Jules Aguillon 29367f127d Move the border radius from Config to Theme
Also, draw activated keys with a round border too.
2021-12-30 00:52:50 +01:00

446 lines
12 KiB

package juloo.keyboard2;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Vibrator;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.PopupWindow;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Keyboard2View extends View
implements View.OnTouchListener, Handler.Callback
private static final long VIBRATE_MIN_INTERVAL = 100;
private KeyboardData _keyboard;
private ArrayList<KeyDown> _downKeys = new ArrayList<KeyDown>();
private int _flags = 0;
private Vibrator _vibratorService;
private long _lastVibration = 0;
private Handler _handler;
private static int _currentWhat = 0;
private Config _config;
private float _keyWidth;
private Theme _theme;
private static RectF _tmpRect = new RectF();
public Keyboard2View(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
super(context, attrs);
_vibratorService = (Vibrator)context.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
_handler = new Handler(this);
_theme = new Theme(getContext(), attrs);
_config = Config.globalConfig();
/* Internally calls [reset()]. */
public void refreshConfig(KeyboardData kw)
if (kw != null)
setKeyboard(kw); // handle layout options then calls reset().
public void setKeyboard(KeyboardData kw)
if (!_config.shouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod)
kw = kw.removeKeys(new KeyboardData.RemoveKeysByEvent(KeyValue.EVENT_CHANGE_METHOD));
if (_config.accent_flags_to_remove != 0)
kw = kw.removeKeys(new KeyboardData.RemoveKeysByFlags(_config.accent_flags_to_remove));
_keyboard = kw;
public void reset()
_flags = 0;
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event)
float x;
float y;
float keyW;
int p;
switch (event.getActionMasked())
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
break ;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
p = event.getActionIndex();
onTouchDown(event.getX(p), event.getY(p), event.getPointerId(p));
break ;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
for (p = 0; p < event.getPointerCount(); p++)
onTouchMove(event.getX(p), event.getY(p), event.getPointerId(p));
break ;
return (false);
return (true);
private KeyDown getKeyDown(int pointerId)
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
if (k.pointerId == pointerId)
return (k);
return (null);
private KeyDown getKeyDown(KeyboardData.Key key)
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
if (k.key == key)
return (k);
return (null);
private KeyDown getKeyDown(KeyValue kv)
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
if (k.value == kv)
return (k);
return (null);
private void onTouchMove(float moveX, float moveY, int pointerId)
KeyDown key = getKeyDown(pointerId);
KeyValue newValue;
if (key != null)
moveX -= key.downX;
moveY -= key.downY;
float absDist = Math.abs(moveX) + Math.abs(moveY);
key.ptrDist = absDist;
if (absDist < _config.subValueDist)
newValue = key.key.key0;
else if (moveX < 0)
newValue = (moveY < 0) ? key.key.key1 : key.key.key3;
else if (moveY < 0)
newValue = key.key.key2;
newValue = key.key.key4;
if (newValue != null && newValue != key.value)
if (key.timeoutWhat != -1)
if ((newValue.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_NOREPEAT) == 0)
_handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(key.timeoutWhat, _config.longPressTimeout);
key.value = newValue;
key.flags = newValue.flags;
private void onTouchDown(float touchX, float touchY, int pointerId)
float y = _config.marginTop - _config.keyHeight;
for (KeyboardData.Row row : _keyboard.rows)
y += _config.keyHeight;
if (touchY < y || touchY >= (y + _config.keyHeight))
continue ;
float x = _config.horizontalMargin;
for (KeyboardData.Key key : row.keys)
x += key.shift * _keyWidth;
float keyW = _keyWidth * key.width;
if (touchX >= x && touchX < (x + keyW))
int what = _currentWhat++;
if (key.key0 != null && (key.key0.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_NOREPEAT) == 0)
_handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(what, _config.longPressTimeout);
_downKeys.add(new KeyDown(pointerId, key, touchX, touchY, what));
return ;
x += keyW;
// Whether a key is already activated (key down but pointer up)
private KeyDown getActivatedKey(KeyValue kv)
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
if (k.value == kv && k.pointerId == -1)
return (k);
return (null);
private void onTouchUp(int pointerId)
KeyDown k = getKeyDown(pointerId);
if (k != null)
// Stop key repeat
if (k.timeoutWhat != -1)
k.timeoutWhat = -1;
KeyDown k_on = getActivatedKey(k.value);
if (k_on != null)
_downKeys.remove(k); // Remove dupplicate
// Same key with FLAG_LOCK is already on, do lock
if ((k_on.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_LOCK) != 0)
k_on.flags ^= KeyValue.FLAG_LOCK; // Next time, disable it
k_on.flags |= KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED;
// Otherwise, toggle it
// Key stay activated
else if ((k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEEP_ON) != 0)
k.pointerId = -1; // Set pointer up
else // Regular key up
for (int i = 0; i < _downKeys.size(); i++)
KeyDown downKey = _downKeys.get(i);
// Disable other activated keys that aren't locked
if (downKey.pointerId == -1 && (downKey.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED) == 0)
// Other keys currently down won't stay activated
else if ((downKey.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEEP_ON) != 0)
downKey.flags ^= KeyValue.FLAG_KEEP_ON;
private void handleKeyUp(KeyDown key)
if (key.value != null && (key.flags & (KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED | KeyValue.FLAG_NOCHAR)) == 0)
_config.handler.handleKeyUp(key.value, _flags);
private void handleKeyDown(KeyValue key)
if (key == null)
return ;
private void updateFlags()
_flags = 0;
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
_flags |= k.flags;
private void vibrate()
if (!_config.vibrateEnabled)
return ;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ((now - _lastVibration) > VIBRATE_MIN_INTERVAL)
_lastVibration = now;
catch (Exception e)
public boolean handleMessage(Message msg)
for (KeyDown key : _downKeys)
if (key.timeoutWhat == msg.what)
long nextInterval = _config.longPressInterval;
if (_config.preciseRepeat && (key.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_PRECISE_REPEAT) != 0)
// Modulate repeat interval depending on the distance of the pointer
float accel = Math.min(4.f, Math.max(0.3f, key.ptrDist / (_config.subValueDist * 15.f)));
nextInterval = (long)((float)nextInterval / accel);
_handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(msg.what, nextInterval);
_config.handler.handleKeyUp(key.value, _flags);
return (true);
return (false);
public void onMeasure(int wSpec, int hSpec)
DisplayMetrics dm = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
int width = dm.widthPixels;
int height =
(int)(_config.keyHeight * _keyboard.keysHeight
+ _keyboard.rows.size() * _config.keyVerticalInterval
+ _config.marginTop + _config.marginBottom);
setMeasuredDimension(width, height);
_keyWidth = (width - (_config.horizontalMargin * 2)) / _keyboard.keysWidth;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
float y = _config.marginTop;
for (KeyboardData.Row row : _keyboard.rows)
y += row.shift * _config.keyHeight;
float x = _config.horizontalMargin;
float keyH = row.height * _config.keyHeight;
for (KeyboardData.Key k : row.keys)
x += k.shift * _keyWidth + _config.keyHorizontalInterval;
float keyW = _keyWidth * k.width - _config.keyHorizontalInterval;
KeyDown keyDown = getKeyDown(k);
_tmpRect.set(x, y, x + keyW, y + keyH);
canvas.drawRoundRect(_tmpRect, _theme.keyBorderRadius, _theme.keyBorderRadius,
(keyDown != null) ? _theme.keyDownBgPaint : _theme.keyBgPaint);
if (k.key0 != null)
drawLabel(canvas, k.key0, keyW / 2f + x, (keyH + _theme.labelTextSize) / 2f + y, keyDown);
float subPadding = _config.keyPadding;
if (k.key1 != null)
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key1, x + subPadding, y + subPadding, false, true, keyDown);
if (k.key3 != null)
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key3, x + subPadding, y + keyH - subPadding, false, false, keyDown);
if (k.key2 != null)
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key2, x + keyW - subPadding, y + subPadding, true, true, keyDown);
if (k.key4 != null)
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key4, x + keyW - subPadding, y + keyH - subPadding, true, false, keyDown);
x += keyW;
y += keyH + _config.keyVerticalInterval;
public void onDetachedFromWindow()
private int labelColor(KeyValue k, KeyDown hasKeyDown, int defaultColor)
if (hasKeyDown != null)
KeyDown kd = getKeyDown(k);
if (kd != null)
if ((kd.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED) != 0)
return _theme.lockedColor;
if (kd.pointerId == -1)
return _theme.activatedColor;
return defaultColor;
private void drawLabel(Canvas canvas, KeyValue k, float x, float y, KeyDown keyDown)
k = KeyModifier.handleFlags(k, _flags);
Paint p = _theme.labelPaint(((k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEY_FONT) != 0));
p.setColor(labelColor(k, keyDown, _theme.labelColor));
p.setTextSize(_theme.labelTextSize * scaleTextSize(k));
canvas.drawText(k.symbol, x, y, p);
private void drawSubLabel(Canvas canvas, KeyValue k, float x, float y, boolean right, boolean up, KeyDown keyDown)
k = KeyModifier.handleFlags(k, _flags);
Paint p = _theme.subLabelPaint(((k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEY_FONT) != 0), right);
p.setColor(labelColor(k, keyDown, _theme.subLabelColor));
p.setTextSize(_theme.sublabelTextSize * scaleTextSize(k));
y -= up ? p.ascent() : p.descent();
canvas.drawText(k.symbol, x, y, p);
private float scaleTextSize(KeyValue k)
return ((k.symbol.length() < 2) ? 1.f : 0.8f) * _config.characterSize;
private static class KeyDown
/* -1 if pointer is up. */
public int pointerId;
public KeyValue value;
public KeyboardData.Key key;
public float downX;
public float downY;
/* Manhattan distance of the pointer to the center of the key */
public float ptrDist;
public int flags;
public int timeoutWhat;
public KeyDown(int pointerId, KeyboardData.Key key, float x, float y, int what)
this.pointerId = pointerId;
value = key.key0;
this.key = key;
downX = x;
downY = y;
ptrDist = 0.f;
flags = (value == null) ? 0 : value.flags;
timeoutWhat = what;