| `/add/{KEY}` | Saves Apprise Configuration (or set of URLs) to the persistent store.<br/>*Parameters*<br/>:small_red_triangle: **urls**: Used to define one or more Apprise URL(s). Use a comma and/or space to separate one URL from the next.<br/>:small_red_triangle: **config**: Provide the contents of either a YAML or TEXT based Apprise configuration.<br/>:small_red_triangle: **format**: This field is only required if you've specified the _config_ parameter. Used to tell the server which of the supported (Apprise) configuration types you are passing. Valid options are _text_ and _yaml_.
| `/del/{KEY}` | Removes Apprise Configuration from the persistent store.
| `/get/{KEY}` | Returns the Apprise Configuration from the persistent store. This can be directly used with the *Apprise CLI* and/or the *AppriseConfig()* object ([see here for details](https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/config)).
| `/notify/{KEY}` | Sends a notification based on the Apprise Configuration associated with the specified *{KEY}*.<br/>*Parameters*<br/>:small_red_triangle: **body**: Your message body. This is the *only* required field.<br/>:small_red_triangle: **title**: Optionally define a title to go along with the *body*.<br/>:small_red_triangle: **type**: Defines the message type you want to send as. The valid options are `info`, `success`, `warning`, and `error`. If no *type* is specified then `info` is the default value used.<br/>:small_red_triangle: **tag**: Optionally notify only those tagged accordingly.
| `/notify/` | Similar to the `notify` API identified above except this one sends a stateless notification and requires no reference to a `{KEY}`. <br/>*Parameters*<br/>:small_red_triangle: **urls**: One or more URLs identifying where the notification should be sent to. If this field isn't specified then it automatically assumes the `settings.APPRISE_STATELESS_URLS` value or `APPRISE_STATELESS_URLS` environment variable.<br/>:small_red_triangle: **body**: Your message body. This is a required field.<br/>:small_red_triangle: **title**: Optionally define a title to go along with the *body*.<br/>:small_red_triangle: **type**: Defines the message type you want to send as. The valid options are `info`, `success`, `warning`, and `error`. If no *type* is specified then `info` is the default value used.
-`{KEY}` must be 1-64 alphanumeric characters in length. In addition to this, the underscore (`_`) and dash (`-`) are also accepted.
- You must `POST` to URLs defined above in order for them to respond.
- Specify the `Content-Type` of `application/json` to use the JSON support.
- There is no authentication required to use this API; this is by design. It's intention is to be a lightweight and fast micro-service parked behind the systems designed to handle security.
- There are no persistent store dependencies for the purpose of simplicity. Configuration is hashed and written straight to disk.
### Environment Variables
The use of environment variables allow you to provide over-rides to default settings.
| Variable | Description |
|--------------------- | ----------- |
| `APPRISE_CONFIG_DIR` | Defines the persistent store location of all configuration files saved. By default:<br/> - Content is written to the `apprise_api/var/config` directory when just using the _Django_`manage runserver` script.
| `SECRET_KEY` | A Django variable acting as a *salt* for most things that require security. This API uses it for the hash sequences when writing the configuration files to disk.
| `ALLOWED_HOSTS` | A list of strings representing the host/domain names that this API can serve. This is a security measure to prevent HTTP Host header attacks, which are possible even under many seemingly-safe web server configurations. By default this is set to `*` allowing any host. Use space to delimit more then one host.
| `DEBUG` | This defaults to `False` however can be set to `True`if defined with a non-zero value (such as `1`).
## Development Environment
The following should get you a working development environment to test with:
# Create a virtual environment in the same directory you