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synced 2025-03-03 00:32:10 +01:00
The pin entry layout shouldn't be inverted as the letter indications would be meaningless and the order would be opposite to what the option specifies. The enter and action key are swapped as the automatic swapping is also removed.
469 lines
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469 lines
17 KiB
package juloo.keyboard2;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import juloo.keyboard2.prefs.CustomExtraKeysPreference;
import juloo.keyboard2.prefs.ExtraKeysPreference;
import juloo.keyboard2.prefs.LayoutsPreference;
public final class Config
private final SharedPreferences _prefs;
// From resources
public final float marginTop;
public final float keyPadding;
public final float labelTextSize;
public final float sublabelTextSize;
// From preferences
/** [null] represent the [system] layout. */
public List<KeyboardData> layouts;
public boolean show_numpad = false;
// From the 'numpad_layout' option, also apply to the numeric pane.
public boolean inverse_numpad = false;
public boolean number_row;
public float swipe_dist_px;
public float slide_step_px;
// Let the system handle vibration when false.
public boolean vibrate_custom;
// Control the vibration if [vibrate_custom] is true.
public long vibrate_duration;
public long longPressTimeout;
public long longPressInterval;
public float margin_bottom;
public float keyHeight;
public float horizontal_margin;
public float key_vertical_margin;
public float key_horizontal_margin;
public int labelBrightness; // 0 - 255
public int keyboardOpacity; // 0 - 255
public float customBorderRadius; // 0 - 1
public float customBorderLineWidth; // dp
public int keyOpacity; // 0 - 255
public int keyActivatedOpacity; // 0 - 255
public boolean double_tap_lock_shift;
public float characterSize; // Ratio
public int theme; // Values are R.style.*
public boolean autocapitalisation;
public boolean switch_input_immediate;
public boolean pin_entry_enabled;
public boolean borderConfig;
// Dynamically set
public boolean shouldOfferVoiceTyping;
public String actionLabel; // Might be 'null'
public int actionId; // Meaningful only when 'actionLabel' isn't 'null'
public boolean swapEnterActionKey; // Swap the "enter" and "action" keys
public ExtraKeys extra_keys_subtype;
public Map<KeyValue, KeyboardData.PreferredPos> extra_keys_param;
public Map<KeyValue, KeyboardData.PreferredPos> extra_keys_custom;
public final IKeyEventHandler handler;
public boolean orientation_landscape = false;
/** Index in 'layouts' of the currently used layout. See
[get_current_layout()] and [set_current_layout()]. */
int current_layout_portrait;
int current_layout_landscape;
private Config(SharedPreferences prefs, Resources res, IKeyEventHandler h)
_prefs = prefs;
// static values
marginTop = res.getDimension(R.dimen.margin_top);
keyPadding = res.getDimension(R.dimen.key_padding);
labelTextSize = 0.33f;
sublabelTextSize = 0.22f;
// from prefs
// initialized later
shouldOfferVoiceTyping = false;
actionLabel = null;
actionId = 0;
swapEnterActionKey = false;
extra_keys_subtype = null;
handler = h;
** Reload prefs
public void refresh(Resources res)
DisplayMetrics dm = res.getDisplayMetrics();
orientation_landscape = res.getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE;
// The height of the keyboard is relative to the height of the screen.
// This is the height of the keyboard if it have 4 rows.
int keyboardHeightPercent;
float characterSizeScale = 1.f;
String show_numpad_s = _prefs.getString("show_numpad", "never");
show_numpad = "always".equals(show_numpad_s);
if (orientation_landscape)
if ("landscape".equals(show_numpad_s))
show_numpad = true;
keyboardHeightPercent = _prefs.getInt("keyboard_height_landscape", 50);
characterSizeScale = 1.25f;
keyboardHeightPercent = _prefs.getInt("keyboard_height", 35);
layouts = LayoutsPreference.load_from_preferences(res, _prefs);
inverse_numpad = _prefs.getString("numpad_layout", "default").equals("low_first");
number_row = _prefs.getBoolean("number_row", false);
// The baseline for the swipe distance correspond to approximately the
// width of a key in portrait mode, as most layouts have 10 columns.
// Multipled by the DPI ratio because most swipes are made in the diagonals.
// The option value uses an unnamed scale where the baseline is around 25.
float dpi_ratio = Math.max(dm.xdpi, dm.ydpi) / Math.min(dm.xdpi, dm.ydpi);
float swipe_scaling = Math.min(dm.widthPixels, dm.heightPixels) / 10.f * dpi_ratio;
float swipe_dist_value = Float.valueOf(_prefs.getString("swipe_dist", "15"));
swipe_dist_px = swipe_dist_value / 25.f * swipe_scaling;
slide_step_px = swipe_dist_px / 4.f;
vibrate_custom = _prefs.getBoolean("vibrate_custom", false);
vibrate_duration = _prefs.getInt("vibrate_duration", 20);
longPressTimeout = _prefs.getInt("longpress_timeout", 600);
longPressInterval = _prefs.getInt("longpress_interval", 65);
margin_bottom = get_dip_pref_oriented(dm, "margin_bottom", 7, 3);
key_vertical_margin = get_dip_pref(dm, "key_vertical_margin", 1.5f) / 100;
key_horizontal_margin = get_dip_pref(dm, "key_horizontal_margin", 2) / 100;
// Label brightness is used as the alpha channel
labelBrightness = _prefs.getInt("label_brightness", 100) * 255 / 100;
// Keyboard opacity
keyboardOpacity = _prefs.getInt("keyboard_opacity", 100) * 255 / 100;
keyOpacity = _prefs.getInt("key_opacity", 100) * 255 / 100;
keyActivatedOpacity = _prefs.getInt("key_activated_opacity", 100) * 255 / 100;
// keyboard border settings
borderConfig = _prefs.getBoolean("border_config", false);
customBorderRadius = _prefs.getInt("custom_border_radius", 0) / 100.f;
customBorderLineWidth = get_dip_pref(dm, "custom_border_line_width", 0);
// Do not substract key_vertical_margin from keyHeight because this is done
// during rendering.
keyHeight = dm.heightPixels * keyboardHeightPercent / 100 / 4;
horizontal_margin =
get_dip_pref_oriented(dm, "horizontal_margin", 3, 28);
double_tap_lock_shift = _prefs.getBoolean("lock_double_tap", false);
characterSize =
_prefs.getFloat("character_size", 1.f)
* characterSizeScale;
theme = getThemeId(res, _prefs.getString("theme", ""));
autocapitalisation = _prefs.getBoolean("autocapitalisation", true);
switch_input_immediate = _prefs.getBoolean("switch_input_immediate", false);
extra_keys_param = ExtraKeysPreference.get_extra_keys(_prefs);
extra_keys_custom = CustomExtraKeysPreference.get(_prefs);
pin_entry_enabled = _prefs.getBoolean("pin_entry_enabled", true);
current_layout_portrait = _prefs.getInt("current_layout_portrait", 0);
current_layout_landscape = _prefs.getInt("current_layout_landscape", 0);
public int get_current_layout()
return (orientation_landscape)
? current_layout_landscape : current_layout_portrait;
public void set_current_layout(int l)
if (orientation_landscape)
current_layout_landscape = l;
current_layout_portrait = l;
SharedPreferences.Editor e = _prefs.edit();
e.putInt("current_layout_portrait", current_layout_portrait);
e.putInt("current_layout_landscape", current_layout_landscape);
KeyValue action_key()
// Update the name to avoid caching in KeyModifier
return (actionLabel == null) ? null :
/** Update the layout according to the configuration.
* - Remove the switching key if it isn't needed
* - Remove "localized" keys from other locales (not in 'extra_keys')
* - Replace the action key to show the right label
* - Swap the enter and action keys
* - Add the optional numpad and number row
* - Add the extra keys
public KeyboardData modify_layout(KeyboardData kw)
final KeyValue action_key = action_key();
// Extra keys are removed from the set as they are encountered during the
// first iteration then automatically added.
final Map<KeyValue, KeyboardData.PreferredPos> extra_keys = new HashMap<KeyValue, KeyboardData.PreferredPos>();
final Set<KeyValue> remove_keys = new HashSet<KeyValue>();
if (extra_keys_subtype != null)
Set<KeyValue> present = new HashSet<KeyValue>();
new ExtraKeys.Query(kw.script, present));
boolean number_row = this.number_row && !show_numpad;
if (number_row)
kw = kw.mapKeys(new KeyboardData.MapKeyValues() {
public KeyValue apply(KeyValue key, boolean localized)
boolean is_extra_key = extra_keys.containsKey(key);
if (is_extra_key)
if (localized && !is_extra_key)
return null;
if (remove_keys.contains(key))
return null;
switch (key.getKind())
case Event:
switch (key.getEvent())
if (switch_input_immediate)
return KeyValue.getKeyByName("change_method_prev");
return key;
case ACTION:
return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ?
KeyValue.getKeyByName("enter") : action_key;
return (layouts.size() > 1) ? key : null;
return (layouts.size() > 2) ? key : null;
return shouldOfferVoiceTyping ? key : null;
case Keyevent:
switch (key.getKeyevent())
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER:
return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ? action_key : key;
case Modifier:
switch (key.getModifier())
case SHIFT:
if (double_tap_lock_shift)
return key.withFlags(key.getFlags() | KeyValue.FLAG_LOCK);
return key;
if (show_numpad)
kw = kw.addNumPad(modify_numpad(KeyboardData.num_pad, kw));
if (number_row)
kw = kw.addNumberRow();
if (extra_keys.size() > 0)
kw = kw.addExtraKeys(extra_keys.entrySet().iterator());
return kw;
/** Handle the numpad layout. The [main_kw] is used to adapt the numpad to
the main layout's script. */
public KeyboardData modify_numpad(KeyboardData kw, KeyboardData main_kw)
final KeyValue action_key = action_key();
final KeyModifier.Map_char map_digit = KeyModifier.modify_numpad_script(main_kw.numpad_script);
return kw.mapKeys(new KeyboardData.MapKeyValues() {
public KeyValue apply(KeyValue key, boolean localized)
switch (key.getKind())
case Event:
switch (key.getEvent())
case ACTION:
return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ?
KeyValue.getKeyByName("enter") : action_key;
case Keyevent:
switch (key.getKeyevent())
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER:
return (swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null) ? action_key : key;
case Char:
char prev_c = key.getChar();
char c = prev_c;
if (inverse_numpad)
c = inverse_numpad_char(c);
String modified = map_digit.apply(c);
if (modified != null) // Was modified by script
return key.withSymbol(modified);
if (prev_c != c) // Was inverted
return key.withChar(c);
return key;
/** Modify the pin entry layout. [main_kw] is used to map the digits into the
same script. */
public KeyboardData modify_pinentry(KeyboardData kw, KeyboardData main_kw)
final KeyModifier.Map_char map_digit = KeyModifier.modify_numpad_script(main_kw.numpad_script);
return kw.mapKeys(new KeyboardData.MapKeyValues() {
public KeyValue apply(KeyValue key, boolean localized)
switch (key.getKind())
case Char:
String modified = map_digit.apply(key.getChar());
if (modified != null)
return key.withSymbol(modified);
return key;
private float get_dip_pref(DisplayMetrics dm, String pref_name, float def)
float value;
try { value = _prefs.getInt(pref_name, -1); }
catch (Exception e) { value = _prefs.getFloat(pref_name, -1f); }
if (value < 0f)
value = def;
return (TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, value, dm));
/** [get_dip_pref] depending on orientation. */
float get_dip_pref_oriented(DisplayMetrics dm, String pref_base_name, float def_port, float def_land)
String suffix = orientation_landscape ? "_landscape" : "_portrait";
float def = orientation_landscape ? def_land : def_port;
return get_dip_pref(dm, pref_base_name + suffix, def);
private int getThemeId(Resources res, String theme_name)
switch (theme_name)
case "light": return R.style.Light;
case "black": return R.style.Black;
case "altblack": return R.style.AltBlack;
case "dark": return R.style.Dark;
case "white": return R.style.White;
case "epaper": return R.style.ePaper;
case "desert": return R.style.Desert;
case "jungle": return R.style.Jungle;
case "system":
int night_mode = res.getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
if ((night_mode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO) != 0)
return R.style.Light;
return R.style.Dark;
char inverse_numpad_char(char c)
switch (c)
case '7': return '1';
case '8': return '2';
case '9': return '3';
case '1': return '7';
case '2': return '8';
case '3': return '9';
default: return c;
private static Config _globalConfig = null;
public static void initGlobalConfig(SharedPreferences prefs, Resources res,
IKeyEventHandler handler)
_globalConfig = new Config(prefs, res, handler);
public static Config globalConfig()
return _globalConfig;
public static SharedPreferences globalPrefs()
return _globalConfig._prefs;
public static interface IKeyEventHandler
public void key_down(KeyValue value, boolean is_swipe);
public void key_up(KeyValue value, Pointers.Modifiers mods);
public void mods_changed(Pointers.Modifiers mods);
/** Config migrations. */
private static int CONFIG_VERSION = 1;
public static void migrate(SharedPreferences prefs)
int saved_version = prefs.getInt("version", 0);
Logs.debug_config_migration(saved_version, CONFIG_VERSION);
if (saved_version == CONFIG_VERSION)
SharedPreferences.Editor e = prefs.edit();
e.putInt("version", CONFIG_VERSION);
// Migrations might run on an empty [prefs] for new installs, in this case
// they set the default values of complex options.
switch (saved_version) // Fallback switch
case 0:
// Primary, secondary and custom layout options are merged into the new
// Layouts option. This also sets the default value.
List<LayoutsPreference.Layout> l = new ArrayList<LayoutsPreference.Layout>();
l.add(migrate_layout(prefs.getString("layout", "system")));
String snd_layout = prefs.getString("second_layout", "none");
if (snd_layout != null && !snd_layout.equals("none"))
String custom_layout = prefs.getString("custom_layout", "");
if (custom_layout != null && !custom_layout.equals(""))
LayoutsPreference.save_to_preferences(e, l);
case 1:
default: break;
private static LayoutsPreference.Layout migrate_layout(String name)
if (name == null || name.equals("system"))
return new LayoutsPreference.SystemLayout();
return new LayoutsPreference.NamedLayout(name);