package juloo.keyboard2; import android.content.ClipData; import android.content.ClipboardManager; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Build.VERSION; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public final class ClipboardHistoryService { /** Start the service on startup and start listening to clipboard changes. */ public static void on_startup(Context ctx, ClipboardPasteCallback cb) { get_service(ctx); _paste_callback = cb; } /** Start the service if it hasn't been started before. Returns [null] if the feature is unsupported. */ public static ClipboardHistoryService get_service(Context ctx) { if (VERSION.SDK_INT <= 11) return null; if (_service == null) _service = new ClipboardHistoryService(ctx); return _service; } public static void set_history_enabled(boolean e) { Config.globalConfig().set_clipboard_history_enabled(e); if (_service == null) return; if (e) _service.add_current_clip(); else _service.clear_history(); } /** Send the given string to the editor. */ public static void paste(String clip) { if (_paste_callback != null) _paste_callback.paste_from_clipboard_pane(clip); } /** The maximum size limits the amount of user data stored in memory but also gives a sense to the user that the history is not persisted and can be forgotten as soon as the app stops. */ public static final int MAX_HISTORY_SIZE = 3; /** Time in ms until history entries expire. */ public static final long HISTORY_TTL_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; static ClipboardHistoryService _service = null; static ClipboardPasteCallback _paste_callback = null; ClipboardManager _cm; List _history; OnClipboardHistoryChange _listener = null; ClipboardHistoryService(Context ctx) { _history = new ArrayList(); _cm = (ClipboardManager)ctx.getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE); _cm.addPrimaryClipChangedListener( SystemListener()); } public List clear_expired_and_get_history() { long now_ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); List dst = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = _history.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { HistoryEntry ent =; if (ent.expiry_timestamp <= now_ms) it.remove(); else dst.add(ent.content); } return dst; } /** This will call [on_clipboard_history_change]. */ public void remove_history_entry(String clip) { int last_pos = _history.size() - 1; for (int pos = last_pos; pos >= 0; pos--) { if (!_history.get(pos).content.equals(clip)) continue; // Removing the current clipboard, clear the system clipboard. if (pos == last_pos) { if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28) _cm.clearPrimaryClip(); else _cm.setText(""); } _history.remove(pos); if (_listener != null) _listener.on_clipboard_history_change(); } } /** Add clipboard entries to the history, skipping consecutive duplicates and empty strings. */ public void add_clip(String clip) { if (!Config.globalConfig().clipboard_history_enabled) return; int size = _history.size(); if (clip.equals("") || (size > 0 && _history.get(size - 1).content.equals(clip))) return; if (size >= MAX_HISTORY_SIZE) _history.remove(0); _history.add(new HistoryEntry(clip)); if (_listener != null) _listener.on_clipboard_history_change(); } public void clear_history() { _history.clear(); if (_listener != null) _listener.on_clipboard_history_change(); } public void set_on_clipboard_history_change(OnClipboardHistoryChange l) { _listener = l; } public static interface OnClipboardHistoryChange { public void on_clipboard_history_change(); } /** Add what is currently in the system clipboard into the history. */ void add_current_clip() { ClipData clip = _cm.getPrimaryClip(); if (clip == null) return; int count = clip.getItemCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CharSequence text = clip.getItemAt(i).getText(); if (text != null) add_clip(text.toString()); } } final class SystemListener implements ClipboardManager.OnPrimaryClipChangedListener { public SystemListener() {} @Override public void onPrimaryClipChanged() { add_current_clip(); } } static final class HistoryEntry { public final String content; /** Time at which the entry expires. */ public final long expiry_timestamp; public HistoryEntry(String c) { content = c; expiry_timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() + HISTORY_TTL_MS; } } public interface ClipboardPasteCallback { public void paste_from_clipboard_pane(String content); } }