2024-12-05 21:55:12 +01:00

161 lines
4.5 KiB

# arab_alt
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: !, ", ', +, -, /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, [, \, ], _, |, ~
1 warnings
# arab_hamvaj_tly
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: ", %, ', ,, /, ;, <, =, >, ?, [, \, ], _, `, {, |, }
Layout doesn't define some important keys, missing: loc esc
2 warnings
# arab_pc
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: !, ', +, ;, ?, \, |
1 warnings
# arab_pc_ckb
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: ", %, ', +, ,, ;, <, =, >, ?, `, |, ~
1 warnings
# arab_pc_ckb_fa
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: ", #, $, %, &, ', ,, /, ;, ?, @, \, ^, `, |, ~
Layout doesn't define some important keys, missing: loc esc, loc tab
2 warnings
# arab_pc_hindu
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: !, ', +, ;, ?, \, |
1 warnings
# arab_pc_ir
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: ", %, ', ,, /, ;, <, =, >, ?, [, \, ], `, {, |, }
1 warnings
# armenian_ph_am
0 warnings
# beng_national
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: $
1 warnings
# beng_provat
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: $, &, *, ., /, <, >, [, \, ], `, {, |, }
1 warnings
# cyrl_jcuken_ru
0 warnings
# cyrl_jcuken_uk
0 warnings
# cyrl_lynyertz_sr
0 warnings
# cyrl_ueishsht
0 warnings
# cyrl_yaverti
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: ~
1 warnings
# cyrl_yqukeng_tj
Layout doesn't define some important keys, missing: loc esc, loc tab
These keys are now added automatically, unexpected: f11_placeholder, f12_placeholder
2 warnings
# cyrl_yxukeng_os
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: ", #, $, &, ', @, [, ], ~
Layout doesn't define some important keys, missing: loc esc, loc tab
These keys are now added automatically, unexpected: f11_placeholder, f12_placeholder
3 warnings
# deva_alt
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: #, $, %, &, ', (, ), +, ., /, :, <, =, >, [, \, ], ^, _, `, {, |, }, ~
Layout doesn't define some important keys, missing: loc esc, loc tab
2 warnings
# deva_inscript
Duplicate keys: ।
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: ", $, ', ^, _, `, |
2 warnings
# georgian_mes
0 warnings
# georgian_qwerty
0 warnings
# grek_qwerty
Duplicate keys: ;
1 warnings
# guj_phonetic_in
Duplicate keys: ટ, ડ
1 warnings
# hang_dubeolsik_kr
Layout doesn't define some important keys, missing: loc esc, loc tab
1 warnings
# hebr_1_il
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: (, ), <, >, [, ], {, }
1 warnings
# hebr_2_il
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: (, ), <, >, [, ], {, }
1 warnings
# latn_azerty_be
0 warnings
# latn_azerty_fr
0 warnings
# latn_bepo_fr
0 warnings
# latn_bone
Layout doesn't define some important keys, missing: loc esc, loc tab
Layout redefines the bottom row but some important keys are missing, missing: cursor_left, cursor_right, loc compose, loc end, loc home, loc page_down, loc page_up, loc switch_clipboard, loc switch_greekmath, loc voice_typing, switch_backward
2 warnings
# latn_colemak
Some keys contain whitespaces, unexpected: ́
1 warnings
# latn_dvorak
0 warnings
# latn_neo2
Layout redefines the bottom row but some important keys are missing, missing: loc switch_clipboard
1 warnings
# latn_qwerty_br
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_cz
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_da
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_es
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_gb
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_hu
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_jp
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_lv
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_no
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_pl
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_ro
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_se
Duplicate keys: !, ', ,, -, ., ?
1 warnings
# latn_qwerty_sk
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_sr
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_tly
Duplicate keys: a, c, j, q
Layout doesn't define some important keys, missing: loc esc, loc tab
2 warnings
# latn_qwerty_tr
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_us
0 warnings
# latn_qwerty_vi
0 warnings
# latn_qwertz
0 warnings
# latn_qwertz_cz
0 warnings
# latn_qwertz_cz_multifunctional
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: `
1 warnings
# latn_qwertz_de
0 warnings
# latn_qwertz_fr_ch
0 warnings
# latn_qwertz_hu
0 warnings
# latn_qwertz_sk
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: `
1 warnings
# latn_qwertz_sq
0 warnings
# shaw_imperial_en
0 warnings
# urdu_phonetic_ur
Duplicate keys:
Layout includes some ASCII punctuation but not all, missing: <, >, ?, `, |, ~
Some keys contain whitespaces, unexpected:
3 warnings