package juloo.keyboard2; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Build; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.KeyEvent; final class Config { // From resources public final float marginTop; public final float keyPadding; public final float labelTextSize; public final float sublabelTextSize; // From preferences public int layout; // Or '-1' for the system defaults private float swipe_dist_dp; public float swipe_dist_px; public boolean vibrateEnabled; public long vibrateDuration; public long longPressTimeout; public long longPressInterval; public float marginBottom; public float keyHeight; public float horizontalMargin; public float keyVerticalInterval; public float keyHorizontalInterval; public boolean preciseRepeat; public int lockable_modifiers; public float characterSize; // Ratio public int accents; // Values are R.values.pref_accents_v_* public int theme; // Values are* // Dynamically set public boolean shouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod; public int key_flags_to_remove; public String actionLabel; // Might be 'null' public int actionId; // Meaningful only when 'actionLabel' isn't 'null' public boolean swapEnterActionKey; // Swap the "enter" and "action" keys public final IKeyEventHandler handler; private Config(Context context, IKeyEventHandler h) { Resources res = context.getResources(); // static values marginTop = res.getDimension(R.dimen.margin_top); keyPadding = res.getDimension(R.dimen.key_padding); labelTextSize = res.getFloat(R.integer.label_text_size); sublabelTextSize = res.getFloat(R.integer.sublabel_text_size); // default values layout = -1; vibrateEnabled = true; vibrateDuration = 20; longPressTimeout = 600; longPressInterval = 65; marginBottom = res.getDimension(R.dimen.margin_bottom); keyHeight = res.getDimension(R.dimen.key_height); horizontalMargin = res.getDimension(R.dimen.horizontal_margin); keyVerticalInterval = res.getDimension(R.dimen.key_vertical_interval); keyHorizontalInterval = res.getDimension(R.dimen.key_horizontal_interval); preciseRepeat = true; characterSize = 1.f; accents = 1; // from prefs refresh(context); // initialized later shouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod = false; key_flags_to_remove = 0; actionLabel = null; actionId = 0; swapEnterActionKey = false; handler = h; } /* ** Reload prefs */ public void refresh(Context context) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); Resources res = context.getResources(); DisplayMetrics dm = res.getDisplayMetrics(); // The height of the keyboard is relative to the height of the screen. This // is not the actual size of the keyboard, which will be bigger if the // layout has a fifth row. int keyboardHeightPercent; if (res.getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) // Landscape mode { keyboardHeightPercent = 55; } else { keyboardHeightPercent = prefs.getInt("keyboard_height", 35); } layout = layoutId_of_string(prefs.getString("layout", "system")); swipe_dist_dp = Float.valueOf(prefs.getString("swipe_dist", "15")); swipe_dist_px = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, swipe_dist_dp, dm); vibrateEnabled = prefs.getBoolean("vibrate_enabled", vibrateEnabled); vibrateDuration = prefs.getInt("vibrate_duration", (int)vibrateDuration); longPressTimeout = prefs.getInt("longpress_timeout", (int)longPressTimeout); longPressInterval = prefs.getInt("longpress_interval", (int)longPressInterval); marginBottom = getDipPref(dm, prefs, "margin_bottom", marginBottom); keyVerticalInterval = getDipPref(dm, prefs, "key_vertical_space", keyVerticalInterval); keyHorizontalInterval = getDipPref(dm, prefs, "key_horizontal_space", keyHorizontalInterval); // Do not substract keyVerticalInterval from keyHeight because this is done // during rendered. keyHeight = dm.heightPixels * keyboardHeightPercent / 100 / 4; horizontalMargin = getDipPref(dm, prefs, "horizontal_margin", horizontalMargin) + res.getDimension(R.dimen.extra_horizontal_margin); preciseRepeat = prefs.getBoolean("precise_repeat", preciseRepeat); lockable_modifiers = (prefs.getBoolean("lockable_shift", true) ? KeyValue.FLAG_SHIFT : 0) | (prefs.getBoolean("lockable_ctrl", false) ? KeyValue.FLAG_CTRL : 0) | (prefs.getBoolean("lockable_alt", false) ? KeyValue.FLAG_ALT : 0) | (prefs.getBoolean("lockable_fn", false) ? KeyValue.FLAG_FN : 0) | (prefs.getBoolean("lockable_meta", false) ? KeyValue.FLAG_META : 0); characterSize = prefs.getFloat("character_size", characterSize); accents = Integer.valueOf(prefs.getString("accents", "1")); theme = getThemeId(res, prefs.getString("theme", "")); } /** Update the layout according to the configuration. * - Remove the switching key if it isn't needed * - Remove keys from other locales * - Replace the action key to show the right label * - Swap the enter and action keys */ public KeyboardData modify_layout(KeyboardData kw) { // Update the name to avoid caching in KeyModifier KeyValue action_key = (actionLabel == null) ? null : KeyValue.getKeyByName("action").withNameAndSymbol(actionLabel, actionLabel); return kw.replaceKeys(key -> { if (key == null) return null; switch (key.eventCode) { case KeyValue.EVENT_CHANGE_METHOD: return shouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod ? key : null; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER: return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ? action_key : key; case KeyValue.EVENT_ACTION: return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ? KeyValue.getKeyByName("enter") : action_key; default: if (key.flags != 0) { if ((key.flags & key_flags_to_remove) != 0) return null; if ((key.flags & lockable_modifiers) != 0) return key.withFlags(key.flags | KeyValue.FLAG_LOCK); } return key; }}); } private float getDipPref(DisplayMetrics dm, SharedPreferences prefs, String pref_name, float def) { float value; try { value = prefs.getInt(pref_name, -1); } catch (Exception e) { value = prefs.getFloat(pref_name, -1f); } if (value < 0f) return (def); return (TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, value, dm)); } private int getThemeId(Resources res, String theme_name) { switch (theme_name) { case "light": return; case "black": return; case "dark": return; default: case "system": if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 8) { int night_mode = res.getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK; if ((night_mode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO) != 0) return; } return; } } public static int layoutId_of_string(String name) { switch (name) { case "azerty": return R.xml.azerty; case "qwerty": return R.xml.qwerty; case "qwerty_lv": return R.xml.qwerty_lv; case "qwerty_es": return R.xml.qwerty_es; case "ru_jcuken": return R.xml.local_ru_jcuken; case "qwertz": return R.xml.qwertz; case "bgph1": return R.xml.local_bgph1; case "dvorak": return R.xml.dvorak; case "system": default: return -1; } } /* Used for the accents option. */ public static int extra_key_flag_of_name(String name) { switch (name) { case "aigu": return KeyValue.FLAG_ACCENT2; case "caron": return KeyValue.FLAG_ACCENT_CARON; case "cedille": return KeyValue.FLAG_ACCENT5; case "circonflexe": return KeyValue.FLAG_ACCENT3; case "grave": return KeyValue.FLAG_ACCENT1; case "macron": return KeyValue.FLAG_ACCENT_MACRON; case "ring": return KeyValue.FLAG_ACCENT_RING; case "szlig": return KeyValue.FLAG_LANG_SZLIG; case "euro": return KeyValue.FLAG_LANG_EURO; case "pound": return KeyValue.FLAG_LANG_POUND; case "tilde": return KeyValue.FLAG_ACCENT4; case "trema": return KeyValue.FLAG_ACCENT6; default: throw new RuntimeException(name); } } public static int themeId_of_string(String name) { switch (name) { case "light": return; case "black": return; default: case "dark": return; } } private static Config _globalConfig = null; public static void initGlobalConfig(Context context, IKeyEventHandler handler) { _globalConfig = new Config(context, handler); } public static Config globalConfig() { return _globalConfig; } public static interface IKeyEventHandler { public void handleKeyUp(KeyValue value, int flags); } }