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synced 2025-02-07 21:29:49 +01:00
The COMPOSE_PENDING modifier indicate whether a compose sequence is in progress. The new key of kind Compose_pending sets the current state of the sequence. The compose sequences are compiled into a state machine by a python script into a compact encoding. The state of the pending compose is determined by the index of a state.
1102 lines
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1102 lines
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package juloo.keyboard2;
import android.view.KeyCharacterMap;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import java.util.HashMap;
public final class KeyModifier
/** Cache key is KeyValue's name */
private static HashMap<KeyValue, HashMap<Pointers.Modifiers, KeyValue>> _cache =
new HashMap<KeyValue, HashMap<Pointers.Modifiers, KeyValue>>();
/** The current compose state. Whether a compose is pending is signaled by
the [COMPOSE_PENDING] modifier. */
static int _compose_pending = -1;
/** Modify a key according to modifiers. */
public static KeyValue modify(KeyValue k, Pointers.Modifiers mods)
if (k == null)
return null;
int n_mods = mods.size();
HashMap<Pointers.Modifiers, KeyValue> ks = cacheEntry(k);
KeyValue r = ks.get(mods);
if (r == null)
r = k;
/* Order: Fn, Shift, accents */
for (int i = 0; i < n_mods; i++)
r = modify(r, mods.get(i));
ks.put(mods, r);
/* Keys with an empty string are placeholder keys. */
if (r.getString().length() == 0)
return null;
if (mods.has(KeyValue.Modifier.COMPOSE_PENDING))
r = ComposeKey.apply(_compose_pending, r);
return r;
public static KeyValue modify(KeyValue k, KeyValue.Modifier mod)
switch (mod)
case CTRL:
case ALT:
case META: return turn_into_keyevent(k);
case FN: return apply_fn(k);
case SHIFT: return apply_shift(k);
case GRAVE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_grave);
case AIGU: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_aigu);
case CIRCONFLEXE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_circonflexe);
case TILDE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_tilde);
case CEDILLE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_cedille);
case TREMA: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_trema);
case CARON: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_caron);
case RING: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_ring);
case MACRON: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_macron);
case OGONEK: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_ogonek);
case DOT_ABOVE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_dot_above);
case BREVE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_breve);
case DOUBLE_AIGU: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_double_aigu);
case ORDINAL: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_ordinal);
case SUPERSCRIPT: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_superscript);
case SUBSCRIPT: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_subscript);
case ARROWS: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_arrows);
case BOX: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_box);
case SLASH: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_slash);
case BAR: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_bar);
case ARROW_RIGHT: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_arrow_right);
case DOT_BELOW: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_dot_below);
case HORN: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_horn);
case HOOK_ABOVE: return apply_map_char(k, map_char_hook_above);
default: return k;
/** Modify a key after a long press. */
public static KeyValue modify_long_press(KeyValue k)
switch (k.getKind())
case Event:
switch (k.getEvent())
return KeyValue.getKeyByName("change_method");
return KeyValue.getKeyByName("voice_typing_chooser");
return k;
public static Map_char modify_numpad_script(String numpad_script)
if (numpad_script == null)
return map_char_none;
switch (numpad_script)
case "hindu-arabic": return map_char_numpad_hindu;
case "bengali": return map_char_numpad_bengali;
case "devanagari": return map_char_numpad_devanagari;
case "persian": return map_char_numpad_persian;
default: return map_char_none;
public static void set_compose_pending(int state)
_compose_pending = state;
private static KeyValue apply_map_char(KeyValue k, Map_char map)
switch (k.getKind())
case Char:
char kc = k.getChar();
String modified = map.apply(kc);
if (modified == null)
return k;
return KeyValue.makeStringKey(modified, k.getFlags());
default: return k;
private static KeyValue apply_shift(KeyValue k)
switch (k.getKind())
case Char:
char kc = k.getChar();
char c = map_char_shift(kc);
if (kc == c)
c = Character.toUpperCase(kc);
return (kc == c) ? k : k.withChar(c);
case String:
String s = Utils.capitalize_string(k.getString());
return KeyValue.makeStringKey(s, k.getFlags());
default: return k;
private static KeyValue apply_fn(KeyValue k)
String name = null;
switch (k.getKind())
case Char: name = apply_fn_char(k.getChar()); break;
case Keyevent: name = apply_fn_keyevent(k.getKeyevent()); break;
case Event: name = apply_fn_event(k.getEvent()); break;
case Placeholder: name = apply_fn_placeholder(k.getPlaceholder()); break;
return (name == null) ? k : KeyValue.getKeyByName(name);
private static String apply_fn_keyevent(int code)
switch (code)
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP: return "page_up";
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN: return "page_down";
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT: return "home";
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT: return "end";
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ESCAPE: return "insert";
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB: return "\\t";
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PAGE_UP:
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MOVE_END: return "removed";
default: return null;
private static String apply_fn_event(KeyValue.Event ev)
switch (ev)
case SWITCH_NUMERIC: return "switch_greekmath";
default: return null;
private static String apply_fn_placeholder(KeyValue.Placeholder p)
switch (p)
case F11: return "f11";
case F12: return "f12";
case SHINDOT: return "shindot";
case SINDOT: return "sindot";
case OLE: return "ole";
case METEG: return "meteg";
default: return null;
/** Return the name of modified key, or [null]. */
private static String apply_fn_char(char c)
switch (c)
case '1': return "f1";
case '2': return "f2";
case '3': return "f3";
case '4': return "f4";
case '5': return "f5";
case '6': return "f6";
case '7': return "f7";
case '8': return "f8";
case '9': return "f9";
case '0': return "f10";
case '<': return "«";
case '>': return "»";
case '{': return "‹";
case '}': return "›";
case '[': return "‘";
case ']': return "’";
case '(': return "“";
case ')': return "”";
case '\'': return "‚";
case '"': return "„";
case '-': return "–";
case '_': return "—";
case '^': return "¬";
case '%': return "‰";
case '=': return "≈";
case 'u': return "µ";
case 'a': return "æ";
case 'o': return "œ";
case '*': return "°";
case '.': return "…";
case ',': return "·";
case '!': return "¡";
case '?': return "¿";
case '|': return "¦";
case '§': return "¶";
case '†': return "‡";
case '×': return "∙";
case ' ': return "nbsp";
// arrows
case '↖': return "⇖";
case '↑': return "⇑";
case '↗': return "⇗";
case '←': return "⇐";
case '→': return "⇒";
case '↙': return "⇙";
case '↓': return "⇓";
case '↘': return "⇘";
case '↔': return "⇔";
case '↕': return "⇕";
// Currency symbols
case 'e': return "€";
case 'l': return "£";
case 'r': return "₹";
case 'y': return "¥";
case 'c': return "¢";
case 'p': return "₽";
case 'b': return "₱";
case 'h': return "₴";
case 'z': return "₿";
case '€': case '£': return "removed"; // Avoid showing these twice
// alternating greek letters
case 'π': return "ϖ";
case 'θ': return "ϑ";
case 'Θ': return "ϴ";
case 'ε': return "ϵ";
case 'β': return "ϐ";
case 'ρ': return "ϱ";
case 'σ': return "ς";
case 'γ': return "ɣ";
case 'φ': return "ϕ";
case 'υ': return "ϒ";
case 'κ': return "ϰ";
// alternating math characters
case '∪': return "⋃";
case '∩': return "⋂";
case '∃': return "∄";
case '∈': return "∉";
case '∫': return "∮";
case 'Π': return "∏";
case 'Σ': return "∑";
case '∨': return "⋁";
case '∧': return "⋀";
case '⊷': return "⊶";
case '⊂': return "⊆";
case '⊃': return "⊇";
case '±': return "∓";
// hebrew niqqud
case 'ק': return "qamats"; // kamatz
case 'ר': return "hataf_qamats"; // reduced kamatz
case 'ו': return "holam";
case 'ם': return "rafe";
case 'פ': return "patah"; // patach
case 'ש': return "sheva";
case 'ד': return "dagesh"; // or mapiq
case 'ח': return "hiriq";
case 'ף': return "hataf_patah"; // reduced patach
case 'ז': return "qubuts"; // kubuts
case 'ס': return "segol";
case 'ב': return "hataf_segol"; // reduced segol
case 'צ': return "tsere";
// Devanagari symbols
case 'ए': return "ऍ";
case 'े': return "ॅ";
case 'ऐ': return "ऎ";
case 'ै': return "ॆ";
case 'ऋ': return "ॠ";
case 'ृ': return "ॄ";
case 'ळ': return "ऴ";
case 'र': return "ऱ";
case 'क': return "क़";
case 'ख': return "ख़";
case 'ग': return "ग़";
case 'घ': return "ॻ";
case 'ढ': return "ढ़";
case 'न': return "ऩ";
case 'ड': return "ड़";
case 'ट': return "ॸ";
case 'ण': return "ॾ";
case 'फ': return "फ़";
case 'ऌ': return "ॡ";
case 'ॢ': return "ॣ";
case 'औ': return "ॵ";
case 'ौ': return "ॏ";
case 'ओ': return "ऒ";
case 'ो': return "ॊ";
case 'च': return "ॼ";
case 'ज': return "ज़";
case 'ब': return "ॿ";
case 'व': return "ॺ";
case 'य': return "य़";
case 'अ': return "ॲ";
case 'आ': return "ऑ";
case 'ा': return "ॉ";
case 'झ': return "ॹ";
case 'ई': return "ॴ";
case 'ी': return "ऻ";
case 'इ': return "ॳ";
case 'ि': return "ऺ";
case 'उ': return "ॶ";
case 'ऊ': return "ॷ";
case 'ु': return "ऄ";
case 'ष': return "क्ष";
case 'थ': return "त्र";
case 'द': return "द्र";
case 'प': return "प्र";
case 'श': return "श्र";
case 'छ': return "श्च";
case 'ँ': return "ऀ";
case '₹': return "₨";
case 'ॖ': return "ॗ";
case '॓': return "॔";
case '॰': return "ॱ";
case '।': return "॥";
case 'ं': return "ॕ";
case '़': return "ॎ";
case 'ऽ': return "ॽ";
// Persian numbers
case '۱': return "f1";
case '۲': return "f2";
case '۳': return "f3";
case '۴': return "f4";
case '۵': return "f5";
case '۶': return "f6";
case '۷': return "f7";
case '۸': return "f8";
case '۹': return "f9";
case '۰': return "f10";
// Arabic numbers
case '١': return "f1";
case '٢': return "f2";
case '٣': return "f3";
case '٤': return "f4";
case '٥': return "f5";
case '٦': return "f6";
case '٧': return "f7";
case '٨': return "f8";
case '٩': return "f9";
case '٠': return "f10";
default: return null;
private static KeyValue turn_into_keyevent(KeyValue k)
if (k.getKind() != KeyValue.Kind.Char)
return k;
int e;
switch (k.getChar())
case 'a': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_A; break;
case 'b': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_B; break;
case 'c': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_C; break;
case 'd': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_D; break;
case 'e': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_E; break;
case 'f': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F; break;
case 'g': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_G; break;
case 'h': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_H; break;
case 'i': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_I; break;
case 'j': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_J; break;
case 'k': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_K; break;
case 'l': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_L; break;
case 'm': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_M; break;
case 'n': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_N; break;
case 'o': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_O; break;
case 'p': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_P; break;
case 'q': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Q; break;
case 'r': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_R; break;
case 's': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_S; break;
case 't': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_T; break;
case 'u': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_U; break;
case 'v': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_V; break;
case 'w': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_W; break;
case 'x': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_X; break;
case 'y': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Y; break;
case 'z': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Z; break;
case '0': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0; break;
case '1': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_1; break;
case '2': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_2; break;
case '3': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_3; break;
case '4': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_4; break;
case '5': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_5; break;
case '6': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_6; break;
case '7': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_7; break;
case '8': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_8; break;
case '9': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_9; break;
case '`': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GRAVE; break;
case '-': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MINUS; break;
case '=': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_EQUALS; break;
case '[': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKET; break;
case ']': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKET; break;
case '\\': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACKSLASH; break;
case ';': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEMICOLON; break;
case '\'': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_APOSTROPHE; break;
case '/': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SLASH; break;
case '@': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_AT; break;
case '+': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PLUS; break;
case ',': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_COMMA; break;
case '.': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PERIOD; break;
case '*': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_STAR; break;
case '#': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POUND; break;
case '(': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_NUMPAD_LEFT_PAREN; break;
case ')': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_NUMPAD_RIGHT_PAREN; break;
case ' ': e = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE; break;
default: return k;
return k.withKeyevent(e);
/* Lookup the cache entry for a key. Create it needed. */
private static HashMap<Pointers.Modifiers, KeyValue> cacheEntry(KeyValue k)
HashMap<Pointers.Modifiers, KeyValue> ks = _cache.get(k);
if (ks == null)
ks = new HashMap<Pointers.Modifiers, KeyValue>();
_cache.put(k, ks);
return ks;
public static abstract class Map_char
/** Modify a char or return [null] if the modifier do not apply. Return a
[String] that can contains combining diacritics. */
public abstract String apply(char c);
private static final Map_char map_char_none =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char _c) { return null; }
private static char map_char_shift(char c)
switch (c)
case '↙': return '⇙';
case '↓': return '⇓';
case '↘': return '⇘';
case '←': return '⇐';
case '→': return '⇒';
case '↖': return '⇖';
case '↑': return '⇑';
case '↗': return '⇗';
case '└': return '╚';
case '┴': return '╩';
case '┘': return '╝';
case '├': return '╠';
case '┼': return '╬';
case '┤': return '╣';
case '┌': return '╔';
case '┬': return '╦';
case '┐': return '╗';
case '─': return '═';
case '│': return '║';
case 'ß': return 'ẞ';
/* In Turkish, upper case of 'iı' is 'İI' but Java's toUpperCase will
return 'II'. To make 'İ' accessible, make it the shift of 'ı'. This
has the inconvenient of swapping i and ı on the keyboard. */
case 'ı': return 'İ';
case '₹': return '₨';
default: return c;
/** Return [null] if the dead char do not apply. */
private static String map_dead_char(char c, char dead_char)
char modified = (char)KeyCharacterMap.getDeadChar(dead_char, c);
return (modified == 0 || modified == c) ? null : String.valueOf(modified);
private static final Map_char map_char_aigu =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "á";
case 'e': return "é";
case 'i': return "í";
case 'l': return "ĺ";
case 'o': return "ó";
case 'r': return "ŕ";
case 's': return "ś";
case 'u': return "ú";
case 'y': return "ý";
// Combining diacritic
case 'j':
// Russian vowels
case 'у': case 'е': case 'а': case 'о': case 'и':
case 'ы': case 'э': case 'ю': case 'я':
return c + "\u0301";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u00B4');
private static final Map_char map_char_caron =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'c': return "č";
case 'd': return "ď";
case 'e': return "ě";
case 'l': return "ľ";
case 'n': return "ň";
case 'r': return "ř";
case 's': return "š";
case 't': return "ť";
case 'z': return "ž";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02C7');
private static final Map_char map_char_cedille =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'c': return "ç";
case 's': return "ş";
case 'g': return "ģ";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u00B8');
private static final Map_char map_char_circonflexe =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "â";
case 'e': return "ê";
case 'i': return "î";
case 'o': return "ô";
case 'u': return "û";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02C6');
private static final Map_char map_char_dot_above =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'ė': return "ė";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02D9');
private static final Map_char map_char_grave =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "à";
case 'e': return "è";
case 'i': return "ì";
case 'o': return "ò";
case 'u': return "ù";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02CB');
private static final Map_char map_char_macron =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ā";
case 'e': return "ē";
case 'i': return "ī";
case 'u': return "ū";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u00AF');
private static final Map_char map_char_ogonek =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ą";
case 'e': return "ę";
case 'i': return "į";
case 'k': return "ķ";
case 'l': return "ļ";
case 'n': return "ņ";
case 'u': return "ų";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02DB');
private static final Map_char map_char_ring =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "å";
case 'u': return "ů";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02DA');
private static final Map_char map_char_tilde =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ã";
case 'o': return "õ";
case 'n': return "ñ";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02DC');
private static final Map_char map_char_trema =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ä";
case 'e': return "ë";
case 'i': return "ï";
case 'o': return "ö";
case 'u': return "ü";
case 'y': return "ÿ";
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u00A8');
private static final Map_char map_char_breve =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
default: return map_dead_char(c, '\u02D8');
private static final Map_char map_char_double_aigu =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'o': return "ő";
case 'u': return "ű";
case ' ': return "˝";
// Combining diacritic
case 'a':
case 'e':
case 'i':
case 'm':
case 'y':
return c + "\u030b";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_ordinal =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ª";
case 'o': return "º";
case '1': return "ª";
case '2': return "º";
case '3': return "ⁿ";
case '4': return "ᵈ";
case '5': return "ᵉ";
case '6': return "ʳ";
case '7': return "ˢ";
case '8': return "ᵗ";
case '9': return "ʰ";
case '*': return "°";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_superscript =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '1': return "¹";
case '2': return "²";
case '3': return "³";
case '4': return "⁴";
case '5': return "⁵";
case '6': return "⁶";
case '7': return "⁷";
case '8': return "⁸";
case '9': return "⁹";
case '0': return "⁰";
case '+': return "⁺";
case '-': return "⁻";
case '=': return "⁼";
case '(': return "⁽";
case ')': return "⁾";
case 'a': return "ᵃ";
case 'b': return "ᵇ";
case 'c': return "ᶜ";
case 'd': return "ᵈ";
case 'e': return "ᵉ";
case 'f': return "ᶠ";
case 'g': return "ᵍ";
case 'h': return "ʰ";
case 'i': return "ⁱ";
case 'j': return "ʲ";
case 'k': return "ᵏ";
case 'l': return "ˡ";
case 'm': return "ᵐ";
case 'n': return "ⁿ";
case 'o': return "ᵒ";
case 'p': return "ᵖ";
case 'r': return "ʳ";
case 's': return "ˢ";
case 't': return "ᵗ";
case 'u': return "ᵘ";
case 'v': return "ᵛ";
case 'w': return "ʷ";
case 'x': return "ˣ";
case 'y': return "ʸ";
case 'z': return "ᶻ";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_subscript =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '1': return "₁";
case '2': return "₂";
case '3': return "₃";
case '4': return "₄";
case '5': return "₅";
case '6': return "₆";
case '7': return "₇";
case '8': return "₈";
case '9': return "₉";
case '0': return "₀";
case '+': return "₊";
case '-': return "₋";
case '=': return "₌";
case '(': return "₍";
case ')': return "₎";
case 'a': return "ₐ";
case 'e': return "ₑ";
case 'h': return "ₕ";
case 'i': return "ᵢ";
case 'j': return "ⱼ";
case 'k': return "ₖ";
case 'l': return "ₗ";
case 'm': return "ₘ";
case 'n': return "ₙ";
case 'o': return "ₒ";
case 'p': return "ₚ";
case 'r': return "ᵣ";
case 's': return "ₛ";
case 't': return "ₜ";
case 'u': return "ᵤ";
case 'v': return "ᵥ";
case 'x': return "ₓ";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_arrows =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '1': return "↙";
case '2': return "↓";
case '3': return "↘";
case '4': return "←";
case '6': return "→";
case '7': return "↖";
case '8': return "↑";
case '9': return "↗";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_arrow_right =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
default: return c + "\u20D7";
private static final Map_char map_char_box =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '1': return "└";
case '2': return "┴";
case '3': return "┘";
case '4': return "├";
case '5': return "┼";
case '6': return "┤";
case '7': return "┌";
case '8': return "┬";
case '9': return "┐";
case '0': return "─";
case '.': return "│";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_slash =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ⱥ";
case 'b': return "␢";
case 'c': return "ȼ";
case 'e': return "ɇ";
case 'g': return "ꞡ";
case 'k': return "ꝃ";
case 'l': return "ł";
case 'n': return "ꞥ";
case 'o': return "ø";
case 'r': return "ꞧ";
case 's': return "ꞩ";
case 't': return "ⱦ";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_bar =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'b': return "ƀ";
case 'c': return "ꞓ";
case 'd': return "đ";
case 'g': return "ǥ";
case 'i': return "ɨ";
case 'j': return "ɉ";
case 'k': return "ꝁ";
case 'l': return "ƚ";
case 'o': return "ɵ";
case 'p': return "ᵽ";
case 'q': return "ꝗ";
case 'r': return "ɍ";
case 't': return "ŧ";
case 'u': return "ʉ";
case 'y': return "ɏ";
case 'z': return "ƶ";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_dot_below =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ạ";
case 'ă': return "ặ";
case 'â': return "ậ";
case 'e': return "ẹ";
case 'ê': return "ệ";
case 'i': return "ị";
case 'o': return "ọ";
case 'ô': return "ộ";
case 'ơ': return "ợ";
case 'u': return "ụ";
case 'ư': return "ự";
case 'y': return "ỵ";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_horn =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'o': return "ơ";
case 'ó': return "ớ";
case 'ò': return "ờ";
case 'ỏ': return "ở";
case 'õ': return "ỡ";
case 'ọ': return "ợ";
case 'u': return "ư";
case 'ú': return "ứ";
case 'ù': return "ừ";
case 'ủ': return "ử";
case 'ũ': return "ữ";
case 'ụ': return "ự";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_hook_above =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case 'a': return "ả";
case 'ă': return "ẳ";
case 'â': return "ẩ";
case 'e': return "ẻ";
case 'ê': return "ể";
case 'i': return "ỉ";
case 'o': return "ỏ";
case 'ô': return "ổ";
case 'ơ': return "ở";
case 'u': return "ủ";
case 'ư': return "ử";
case 'y': return "ỷ";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_numpad_hindu =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '0': return "٠";
case '1': return "١";
case '2': return "٢";
case '3': return "٣";
case '4': return "٤";
case '5': return "٥";
case '6': return "٦";
case '7': return "٧";
case '8': return "٨";
case '9': return "٩";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_numpad_bengali =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '0': return "০";
case '1': return "১";
case '2': return "২";
case '3': return "৩";
case '4': return "৪";
case '5': return "৫";
case '6': return "৬";
case '7': return "৭";
case '8': return "৮";
case '9': return "৯";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_numpad_devanagari =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '0': return "०";
case '1': return "१";
case '2': return "२";
case '3': return "३";
case '4': return "४";
case '5': return "५";
case '6': return "६";
case '7': return "७";
case '8': return "८";
case '9': return "९";
default: return null;
private static final Map_char map_char_numpad_persian =
new Map_char() {
public String apply(char c)
switch (c)
case '0': return "۰";
case '1': return "۱";
case '2': return "۲";
case '3': return "۳";
case '4': return "۴";
case '5': return "۵";
case '6': return "۶";
case '7': return "۷";
case '8': return "۸";
case '9': return "۹";
default: return null;