expressive enough.
Add an enum instead of yet an other "switch_" function.
Send key events for the left or right arrow as the finger slides on the
space bar.
Can be used to select text by holding shift. Works under Termux.
Events are sent linearly as the finger travels. The distance between
each events is defined from the swiping distance divided by 4.
'slider="true"' can be set on a key that have 'edgekeys="true"'.
'key2' and 'key3' represent the right and left keys.
It allowed to modulate the repeat speed of some keys (arrow, backspace,
delete) by move the finger farther or closer to the key.
In practice, this wasn't pratical and doesn't seem popular. It is
removed in favor of a better mechanism for moving the cursor.
Stay on the secondary layout after a config refresh or onStartInputView.
The information is kept until the keyboard is restarted.
Additionally, move tweaking the secondary layout to the Config class now
that physical equality is not needed.
Values like 'characterSize' and 'horizontalMargin' can't be fed back into the default value because they are not of the same unit.
To avoid this happening again, change the way the default value is defined for every options.
The 'key_height' dimension was no longer used.
The most requested keys are undo and redo. Unfortunatly redo doesn't
work reliably.
The other context menu actions like share, assist and autofill are added
even thought they are rarely useful or implemented.
* Add option for keyboard opacity (transparency). Keyboard background, keys and pressed keys can be adjusted separately.
* Make the borders transparent as well
* Moved setAlphas outside drawKeyFrame to top of onDraw method
setInputView() was not called when the view was re-created through
refresh_config(). Also, the refresh_config() function was not able to
properly set the current layout.
Now keep the default layout (_localeTextLayout) and the current non-text
layout (if any, _currentSpecialLayout) separately to be able to refresh
them later.
setInputView() is called everytime the view is created instead of by
onStartInputView() specifically.
The setting activity now save the preferences to the protected storage
in onStop() instead of listening for onSharedPreferenceChanged.
The callback might not be called if the "default" shared preferences is
different from the shared preferences actually used. This is unexpected
but seems to happen half of the time on Android 12.
Since f1ce6ab, this callback is critical to update the keyboard.
Restarting the application can no longer solve these issues.
Add an option for specifying an XML layout description as a string.
The option is a bit rough at the moment:
- No documentation, users have to be aware of the keyboard's code to use
this option.
- No error are shown, the layout will fallback to qwerty on error.
This function has been introduced in API 19 and deprecated in API 28.
There was no version check for API 19 but instead of adding these,
simply remove the feature for API under 28.
Themes can define the color of each borders independently. Every borders
must have the same width for now. It's possible to set a different width
when the key is activated, thought this is only used to remove borders.
The 4 themes are updated to take advantage of borders.
Remove the code dealing with InputMethodConnection from 'Keyboard2' and
move it into 'KeyEventHandler', where more editing actions can now be
Autocapitalisation is also moved, the IReceiver interface is simplified.
The dpi values "xdpi" and "ydpi" can have wildly different values on
different devices.
The new computation defines a baseline and only take into account the
dpi values as a ratio.
On a 480dpi screen (in both directions), this decrease the value by
about 18%. This new distance felt better during testing.
A new option allow to choose a secondary layout, the switching key is
placed on the top edge of the space bar.
The "Programming layout" option was basically doing that but it was
possible to choose from a few layouts only. It is improved and renamed.
The 'LayoutListPreference' allows setting the string for the first entry
but otherwise share the rest of the array.
Add nice icons from materialdesignicons.
Store preferences in device protected storage, which is available before
the device is unlocked.
The keyboard was crashing when trying to access the encrypted
The emoji pane uses a separate preferences file, the old data is lost.
The SettingsActivity can't easily use the new preferences storage.
Instead, it continues to use the "default" preferences store, which is
copied back to the protected storage when needed.
The 'accent_slash' was missing in the extra keys setting.
Allow to type more latin letters "with oblique stroke" or "with stroke"
that visually have an oblique bar, that were not added to 'accent_bar'.
There seems to be no "DayNight" theme compatible with older version of
android outside of the androidx library.
Using 'Theme.DeviceDefault' which is a dark theme, even if it doesn't
sounds like. Detect if a light theme should be used at activity
Similar to 'qwertz' but is wider to show äöü on dedicated keys. Some
punctuations are rebalanced to use the space better.
The default layout for de_DE is changed.
The key enable caps lock immediately. It does nothing if caps lock is
already enabled.
It is not present on the keyboard by default but a place is defined on
every layout, top-right of the shift key. It can be enabled in the
The icon is from
This mode is annoying to some users and is disabled in most text views.
The keyboard has a fixed sized relative to the height of the screen in
landscape mode. The keyboard can't take more space than expected,
This might cause problems in the future and might be hidden behind an
option if one is found. Every text views so far seemed to behave fine.
In Turkish, upper case of 'iı' is 'İI' but Java's toUpperCase will
return 'II'.
To make 'İ' accessible, make it the shift of 'ı'. This has the
inconvenient of swapping i and ı on the keyboard.
* Added Czech translation and layout
Translated keyboard and created Czech multilingual "practical" layout for faster typing and typing in commonly used languages (German, Slovak + French w/accents)
* Update (Rephrase) full_description.txt
... to better suit the language and naturally promote keyboard's features and possibilities to a wider audience.