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synced 2025-02-17 01:50:55 +01:00
Remove the "emoji" and "conf" action from the enter key. Move the former to the "arrows" key and the latter to "p". Slightly increase the size of the keys around the spacebar, and decrease the spacebar size.
36 lines
1.2 KiB
36 lines
1.2 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<key width="0.75" key0="esc" key2="~" key4="!" />
<key width="0.75" key0="(" key2="[" key4="{" />
<key key0="7" key2="<" key3="home" />
<key key0="8" />
<key key0="9" key2="page_up" key3=">" />
<key width="0.75" key0="*" />
<key width="0.75" key0="/" key1="%" key3=":" />
<key width="0.75" key0="tab" key1=";" key2="|" key4="\\" />
<key width="0.75" key0=")" key2="]" key4="}" />
<key key0="4" />
<key key0="5" key1="up" key2="right" key3="left" key4="down" />
<key key0="6" />
<key width="0.75" key0="+" key2="$" />
<key width="0.75" key0="-" key2="^" />
<key shift="0.35" width="1.15" key0="shift" key4="alt" />
<key key0="1" key3="end" />
<key key0="2" />
<key key0="3" key4="page_down" />
<key width="1.15" key0="backspace" key2="delete" />
<key width="1.5" key0="ctrl" key3="switch_text" />
<key width="1.5" key0="0" />
<key width="0.75" key0="." key2="," />
<key width="0.75" key0="space" key1=""" key2="'" key4="_" />
<key width="1.5" key0="enter" key3="=" />