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509 lines
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package juloo.keyboard2;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser;
import android.util.Xml;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
class KeyboardData
public final List<Row> rows;
/** Total width of the keyboard. */
public final float keysWidth;
/** Total height of the keyboard. */
public final float keysHeight;
/** Might be null. */
public final Modmap modmap;
/** Might be null. */
public final String script;
public KeyboardData mapKeys(MapKey f)
ArrayList<Row> rows_ = new ArrayList<Row>();
for (Row r : rows)
return new KeyboardData(rows_, keysWidth, modmap, script);
/** Add keys from the given iterator into the keyboard. Extra keys are added
* on the empty key4 corner of the second row, from right to left. If there's
* not enough room, key3 of the second row is tried then key2 and key1 of the
* third row. */
public KeyboardData addExtraKeys(Iterator<KeyValue> k)
ArrayList<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>(this.rows);
addExtraKeys_to_row(rows, k, 1, 4);
addExtraKeys_to_row(rows, k, 1, 3);
addExtraKeys_to_row(rows, k, 2, 2);
addExtraKeys_to_row(rows, k, 2, 1);
if (k.hasNext())
for (int r = 0; r < rows.size(); r++)
for (int c = 1; c <= 4; c++)
addExtraKeys_to_row(rows, k, r, c);
return new KeyboardData(rows, keysWidth, modmap, script);
public KeyboardData addNumPad()
ArrayList<Row> extendedRows = new ArrayList<Row>();
Iterator<Row> iterNumPadRows = num_pad.rows.iterator();
for (Row row : rows)
ArrayList<KeyboardData.Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>(row.keys);
if (iterNumPadRows.hasNext())
Row numPadRow = iterNumPadRows.next();
List<Key> nps = numPadRow.keys;
if (nps.size() > 0) {
float firstNumPadShift = 0.5f + keysWidth - row.keysWidth;
for (int i = 1; i < nps.size(); i++)
extendedRows.add(new Row(keys, row.height, row.shift));
return new
KeyboardData(extendedRows, compute_max_width(extendedRows), modmap, script);
public KeyboardData addNumberRow()
ArrayList<Row> rows_ = new ArrayList<Row>(this.rows);
rows_.add(0, number_row.updateWidth(keysWidth));
return new KeyboardData(rows_, keysWidth, modmap, script);
public Key findKeyWithValue(KeyValue kv)
for (Row r : rows)
Key k = r.findKeyWithValue(kv);
if (k != null)
return k;
return null;
public void getKeys(Set<KeyValue> dst)
for (Row r : rows)
private static void addExtraKeys_to_row(ArrayList<Row> rows, final Iterator<KeyValue> extra_keys, int row_i, final int d)
if (!extra_keys.hasNext() || row_i >= rows.size())
rows.set(row_i, rows.get(row_i).mapKeys(new MapKey(){
public Key apply(Key k) {
if (k.getKeyValue(d) == null && extra_keys.hasNext())
return k.withKeyValue(d, extra_keys.next());
return k;
public static Row bottom_row;
public static Row number_row;
public static KeyboardData num_pad;
private static Map<Integer, KeyboardData> _layoutCache = new HashMap<Integer, KeyboardData>();
public static void init(Resources res)
bottom_row = parse_row(res.getXml(R.xml.bottom_row));
number_row = parse_row(res.getXml(R.xml.number_row));
num_pad = parse_keyboard(res.getXml(R.xml.numpad));
catch (Exception e)
/** Load a layout from a resource ID. Returns [null] on error. */
public static KeyboardData load(Resources res, int id)
KeyboardData l = _layoutCache.get(id);
if (l == null)
XmlResourceParser parser = res.getXml(id);
l = parse_keyboard(parser);
_layoutCache.put(id, l);
catch (Exception e)
return l;
/** Load a layout from a string. Returns [null] on error. */
public static KeyboardData load_string(String src)
XmlPullParser parser = Xml.newPullParser();
parser.setInput(new StringReader(src));
return parse_keyboard(parser);
catch (Exception e)
return null;
private static KeyboardData parse_keyboard(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception
if (!expect_tag(parser, "keyboard"))
throw new Exception("Empty layout file");
boolean add_bottom_row = attribute_bool(parser, "bottom_row", true);
float specified_kw = attribute_float(parser, "width", 0f);
String script = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "script");
ArrayList<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>();
Modmap modmap = null;
while (next_tag(parser))
switch (parser.getName())
case "row":
case "modmap":
modmap = Modmap.parse(parser);
throw new Exception("Unknown tag: " + parser.getName());
float kw = (specified_kw != 0f) ? specified_kw : compute_max_width(rows);
if (add_bottom_row)
return new KeyboardData(rows, kw, modmap, script);
private static float compute_max_width(List<Row> rows)
float w = 0.f;
for (Row r : rows)
w = Math.max(w, r.keysWidth);
return w;
private static Row parse_row(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception
if (!expect_tag(parser, "row"))
throw new Exception("Failed to parse row");
return Row.parse(parser);
protected KeyboardData(List<Row> rows_, float kw, Modmap mm, String sc)
float kh = 0.f;
for (Row r : rows_)
kh += r.height + r.shift;
rows = rows_;
modmap = mm;
script = sc;
keysWidth = kw;
keysHeight = kh;
public static class Row
public final List<Key> keys;
/** Height of the row, without 'shift'. */
public final float height;
/** Extra empty space on the top. */
public final float shift;
/** Total width of the row. */
public final float keysWidth;
protected Row(List<Key> keys_, float h, float s)
float kw = 0.f;
for (Key k : keys_) kw += k.width + k.shift;
keys = keys_;
height = h;
shift = s;
keysWidth = kw;
public static Row parse(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception
ArrayList<Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>();
int status;
float h = attribute_float(parser, "height", 1f);
float shift = attribute_float(parser, "shift", 0f);
while (expect_tag(parser, "key"))
return new Row(keys, h, shift);
public void getKeys(Set<KeyValue> dst)
for (Key k : keys)
public Row mapKeys(MapKey f)
ArrayList<Key> keys_ = new ArrayList<Key>();
for (Key k : keys)
return new Row(keys_, height, shift);
/** Change the width of every keys so that the row is 's' units wide. */
public Row updateWidth(float newWidth)
final float s = newWidth / keysWidth;
return mapKeys(new MapKey(){
public Key apply(Key k) { return k.scaleWidth(s); }
public Key findKeyWithValue(KeyValue kv)
for (Key k : keys)
if (k.hasValue(kv))
return k;
return null;
public static class Key
* 1 7 2
* 5 0 6
* 3 8 4
public final KeyValue[] keys;
/** Pack flags for every key values. Flags are: [F_LOC]. */
private final int keysflags;
/** Key width in relative unit. */
public final float width;
/** Extra empty space on the left of the key. */
public final float shift;
/** Keys 2 and 3 are repeated as the finger moves laterally on the key.
Used for the left and right arrow keys on the space bar. */
public final boolean slider;
/** String printed on the keys. It has no other effect. */
public final String indication;
/** Whether a key was declared with the 'loc' prefix. */
public static final int F_LOC = 1;
public static final int ALL_FLAGS = F_LOC;
protected Key(KeyValue[] ks, int f, float w, float s, boolean sl, String i)
keys = ks;
keysflags = f;
width = w;
shift = s;
slider = sl;
indication = i;
/** Write the parsed key into [ks] at [index]. Doesn't write if the
attribute is not present. Return flags that can be aggregated into the
value for [keysflags]. */
static int parse_key_attr(XmlPullParser parser, String attr, KeyValue[] ks,
int index)
throws Exception
String name = parser.getAttributeValue(null, attr);
int flags = 0;
if (name == null)
return 0;
String name_loc = stripPrefix(name, "loc ");
if (name_loc != null)
flags |= F_LOC;
name = name_loc;
ks[index] = KeyValue.getKeyByName(name);
return (flags << index);
static String stripPrefix(String s, String prefix)
return s.startsWith(prefix) ? s.substring(prefix.length()) : null;
public static Key parse(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception
KeyValue[] ks = new KeyValue[9];
int keysflags = 0;
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key0", ks, 0);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key1", ks, 1);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key2", ks, 2);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key3", ks, 3);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key4", ks, 4);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key5", ks, 5);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key6", ks, 6);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key7", ks, 7);
keysflags |= parse_key_attr(parser, "key8", ks, 8);
float width = attribute_float(parser, "width", 1f);
float shift = attribute_float(parser, "shift", 0.f);
boolean slider = attribute_bool(parser, "slider", false);
String indication = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "indication");
while (parser.next() != XmlPullParser.END_TAG)
return new Key(ks, keysflags, width, shift, slider, indication);
/** Whether key at [index] as [flag]. */
public boolean keyHasFlag(int index, int flag)
return (keysflags & (flag << index)) != 0;
/** New key with the width multiplied by 's'. */
public Key scaleWidth(float s)
return new Key(keys, keysflags, width * s, shift, slider, indication);
public void getKeys(Set<KeyValue> dst)
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
if (keys[i] != null)
public KeyValue getKeyValue(int i)
return keys[i];
public Key withKeyValue(int i, KeyValue kv)
KeyValue[] ks = new KeyValue[keys.length];
for (int j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) ks[j] = keys[j];
ks[i] = kv;
int flags = (keysflags & ~(ALL_FLAGS << i));
return new Key(ks, flags, width, shift, slider, indication);
public Key withShift(float s)
return new Key(keys, keysflags, width, s, slider, indication);
public boolean hasValue(KeyValue kv)
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
if (keys[i] != null && keys[i].equals(kv))
return true;
return false;
// Not using Function<KeyValue, KeyValue> to keep compatibility with Android 6.
public static abstract interface MapKey {
public Key apply(Key k);
public static abstract class MapKeyValues implements MapKey {
abstract public KeyValue apply(KeyValue c, boolean localized);
public Key apply(Key k)
KeyValue[] ks = new KeyValue[k.keys.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ks.length; i++)
if (k.keys[i] != null)
ks[i] = apply(k.keys[i], k.keyHasFlag(i, Key.F_LOC));
return new Key(ks, k.keysflags, k.width, k.shift, k.slider, k.indication);
public static class Modmap
public final Map<KeyValue, KeyValue> shift;
public Modmap(Map<KeyValue, KeyValue> s)
shift = s;
public static Modmap parse(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception
HashMap<KeyValue, KeyValue> shift = new HashMap<KeyValue, KeyValue>();
while (expect_tag(parser, "shift"))
parse_mapping(parser, shift);
return new Modmap(shift);
private static void parse_mapping(XmlPullParser parser, Map<KeyValue, KeyValue> dst) throws Exception
KeyValue a = KeyValue.getKeyByName(parser.getAttributeValue(null, "a"));
KeyValue b = KeyValue.getKeyByName(parser.getAttributeValue(null, "b"));
while (parser.next() != XmlPullParser.END_TAG)
dst.put(a, b);
/** Parsing utils */
/** Returns [false] on [END_DOCUMENT] or [END_TAG], [true] otherwise. */
private static boolean next_tag(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception
int status;
status = parser.next();
if (status == XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT || status == XmlPullParser.END_TAG)
return false;
while (status != XmlPullParser.START_TAG);
return true;
/** Returns [false] on [END_DOCUMENT] or [END_TAG], [true] otherwise. */
private static boolean expect_tag(XmlPullParser parser, String name) throws Exception
if (!next_tag(parser))
return false;
if (!parser.getName().equals(name))
throw new Exception("Unknown tag: " + parser.getName());
return true;
private static boolean attribute_bool(XmlPullParser parser, String attr, boolean default_val)
String val = parser.getAttributeValue(null, attr);
if (val == null)
return default_val;
return val.equals("true");
private static float attribute_float(XmlPullParser parser, String attr, float default_val)
String val = parser.getAttributeValue(null, attr);
if (val == null)
return default_val;
return Float.parseFloat(val);