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synced 2025-02-17 01:50:55 +01:00
KeyValue defines an ADT and some of its values, it now contains public final fields and no internal logic. KeyModifier handles modifiers and accents and creates new instances of KeyValue when needed. This operation is now properly cached.
417 lines
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417 lines
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package juloo.keyboard2;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.graphics.Typeface;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Vibrator;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.PopupWindow;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Keyboard2View extends View
implements View.OnTouchListener, Handler.Callback
private static final long VIBRATE_MIN_INTERVAL = 100;
private KeyboardData _keyboard;
private ArrayList<KeyDown> _downKeys = new ArrayList<KeyDown>();
private int _flags = 0;
private Vibrator _vibratorService;
private long _lastVibration = 0;
private Handler _handler;
private static int _currentWhat = 0;
private Config _config;
private float _keyWidth;
private static Paint _keyBgPaint = new Paint();
private static Paint _keyDownBgPaint = new Paint();
private static Paint _keyLabelPaint;
private static Paint _keyLabelLockedPaint;
private static Paint _keySubLabelPaint;
private static Paint _keySubLabelRightPaint;
private static Paint _specialKeyLabelPaint;
private static Paint _specialKeyLabelLockedPaint;
private static Paint _specialKeySubLabelPaint;
private static Paint _specialKeySubLabelRightPaint;
private static RectF _tmpRect = new RectF();
public Keyboard2View(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
super(context, attrs);
_vibratorService = (Vibrator)context.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
_handler = new Handler(this);
_config = ((Keyboard2)context).getConfig();
_keyLabelPaint = initLabelPaint(_keyLabelPaint, Paint.Align.CENTER, R.color.key_label, R.dimen.label_text_size, null);
_keyLabelLockedPaint = initLabelPaint(_keyLabelLockedPaint, Paint.Align.CENTER, R.color.key_label_locked, R.dimen.label_text_size, null);
_keySubLabelPaint = initLabelPaint(_keySubLabelPaint, Paint.Align.LEFT, R.color.key_sub_label, R.dimen.sublabel_text_size, null);
_keySubLabelRightPaint = initLabelPaint(_keySubLabelRightPaint, Paint.Align.RIGHT, R.color.key_sub_label, R.dimen.sublabel_text_size, null);
Typeface specialKeysFont = ((Keyboard2)getContext()).getSpecialKeyFont();
_specialKeyLabelPaint = initLabelPaint(_specialKeyLabelPaint, Paint.Align.CENTER, R.color.key_label, R.dimen.label_text_size, specialKeysFont);
_specialKeyLabelLockedPaint = initLabelPaint(_specialKeyLabelLockedPaint, Paint.Align.CENTER, R.color.key_label_locked, R.dimen.label_text_size, specialKeysFont);
_specialKeySubLabelPaint = initLabelPaint(_specialKeySubLabelPaint, Paint.Align.LEFT, R.color.key_sub_label, R.dimen.sublabel_text_size, specialKeysFont);
_specialKeySubLabelRightPaint = initLabelPaint(_specialKeySubLabelRightPaint, Paint.Align.RIGHT, R.color.key_sub_label, R.dimen.sublabel_text_size, specialKeysFont);
private Paint initLabelPaint(Paint paint, Paint.Align align, int color, int size, Typeface font)
if (paint == null)
paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
if (font != null)
return (paint);
public void setKeyboard(KeyboardData kw)
if (!_config.shouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod)
kw = kw.removeKeys(new KeyboardData.RemoveKeysByEvent(KeyValue.EVENT_CHANGE_METHOD));
if (_config.disableAccentKeys)
kw = kw.removeKeys(new KeyboardData.RemoveKeysByFlags(KeyValue.FLAGS_ACCENTS));
_keyboard = kw;
public void reset()
_flags = 0;
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event)
float x;
float y;
float keyW;
int p;
switch (event.getActionMasked())
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
break ;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
p = event.getActionIndex();
onTouchDown(event.getX(p), event.getY(p), event.getPointerId(p));
break ;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
for (p = 0; p < event.getPointerCount(); p++)
onTouchMove(event.getX(p), event.getY(p), event.getPointerId(p));
break ;
return (false);
return (true);
private KeyDown getKeyDown(int pointerId)
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
if (k.pointerId == pointerId)
return (k);
return (null);
private KeyDown getKeyDown(KeyboardData.Key key)
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
if (k.key == key)
return (k);
return (null);
private void onTouchMove(float moveX, float moveY, int pointerId)
KeyDown key = getKeyDown(pointerId);
KeyValue newValue;
if (key != null)
moveX -= key.downX;
moveY -= key.downY;
if ((Math.abs(moveX) + Math.abs(moveY)) < _config.subValueDist)
newValue = key.key.key0;
else if (moveX < 0)
newValue = (moveY < 0) ? key.key.key1 : key.key.key3;
else if (moveY < 0)
newValue = key.key.key2;
newValue = key.key.key4;
if (newValue != null && newValue != key.value)
if (key.timeoutWhat != -1)
if ((newValue.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_NOREPEAT) == 0)
_handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(key.timeoutWhat, _config.longPressTimeout);
key.value = newValue;
key.flags = newValue.flags;
private void onTouchDown(float touchX, float touchY, int pointerId)
float y = _config.marginTop - _config.keyHeight;
for (KeyboardData.Row row : _keyboard.getRows())
y += _config.keyHeight;
if (touchY < y || touchY >= (y + _config.keyHeight))
continue ;
float x = _config.horizontalMargin;
for (KeyboardData.Key key : row.getKeys())
x += key.shift * _keyWidth;
float keyW = _keyWidth * key.width;
if (touchX >= x && touchX < (x + keyW))
KeyDown down = getKeyDown(key);
if (down != null)
if ((down.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_LOCK) != 0)
down.flags ^= KeyValue.FLAG_LOCK;
down.flags |= KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED;
else if (down.pointerId == -1)
down.pointerId = pointerId;
int what = _currentWhat++;
if (key.key0 != null && (key.key0.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_NOREPEAT) == 0)
_handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(what, _config.longPressTimeout);
_downKeys.add(new KeyDown(pointerId, key, touchX, touchY, what));
return ;
x += keyW;
private void onTouchUp(int pointerId)
KeyDown k = getKeyDown(pointerId);
if (k != null)
if (k.timeoutWhat != -1)
k.timeoutWhat = -1;
if ((k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEEP_ON) != 0)
k.flags ^= KeyValue.FLAG_KEEP_ON;
k.pointerId = -1;
return ;
for (int i = 0; i < _downKeys.size(); i++)
KeyDown downKey = _downKeys.get(i);
if (downKey.pointerId == -1 && (downKey.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED) == 0)
else if ((downKey.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEEP_ON) != 0)
downKey.flags ^= KeyValue.FLAG_KEEP_ON;
return ;
private void handleKeyUp(KeyDown key)
if (key.value != null && (key.flags & (KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED | KeyValue.FLAG_NOCHAR)) == 0)
((Keyboard2)getContext()).handleKeyUp(key.value, _flags);
private void handleKeyDown(KeyValue key)
if (key == null)
return ;
private void updateFlags()
_flags = 0;
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
_flags |= k.flags;
private void vibrate()
if (!_config.vibrateEnabled)
return ;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ((now - _lastVibration) > VIBRATE_MIN_INTERVAL)
_lastVibration = now;
catch (Exception e)
public boolean handleMessage(Message msg)
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (KeyDown key : _downKeys)
if (key.timeoutWhat == msg.what)
_handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(msg.what, _config.longPressInterval);
((Keyboard2)getContext()).handleKeyUp(key.value, _flags);
return (true);
return (false);
public void onMeasure(int wSpec, int hSpec)
DisplayMetrics dm = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
int height;
if (_keyboard.getRows() == null)
height = 0;
height = (int)(_config.keyHeight * ((float)_keyboard.getRows().size())
+ _config.marginTop + _config.marginBottom);
setMeasuredDimension(dm.widthPixels, height);
_keyWidth = (getWidth() - (_config.horizontalMargin * 2)) / _keyboard.getKeysWidth();
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
float y = _config.marginTop;
for (KeyboardData.Row row : _keyboard.getRows())
float x = _config.horizontalMargin;
for (KeyboardData.Key k : row.getKeys())
x += k.shift * _keyWidth;
float keyW = _keyWidth * k.width;
KeyDown keyDown = getKeyDown(k);
_tmpRect.set(x + _config.keyBgPadding, y + _config.keyBgPadding,
x + keyW - _config.keyBgPadding, y + _config.keyHeight - _config.keyBgPadding);
if (keyDown != null)
canvas.drawRect(_tmpRect, _keyDownBgPaint);
canvas.drawRoundRect(_tmpRect, _config.keyRound, _config.keyRound, _keyBgPaint);
if (k.key0 != null)
drawLabel(canvas, k.key0, keyW / 2f + x, (_config.keyHeight + _keyLabelPaint.getTextSize()) / 2f + y,
(keyDown != null && (keyDown.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED) != 0));
float subPadding = _config.keyBgPadding + _config.keyPadding;
if (k.key1 != null)
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key1, x + subPadding, y + subPadding - _keySubLabelPaint.ascent(), false);
if (k.key3 != null)
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key3, x + subPadding, y + _config.keyHeight - subPadding - _keySubLabelPaint.descent(), false);
if (k.key2 != null)
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key2, x + keyW - subPadding, y + subPadding - _keySubLabelRightPaint.ascent(), true);
if (k.key4 != null)
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key4, x + keyW - subPadding, y + _config.keyHeight - subPadding - _keySubLabelRightPaint.descent(), true);
x += keyW;
y += _config.keyHeight;
public void onDetachedFromWindow()
private void drawLabel(Canvas canvas, KeyValue k, float x, float y, boolean locked)
k = KeyModifier.handleFlags(k, _flags);
if ((k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEY_FONT) != 0)
canvas.drawText(k.symbol, x, y, locked ? _specialKeyLabelLockedPaint : _specialKeyLabelPaint);
canvas.drawText(k.symbol, x, y, locked ? _keyLabelLockedPaint : _keyLabelPaint);
private void drawSubLabel(Canvas canvas, KeyValue k, float x, float y, boolean right)
k = KeyModifier.handleFlags(k, _flags);
if ((k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEY_FONT) != 0)
canvas.drawText(k.symbol, x, y, right ? _specialKeySubLabelRightPaint : _specialKeySubLabelPaint);
canvas.drawText(k.symbol, x, y, right ? _keySubLabelRightPaint : _keySubLabelPaint);
private static class KeyDown
public int pointerId;
public KeyValue value;
public KeyboardData.Key key;
public float downX;
public float downY;
public int flags;
public int timeoutWhat;
public KeyDown(int pointerId, KeyboardData.Key key, float x, float y, int what)
this.pointerId = pointerId;
value = key.key0;
this.key = key;
downX = x;
downY = y;
flags = (value == null) ? 0 : value.flags;
timeoutWhat = what;