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synced 2025-03-01 07:41:50 +01:00
Add a new boolean parameter "edgekeys" for defining keys that have the additional (swipe) keys on the edges (top, right, left, bottom) instead of at the corners (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).
495 lines
14 KiB
495 lines
14 KiB
package juloo.keyboard2;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Vibrator;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.PopupWindow;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Keyboard2View extends View
implements View.OnTouchListener, Handler.Callback
private static final long VIBRATE_MIN_INTERVAL = 100;
private KeyboardData _keyboard;
private ArrayList<KeyDown> _downKeys = new ArrayList<KeyDown>();
private int _flags = 0;
private Vibrator _vibratorService;
private long _lastVibration = 0;
private Handler _handler;
private static int _currentWhat = 0;
private Config _config;
private float _keyWidth;
private Theme _theme;
private static RectF _tmpRect = new RectF();
enum Vertical
public Keyboard2View(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
super(context, attrs);
_vibratorService = (Vibrator)context.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
_handler = new Handler(this);
_theme = new Theme(getContext(), attrs);
_config = Config.globalConfig();
public void setKeyboard(KeyboardData kw)
if (!_config.shouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod)
kw = kw.replaceKeys(
new KeyboardData.ReplaceKeysByEvent(KeyValue.EVENT_CHANGE_METHOD, null));
if (_config.key_flags_to_remove != 0)
kw = kw.replaceKeys(
new KeyboardData.ReplaceKeysByFlags(_config.key_flags_to_remove, null));
// Replace the action key to show the right label.
KeyValue action_key = null;
if (_config.actionLabel != null)
action_key = new KeyValue(_config.actionLabel, _config.actionLabel,
if (_config.swapEnterActionKey && action_key != null)
kw = kw.replaceKeys(
new KeyboardData.ReplaceKeysByEvent2(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER,
action_key, KeyValue.EVENT_ACTION,
kw = kw.replaceKeys(
new KeyboardData.ReplaceKeysByEvent(KeyValue.EVENT_ACTION, action_key));
_keyboard = kw;
public void reset()
_flags = 0;
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event)
float x;
float y;
float keyW;
int p;
switch (event.getActionMasked())
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
break ;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
p = event.getActionIndex();
onTouchDown(event.getX(p), event.getY(p), event.getPointerId(p));
break ;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
for (p = 0; p < event.getPointerCount(); p++)
onTouchMove(event.getX(p), event.getY(p), event.getPointerId(p));
break ;
return (false);
return (true);
private KeyDown getKeyDown(int pointerId)
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
if (k.pointerId == pointerId)
return (k);
return (null);
private KeyDown getKeyDown(KeyboardData.Key key)
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
if (k.key == key)
return (k);
return (null);
private KeyDown getKeyDown(KeyValue kv)
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
if (k.value == kv)
return (k);
return (null);
private void onTouchMove(float moveX, float moveY, int pointerId)
KeyDown key = getKeyDown(pointerId);
KeyValue newValue;
if (key != null)
moveX -= key.downX;
moveY -= key.downY;
float absDist = Math.abs(moveX) + Math.abs(moveY);
key.ptrDist = absDist;
if (absDist < _config.swipe_dist_px)
newValue = key.key.key0;
else if (key.key.edgekeys)
if (Math.abs(moveY) > Math.abs(moveX)) // vertical swipe
newValue = (moveY < 0) ? key.key.key1 : key.key.key4;
else if (moveX < 0) // left swipe
newValue = key.key.key3;
else // right swipe
newValue = key.key.key2;
if (moveX < 0)
newValue = (moveY < 0) ? key.key.key1 : key.key.key3;
else if (moveY < 0)
newValue = key.key.key2;
newValue = key.key.key4;
if (newValue != null && newValue != key.value)
if (key.timeoutWhat != -1)
if ((newValue.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_NOREPEAT) == 0)
_handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(key.timeoutWhat, _config.longPressTimeout);
key.value = newValue;
key.flags = newValue.flags;
private void onTouchDown(float touchX, float touchY, int pointerId)
float y = _config.marginTop - _config.keyHeight;
for (KeyboardData.Row row : _keyboard.rows)
y += _config.keyHeight;
if (touchY < y || touchY >= (y + _config.keyHeight))
continue ;
float x = _config.horizontalMargin;
for (KeyboardData.Key key : row.keys)
x += key.shift * _keyWidth;
float keyW = _keyWidth * key.width;
if (touchX >= x && touchX < (x + keyW))
int what = _currentWhat++;
if (key.key0 != null && (key.key0.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_NOREPEAT) == 0)
_handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(what, _config.longPressTimeout);
_downKeys.add(new KeyDown(pointerId, key, touchX, touchY, what));
return ;
x += keyW;
// Whether a key is already activated (key down but pointer up)
private KeyDown getActivatedKey(KeyValue kv)
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
if (k.value == kv && k.pointerId == -1)
return (k);
return (null);
private void onTouchUp(int pointerId)
KeyDown k = getKeyDown(pointerId);
if (k != null)
// Stop key repeat
if (k.timeoutWhat != -1)
k.timeoutWhat = -1;
KeyDown k_on = getActivatedKey(k.value);
if (k_on != null)
_downKeys.remove(k); // Remove dupplicate
// Same key with FLAG_LOCK is already on, do lock
if ((k_on.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_LOCK) != 0)
k_on.flags ^= KeyValue.FLAG_LOCK; // Next time, disable it
k_on.flags |= KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED;
// Otherwise, toggle it
// Key stay activated
else if ((k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEEP_ON) != 0)
k.pointerId = -1; // Set pointer up
else // Regular key up
for (int i = 0; i < _downKeys.size(); i++)
KeyDown downKey = _downKeys.get(i);
// Disable other activated keys that aren't locked
if (downKey.pointerId == -1 && (downKey.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED) == 0)
// Other keys currently down won't stay activated
else if ((downKey.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEEP_ON) != 0)
downKey.flags ^= KeyValue.FLAG_KEEP_ON;
private void handleKeyUp(KeyDown key)
if (key.value != null && (key.flags & (KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED | KeyValue.FLAG_NOCHAR)) == 0)
_config.handler.handleKeyUp(key.value, _flags);
private void handleKeyDown(KeyValue key)
if (key == null)
return ;
private void updateFlags()
_flags = 0;
for (KeyDown k : _downKeys)
_flags |= k.flags;
private void vibrate()
if (!_config.vibrateEnabled)
return ;
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ((now - _lastVibration) > VIBRATE_MIN_INTERVAL)
_lastVibration = now;
catch (Exception e)
public boolean handleMessage(Message msg)
for (KeyDown key : _downKeys)
if (key.timeoutWhat == msg.what)
long nextInterval = _config.longPressInterval;
if (_config.preciseRepeat && (key.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_PRECISE_REPEAT) != 0)
// Modulate repeat interval depending on the distance of the pointer
float accel = Math.min(4.f, Math.max(0.3f, key.ptrDist / (_config.swipe_dist_px * 15.f)));
nextInterval = (long)((float)nextInterval / accel);
_handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(msg.what, nextInterval);
_config.handler.handleKeyUp(key.value, _flags);
return (true);
return (false);
public void onMeasure(int wSpec, int hSpec)
DisplayMetrics dm = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
int width = dm.widthPixels;
int height =
(int)(_config.keyHeight * _keyboard.keysHeight
+ _keyboard.rows.size()
+ _config.marginTop + _config.marginBottom);
setMeasuredDimension(width, height);
_keyWidth = (width - (_config.horizontalMargin * 2)) / _keyboard.keysWidth;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
float y = _config.marginTop + _config.keyVerticalInterval / 2;
for (KeyboardData.Row row : _keyboard.rows)
y += row.shift * _config.keyHeight;
float x = _config.horizontalMargin + _config.keyHorizontalInterval / 2;
float keyH = row.height * _config.keyHeight - _config.keyVerticalInterval;
for (KeyboardData.Key k : row.keys)
x += k.shift * _keyWidth;
float keyW = _keyWidth * k.width - _config.keyHorizontalInterval;
KeyDown keyDown = getKeyDown(k);
_tmpRect.set(x, y, x + keyW, y + keyH);
canvas.drawRoundRect(_tmpRect, _theme.keyBorderRadius, _theme.keyBorderRadius,
(keyDown != null) ? _theme.keyDownBgPaint : _theme.keyBgPaint);
if (k.key0 != null)
drawLabel(canvas, k.key0, keyW / 2f + x, (keyH + _theme.labelTextSize) / 2f + y, keyDown);
float subPadding = _config.keyPadding;
if (k.edgekeys)
if (k.key1 != null) // top key
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key1, x + keyW / 2f, y + subPadding, Paint.Align.CENTER, Vertical.TOP, keyDown);
if (k.key3 != null) // left key
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key3, x + subPadding, y + keyH / 2f, Paint.Align.LEFT, Vertical.CENTER, keyDown);
if (k.key2 != null) // right key
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key2, x + keyW - subPadding, y + keyH / 2f, Paint.Align.RIGHT, Vertical.CENTER, keyDown);
if (k.key4 != null) // bottom key
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key4, x + keyW / 2f, y + keyH - subPadding, Paint.Align.CENTER, Vertical.BOTTOM, keyDown);
if (k.key1 != null) // top left key
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key1, x + subPadding, y + subPadding, Paint.Align.LEFT, Vertical.TOP, keyDown);
if (k.key3 != null) // bottom left key
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key3, x + subPadding, y + keyH - subPadding, Paint.Align.LEFT, Vertical.BOTTOM, keyDown);
if (k.key2 != null) // top right key
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key2, x + keyW - subPadding, y + subPadding, Paint.Align.RIGHT, Vertical.TOP, keyDown);
if (k.key4 != null) // bottom right key
drawSubLabel(canvas, k.key4, x + keyW - subPadding, y + keyH - subPadding, Paint.Align.RIGHT, Vertical.BOTTOM, keyDown);
x += _keyWidth * k.width;
y += row.height * _config.keyHeight;
public void onDetachedFromWindow()
private int labelColor(KeyValue k, KeyDown hasKeyDown, int defaultColor)
if (hasKeyDown != null)
KeyDown kd = getKeyDown(k);
if (kd != null)
if ((kd.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_LOCKED) != 0)
return _theme.lockedColor;
if (kd.pointerId == -1)
return _theme.activatedColor;
return defaultColor;
private void drawLabel(Canvas canvas, KeyValue k, float x, float y, KeyDown keyDown)
k = KeyModifier.handleFlags(k, _flags);
Paint p = _theme.labelPaint(((k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEY_FONT) != 0));
p.setColor(labelColor(k, keyDown, _theme.labelColor));
p.setTextSize(_theme.labelTextSize * scaleTextSize(k));
canvas.drawText(k.symbol, x, y, p);
private void drawSubLabel(Canvas canvas, KeyValue k, float x, float y, Paint.Align a, Vertical v, KeyDown keyDown)
k = KeyModifier.handleFlags(k, _flags);
Paint p = _theme.subLabelPaint(((k.flags & KeyValue.FLAG_KEY_FONT) != 0), a);
p.setColor(labelColor(k, keyDown, _theme.subLabelColor));
p.setTextSize(_theme.sublabelTextSize * scaleTextSize(k));
if (v == Vertical.CENTER)
y -= (p.ascent() + p.descent()) / 2f;
y -= (v == Vertical.TOP) ? p.ascent() : p.descent();
canvas.drawText(k.symbol, x, y, p);
private float scaleTextSize(KeyValue k)
return ((k.symbol.length() < 2) ? 1.f : 0.8f) * _config.characterSize;
private static class KeyDown
/* -1 if pointer is up. */
public int pointerId;
public KeyValue value;
public KeyboardData.Key key;
public float downX;
public float downY;
/* Manhattan distance of the pointer to the center of the key */
public float ptrDist;
public int flags;
public int timeoutWhat;
public KeyDown(int pointerId, KeyboardData.Key key, float x, float y, int what)
this.pointerId = pointerId;
value = key.key0;
this.key = key;
downX = x;
downY = y;
ptrDist = 0.f;
flags = (value == null) ? 0 : value.flags;
timeoutWhat = what;