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synced 2025-02-16 17:41:21 +01:00
Include comprehensive ctrl modmap, enabling the use of ctrl modifier with Serbian Cyrillic keys. Remove clunky fn modmap previously used for just a few actions such as cut/copy/paste/etc.
77 lines
2.3 KiB
77 lines
2.3 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<keyboard name="ЉЊЕРТЗ (Српски)" script="cyrillic">
<fn a="а" b="а̂" />
<fn a="е" b="е̂" />
<fn a="и" b="и̂" />
<fn a="о" b="о̂" />
<fn a="у" b="у̂" />
<fn a="cursor_left" b="home" />
<fn a="cursor_right" b="end" />
<ctrl a="љ" b="q" />
<ctrl a="њ" b="w" />
<ctrl a="е" b="e" />
<ctrl a="р" b="r" />
<ctrl a="т" b="t" />
<ctrl a="ж" b="y" />
<ctrl a="у" b="u" />
<ctrl a="и" b="i" />
<ctrl a="о" b="o" />
<ctrl a="п" b="p" />
<ctrl a="а" b="a" />
<ctrl a="с" b="s" />
<ctrl a="д" b="d" />
<ctrl a="ф" b="f" />
<ctrl a="г" b="g" />
<ctrl a="х" b="h" />
<ctrl a="ј" b="j" />
<ctrl a="к" b="k" />
<ctrl a="л" b="l" />
<ctrl a="з" b="z" />
<ctrl a="џ" b="x" />
<ctrl a="ц" b="c" />
<ctrl a="в" b="v" />
<ctrl a="б" b="b" />
<ctrl a="н" b="n" />
<ctrl a="м" b="m" />
<key key0="љ" ne="1" se="loc esc"/>
<key key0="њ" nw="~" ne="2" sw="\@"/>
<key key0="е" ne="3" sw="\#" se="€"/>
<key key0="р" ne="4" sw="$" se="loc £"/>
<key key0="т" ne="5" sw="%"/>
<key key0="з" ne="6" sw="^"/>
<key key0="у" ne="7" sw="&"/>
<key key0="и" ne="8" sw="*"/>
<key key0="о" ne="9" sw="(" se=")"/>
<key key0="п" ne="0" sw="[" se="]"/>
<key key0="ш"/>
<key key0="а" nw="loc tab" ne="loc selectAll"/>
<key key0="с" nw="loc §" ne="loc shareText"/>
<key key0="д"/>
<key key0="ф"/>
<key key0="г"/>
<key key0="х"/>
<key key0="ј" ne="loc accent_circonflexe" sw="{" se="}"/>
<key key0="к" ne="-" sw="_"/>
<key key0="л" ne="=" sw="+"/>
<key key0="ч" nw="'" ne=""" sw="\\"/>
<key key0="ћ" ne="`" sw="|"/>
<key width="1.5" key0="shift" nw="loc superscript" ne="loc capslock" sw="loc subscript"/>
<key key0="ж" nw="loc undo" ne="loc redo" sw="<" se=">"/>
<key key0="џ" ne="loc cut"/>
<key key0="ц" ne="loc copy"/>
<key key0="в" ne="loc paste"/>
<key key0="б" ne="loc pasteAsPlainText"/>
<key key0="н" nw="!" ne="\?" sw="/"/>
<key key0="м" ne=";" sw=","/>
<key key0="ђ" ne=":" sw="."/>
<key width="1.5" key0="backspace" ne="delete"/>