# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron # All rights reserved. # # This code is licensed under the MIT License. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse from django.http import JsonResponse from django.views import View from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import RequestDataTooBig from django.utils.html import escape from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache from django.views.decorators.gzip import gzip_page from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder from .payload_mapper import remap_fields from .utils import parse_attachments from .utils import ConfigCache from .utils import apply_global_filters from .utils import send_webhook from .utils import healthcheck from .forms import AddByUrlForm from .forms import AddByConfigForm from .forms import NotifyForm from .forms import NotifyByUrlForm from .forms import CONFIG_FORMATS from .forms import AUTO_DETECT_CONFIG_KEYWORD import logging import apprise import json import re # Get an instance of a logger logger = logging.getLogger('django') # Content-Type Parsing # application/x-www-form-urlencoded # multipart/form-data MIME_IS_FORM = re.compile( r'(multipart|application)/(x-www-)?form-(data|urlencoded)', re.I) # Support JSON formats # text/json # text/x-json # application/json # application/x-json MIME_IS_JSON = re.compile( r'(text|application)/(x-)?json', re.I) # Parsing of Accept; the following amounts to Accept All # */* # ACCEPT_ALL = re.compile(r'^\s*([*]/[*]|)\s*$', re.I) # Tags separated by space , &, or + are and'ed together # Tags separated by commas (even commas wrapped in spaces) are "or'ed" together # We start with a regular expression used to clean up provided tags TAG_VALIDATION_RE = re.compile(r'^\s*[a-z0-9\s| ,_-]+\s*$', re.IGNORECASE) # In order to separate our tags only by comma's or '|' entries found TAG_DETECT_RE = re.compile( r'\s*([a-z0-9\s_&+-]+)(?=$|\s*[|,]\s*[a-z0-9\s&+_-|,])', re.I) # Break apart our objects anded together TAG_AND_DELIM_RE = re.compile(r'[\s&+]+') MIME_IS_JSON = re.compile( r'(text|application)/(x-)?json', re.I) class JSONEncoder(DjangoJSONEncoder): """ A wrapper to the DjangoJSONEncoder to support sets() (converting them to lists). """ def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, set): return list(obj) elif isinstance(obj, apprise.locale.LazyTranslation): return str(obj) return super().default(obj) class ResponseCode(object): """ These codes are based on those provided by the requests object """ okay = 200 no_content = 204 bad_request = 400 no_access = 403 not_found = 404 method_not_allowed = 405 method_not_accepted = 406 expectation_failed = 417 failed_dependency = 424 fields_too_large = 431 internal_server_error = 500 class WelcomeView(View): """ A simple welcome/index page """ template_name = 'welcome.html' def get(self, request): default_key = 'KEY' key = request.GET.get('key', default_key).strip() return render(request, self.template_name, { 'secure': request.scheme[-1].lower() == 's', 'key': key if key else default_key, }) @method_decorator((gzip_page, never_cache), name='dispatch') class HealthCheckView(View): """ A Django view used to return a simple status/healthcheck """ def get(self, request): """ Handle a GET request """ # Detect the format our incoming payload json_payload = \ MIME_IS_JSON.match( request.content_type if request.content_type else request.headers.get( 'content-type', '')) is not None # Detect the format our response should be in json_response = True if json_payload \ and ACCEPT_ALL.match(request.headers.get('accept', '')) else \ MIME_IS_JSON.match(request.headers.get('accept', '')) is not None # Run our healthcheck; allow ?force which will cause the check to run each time response = healthcheck(lazy='force' not in request.GET) # Prepare our response status = ResponseCode.okay if 'OK' in response['details'] else ResponseCode.expectation_failed if not json_response: response = ','.join(response['details']) return HttpResponse(response, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'config_lock': settings.APPRISE_CONFIG_LOCK, 'attach_lock': settings.APPRISE_ATTACH_SIZE <= 0, 'status': response, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) @method_decorator((gzip_page, never_cache), name='dispatch') class DetailsView(View): """ A Django view used to list all supported endpoints """ template_name = 'details.html' def get(self, request): """ Handle a GET request """ # Detect the format our response should be in json_response = \ MIME_IS_JSON.match( request.content_type if request.content_type else request.headers.get( 'accept', request.headers.get( 'content-type', ''))) is not None # Show All flag # Support 'yes', '1', 'true', 'enable', 'active', and + show_all = request.GET.get('all', 'no')[0].lower() in ( 'a', 'y', '1', 't', 'e', '+') # Our status status = ResponseCode.okay # # Apply Any Global Filters (if identified) # apply_global_filters() # Create an Apprise Object a_obj = apprise.Apprise() # Load our details details = a_obj.details(show_disabled=show_all) # Sort our result set details['schemas'] = sorted( details['schemas'], key=lambda i: str(i['service_name']).upper()) # Return our content return render(request, self.template_name, { 'show_all': show_all, 'details': details, }, status=status) if not json_response else \ JsonResponse( details, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) @method_decorator(never_cache, name='dispatch') class ConfigView(View): """ A Django view used to manage configuration """ template_name = 'config.html' def get(self, request, key): """ Handle a GET request """ return render(request, self.template_name, { 'key': key, 'form_url': AddByUrlForm(), 'form_cfg': AddByConfigForm(), 'form_notify': NotifyForm(), }) @method_decorator(never_cache, name='dispatch') class AddView(View): """ A Django view used to store Apprise configuration """ def post(self, request, key): """ Handle a POST request """ # Detect the format our incoming payload json_payload = \ MIME_IS_JSON.match( request.content_type if request.content_type else request.headers.get( 'content-type', '')) is not None # Detect the format our response should be in json_response = True if json_payload \ and ACCEPT_ALL.match(request.headers.get('accept', '')) else \ MIME_IS_JSON.match(request.headers.get('accept', '')) is not None if settings.APPRISE_CONFIG_LOCK: # General Access Control logger.warning( 'ADD - %s - Config Lock Active - Request Denied', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']) msg = _('The site has been configured to deny this request') status = ResponseCode.no_access return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) # our content content = {} if not json_payload: content = {} form = AddByConfigForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): content.update(form.cleaned_data) form = AddByUrlForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): content.update(form.cleaned_data) else: # JSON Payload # Prepare our default response try: # load our JSON content content = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) except (RequestDataTooBig): # DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE exceeded it's value; this is usually the case # when there is a very large flie attachment that can't be pulled out of the # payload without exceeding memory limitations (default is 3MB) logger.warning( 'ADD - %s - JSON Payload Exceeded %dMB; operaton aborted using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], (settings.DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE / 1048576), key) status = ResponseCode.fields_too_large msg = _('JSON Payload provided is to large') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) except (AttributeError, ValueError): # could not parse JSON response... logger.warning( 'ADD - %s - Invalid JSON Payload provided using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) status = ResponseCode.bad_request msg = _('Invalid JSON Payload provided') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) if not content: # No information was posted logger.warning( 'ADD - %s - Invalid payload structure provided using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) msg = _('Invalid payload structure provided') status = ResponseCode.bad_request return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) # Create ourselves an apprise object to work with a_obj = apprise.Apprise() if 'urls' in content: # Load our content a_obj.add(content['urls']) if not len(a_obj): # No URLs were loaded logger.warning( 'ADD - %s - No valid URLs defined using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) msg = _('No valid URLs defined') status = ResponseCode.bad_request return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) if not ConfigCache.put( key, '\r\n'.join([s.url() for s in a_obj]), apprise.ConfigFormat.TEXT): logger.warning( 'ADD - %s - configuration could not be saved using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) msg = _('The configuration could not be saved') status = ResponseCode.internal_server_error return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) elif 'config' in content: fmt = content.get('format', '').lower() if fmt not in [i[0] for i in CONFIG_FORMATS]: # Format must be one supported by apprise logger.warning( 'ADD - %s - Invalid configuration format specified (%s) using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], fmt, key) msg = _('Invalid configuration format specified') status = ResponseCode.bad_request return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) # prepare our apprise config object ac_obj = apprise.AppriseConfig() if fmt == AUTO_DETECT_CONFIG_KEYWORD: # By setting format to None, it is automatically detected from # within the add_config() call fmt = None # Load our configuration if not ac_obj.add_config(content['config'], format=fmt): # The format could not be detected logger.warning( 'ADD - %s - The configuration format could not be auto-detected using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) msg = _('The configuration format could not be auto-detected') status = ResponseCode.bad_request return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) # Add our configuration a_obj.add(ac_obj) if not len(a_obj): # No specified URL(s) were loaded due to # mis-configuration on the caller's part logger.warning( 'ADD - %s - No valid URL(s) defined using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) msg = _('No valid URL(s) defined') status = ResponseCode.bad_request return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) if not ConfigCache.put( key, content['config'], fmt=ac_obj[0].config_format): # Something went very wrong; return 500 logger.error( 'ADD - %s - Configuration could not be saved using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) msg = _('An error occured saving configuration') status = ResponseCode.internal_server_error return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) else: # No configuration specified; we're done msg = _('No configuration provided') logger.warning( 'ADD - %s - No configuration provided using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) status = ResponseCode.bad_request return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) # If we reach here; we successfully loaded the configuration so we can # go ahead and write it to disk and alert our caller of the success. logger.info( 'ADD - %s - Configuration saved using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) status = ResponseCode.okay msg = _('Successfully saved configuration') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ "error": None, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) @method_decorator(never_cache, name='dispatch') class DelView(View): """ A Django view for removing content associated with a key """ def post(self, request, key): """ Handle a POST request """ # Detect the format our response should be in json_response = \ MIME_IS_JSON.match( request.content_type if request.content_type else request.headers.get( 'accept', request.headers.get( 'content-type', ''))) is not None if settings.APPRISE_CONFIG_LOCK: # General Access Control logger.warning( 'DEL - %s - Config Lock Active - Request Denied', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']) msg = _('The site has been configured to deny this request') status = ResponseCode.no_access return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) # Clear the key result = ConfigCache.clear(key) if result is None: logger.warning( 'DEL - %s - No configuration associated using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) msg = _('There was no configuration to remove') status = ResponseCode.no_content return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) elif result is False: # There was a failure at the os level logger.error( 'DEL - %s - Configuration could not be removed associated using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) msg = _('The configuration could not be removed') status = ResponseCode.internal_server_error return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) # Removed content logger.info( 'DEL - %s - Removed configuration associated using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) status = ResponseCode.okay msg = _('Successfully removed configuration') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ "error": None, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) @method_decorator((gzip_page, never_cache), name='dispatch') class GetView(View): """ A Django view used to retrieve previously stored Apprise configuration """ def post(self, request, key): """ Handle a POST request """ # Detect the format our response should be in json_response = \ MIME_IS_JSON.match( request.content_type if request.content_type else request.headers.get( 'accept', request.headers.get( 'content-type', ''))) is not None if settings.APPRISE_CONFIG_LOCK: # General Access Control logger.warning( 'VIEW - %s - Config Lock Active - Request Denied', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']) msg = _('The site has been configured to deny this request') status = ResponseCode.no_access return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse( {'error': msg}, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) config, format = ConfigCache.get(key) if config is None: # The returned value of config and format tell a rather cryptic # story; this portion could probably be updated in the future. # but for now it reads like this: # config == None and format == None: We had an internal error # config == None and format != None: we simply have no data # config != None: we simply have no data if format is not None: # no content to return logger.warning( 'VIEW - %s - No configuration associated using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) msg = _('There was no configuration found') status = ResponseCode.no_content return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse( {'error': msg}, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) # Something went very wrong; return 500 logger.error( 'VIEW - %s - Configuration could not be accessed associated using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) msg = _('An error occured accessing configuration') status = ResponseCode.internal_server_error return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) # Our configuration was retrieved; now our response varies on whether # we are a YAML configuration or a TEXT based one. This allows us to # be compatible with those using the AppriseConfig() library or the # reference to it through the --config (-c) option in the CLI. content_type = 'text/yaml; charset=utf-8' \ if format == apprise.ConfigFormat.YAML \ else 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' # Return our retrieved content logger.info( 'VIEW - %s - Retrieved configuration associated using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) return HttpResponse( config, content_type=content_type, status=ResponseCode.okay, ) if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'format': format, 'config': config}, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=ResponseCode.okay, ) @method_decorator((gzip_page, never_cache), name='dispatch') class NotifyView(View): """ A Django view for sending a notification in a stateful manner """ def post(self, request, key): """ Handle a POST request """ # Detect the format our incoming payload json_payload = \ MIME_IS_JSON.match( request.content_type if request.content_type else request.headers.get( 'content-type', '')) is not None # Detect the format our response should be in json_response = True if json_payload \ and ACCEPT_ALL.match(request.headers.get('accept', '')) else \ MIME_IS_JSON.match(request.headers.get('accept', '')) is not None # rules rules = {k[1:]: v for k, v in request.GET.items() if k[0] == ':'} # our content content = {} if not json_payload: if rules: # Create a copy data = request.POST.copy() remap_fields(rules, data) else: # Just create a pointer data = request.POST form = NotifyForm(data=data, files=request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): content.update(form.cleaned_data) else: # JSON Payload # Prepare our default response try: # load our JSON content content = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) # Apply content rules if rules: remap_fields(rules, content) except (RequestDataTooBig): # DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE exceeded it's value; this is usually the case # when there is a very large flie attachment that can't be pulled out of the # payload without exceeding memory limitations (default is 3MB) logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - JSON Payload Exceeded %dMB using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], (settings.DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE / 1048576), key) status = ResponseCode.fields_too_large msg = _('JSON Payload provided is to large') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) except (AttributeError, ValueError): # could not parse JSON response... logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Invalid JSON Payload provided using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) status = ResponseCode.bad_request msg = _('Invalid JSON Payload provided') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) if not content: # We could not handle the Content-Type logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Invalid FORM Payload provided using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) msg = _('Bad FORM Payload provided') status = ResponseCode.bad_request return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status ) # Handle Attachments attach = None if not content.get('attachment'): if 'attachment' in request.POST: # Acquire attachments to work with them content['attachment'] = request.POST.getlist('attachment') elif 'attach' in request.POST: # Acquire kw (alias) attach to work with them content['attachment'] = request.POST.getlist('attach') elif content.get('attach'): # Acquire kw (alias) attach from payload to work with content['attachment'] = content['attach'] del content['attach'] if 'attachment' in content or request.FILES: try: attach = parse_attachments( content.get('attachment'), request.FILES) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: # Invalid entry found in list logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Bad attachment using KEY: %s - %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key, str(e)) status = ResponseCode.bad_request msg = _('Bad Attachment') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) # # Allow 'tag' value to be specified as part of the URL parameters # if not found otherwise defined. # tag = content.get('tag') if content.get('tag') else content.get('tags') if not tag: # Allow GET parameter over-rides if 'tag' in request.GET: tag = request.GET['tag'] elif 'tags' in request.GET: tag = request.GET['tags'] # Validation - Tag Logic: # "TagA" : TagA # "TagA, TagB" : TagA OR TagB # "TagA TagB" : TagA AND TagB # "TagA TagC, TagB" : (TagA AND TagC) OR TagB # ['TagA', 'TagB'] : TagA OR TagB # [('TagA', 'TagC'), 'TagB'] : (TagA AND TagC) OR TagB # [('TagB', 'TagC')] : TagB AND TagC if tag: if isinstance(tag, (list, set, tuple)): # Assign our tags as they were provided content['tag'] = tag elif isinstance(tag, str): if not TAG_VALIDATION_RE.match(tag): # Invalid entry found in list logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Ignored invalid tag specified ' '(type %s): %s using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], str(type(tag)), str(tag)[:12], key) msg = _('Unsupported characters found in tag definition') status = ResponseCode.bad_request return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) # If we get here, our specified tag was valid tags = [] for _tag in TAG_DETECT_RE.findall(tag): tag = _tag.strip() if not tag: continue # Disect our results group = TAG_AND_DELIM_RE.split(tag) if len(group) > 1: tags.append(tuple(group)) else: tags.append(tag) # Assign our tags content['tag'] = tags else: # Could be int, float or some other unsupported type logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Ignored invalid tag specified (type %s): ' '%s using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], str(type(tag)), str(tag)[:12], key) msg = _('Unsupported characters found in tag definition') status = ResponseCode.bad_request return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) # # Allow 'format' value to be specified as part of the URL # parameters if not found otherwise defined. # if not content.get('format') and 'format' in request.GET: content['format'] = request.GET['format'] # # Allow 'type' value to be specified as part of the URL parameters # if not found otherwise defined. # if not content.get('type') and 'type' in request.GET: content['type'] = request.GET['type'] # # Allow 'title' value to be specified as part of the URL parameters # if not found otherwise defined. # if not content.get('title') and 'title' in request.GET: content['title'] = request.GET['title'] # Some basic error checking if not content.get('body') and not attach or \ content.get('type', apprise.NotifyType.INFO) \ not in apprise.NOTIFY_TYPES: logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Payload lacks minimum requirements using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) status = ResponseCode.bad_request msg = _('Payload lacks minimum requirements') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=ResponseCode.bad_request, ) # Acquire our body format (if identified) body_format = content.get('format', apprise.NotifyFormat.TEXT) if body_format and body_format not in apprise.NOTIFY_FORMATS: logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Format parameter contains an unsupported ' 'value (%s) using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], str(body_format), key) msg = _('An invalid body input format was specified') status = ResponseCode.bad_request return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) # If we get here, we have enough information to generate a notification # with. config, format = ConfigCache.get(key) if config is None: # The returned value of config and format tell a rather cryptic # story; this portion could probably be updated in the future. # but for now it reads like this: # config == None and format == None: We had an internal error # config == None and format != None: we simply have no data # config != None: we simply have no data if format is not None: # no content to return logger.debug( 'NOTIFY - %s - Empty configuration found using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) msg = _('There was no configuration found') status = ResponseCode.no_content return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) logger.error( 'NOTIFY - %s - I/O error accessing configuration ' 'using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], key) # Something went very wrong; return 500 msg = _('An error occured accessing configuration') status = ResponseCode.internal_server_error return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) # Prepare our keyword arguments (to be passed into an AppriseAsset # object) kwargs = { 'plugin_paths': settings.APPRISE_PLUGIN_PATHS, } if body_format: # Store our defined body format kwargs['body_format'] = body_format # Acquire our recursion count (if defined) recursion = request.headers.get('X-Apprise-Recursion-Count', 0) try: recursion = int(recursion) if recursion < 0: # We do not accept negative numbers raise TypeError("Invalid Recursion Value") if recursion > settings.APPRISE_RECURSION_MAX: logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Recursion limit reached (%d > %d)', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], recursion, settings.APPRISE_RECURSION_MAX) status = ResponseCode.method_not_accepted msg = _('The recursion limit has been reached') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) # Store our recursion value for our AppriseAsset() initialization kwargs['_recursion'] = recursion except (TypeError, ValueError): logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Invalid recursion value (%s) provided', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], str(recursion)) status = ResponseCode.bad_request msg = _('An invalid recursion value was specified') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) # Acquire our unique identifier (if defined) uid = request.headers.get('X-Apprise-ID', '').strip() if uid: kwargs['_uid'] = uid # # Apply Any Global Filters (if identified) # apply_global_filters() # Prepare ourselves a default Asset asset = apprise.AppriseAsset(**kwargs) # Prepare our apprise object a_obj = apprise.Apprise(asset=asset) # Create an apprise config object ac_obj = apprise.AppriseConfig() # Load our configuration ac_obj.add_config(config, format=format) # Add our configuration a_obj.add(ac_obj) # Our return content type can be controlled by the Accept keyword # If it includes /* or /html somewhere then we return html, otherwise # we return the logs as they're processed in their text format. # The HTML response type has a bit of overhead where as it's not # the case with text/plain if not json_response: content_type = \ 'text/html' if re.search(r'text\/(\*|html)', request.headers.get('Accept', ''), re.IGNORECASE) \ else 'text/plain' else: content_type = 'application/json' # Acquire our log level from headers if defined, otherwise use # the global one set in the settings level = request.headers.get( 'X-Apprise-Log-Level', settings.LOGGING['loggers']['apprise']['level']).upper() if level not in ( 'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'TRACE'): level = settings.LOGGING['loggers']['apprise']['level'].upper() # Convert level to it's integer value if level == 'CRITICAL': level = logging.CRITICAL elif level == 'ERROR': level = logging.ERROR elif level == 'WARNING': level = logging.WARNING elif level == 'INFO': level = logging.INFO elif level == 'DEBUG': level = logging.DEBUG elif level == 'TRACE': level = logging.DEBUG - 1 # Initialize our response object response = None esc = '' if json_response: fmt = f'["%(levelname)s","%(asctime)s","{esc}%(message)s{esc}"]' else: # Format is only updated if the content_type is html fmt = '
  • ' \ '
    ' \ '
    ' \ f'
  • ' \ if content_type == 'text/html' else \ settings.LOGGING['formatters']['standard']['format'] # Now specify our format (and over-ride the default): with apprise.LogCapture(level=level, fmt=fmt) as logs: # Perform our notification at this point result = a_obj.notify( content.get('body'), title=content.get('title', ''), notify_type=content.get('type', apprise.NotifyType.INFO), tag=content.get('tag'), attach=attach, ) if json_response: esc = re.escape(esc) entries = re.findall( r'\r*\n?(?P\["[^"]+","[^"]+",)"{}(?P.+?)' r'{}"(?P\]\r*\n?$)(?=$|\r*\n?\["[^"]+","[^"]+","{})'.format( esc, esc, esc), logs.getvalue(), re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) # Prepare ourselves a JSON Response response = json.loads('[{}]'.format( ','.join([e[0] + json.dumps(e[1].rstrip()) + e[2] for e in entries]))) elif content_type == 'text/html': # Iterate over our entries so that we can prepare to escape # things to be presented as HTML esc = re.escape(esc) entries = re.findall( r'\r*\n?(?P
  • ` tag and escape our message body: response = '
    '.format( ''.join([e[0] + escape(e[1]) + e[2] for e in entries])) else: # content_type == 'text/plain' response = logs.getvalue() if settings.APPRISE_WEBHOOK_URL: webhook_payload = { 'source': request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'status': 0 if result else 1, 'output': response, } # Send our webhook (pass or fail) send_webhook(webhook_payload) if not result: # If at least one notification couldn't be sent; change up # the response to a 424 error code msg = _('One or more notification could not be sent') status = ResponseCode.failed_dependency logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - One or more notifications not ' 'sent%s using KEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], '' if not tag else f' (Tags: {tag})', key) return HttpResponse(response if response else msg, status=status, content_type=content_type) \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, 'details': response, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status, ) logger.info( 'NOTIFY - %s - Delivered Notification(s) - %sKEY: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], '' if not tag else f'Tags: {tag}, ', key) # Return our success message status = ResponseCode.okay return HttpResponse(response, status=status, content_type=content_type) \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': None, 'details': response, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) @method_decorator((gzip_page, never_cache), name='dispatch') class StatelessNotifyView(View): """ A Django view for sending a stateless notification """ def post(self, request): """ Handle a POST request """ # Detect the format our incoming payload json_payload = \ MIME_IS_JSON.match( request.content_type if request.content_type else request.headers.get( 'content-type', '')) is not None # Detect the format our response should be in json_response = True if json_payload \ and ACCEPT_ALL.match(request.headers.get('accept', '')) else \ MIME_IS_JSON.match(request.headers.get('accept', '')) is not None # rules rules = {k[1:]: v for k, v in request.GET.items() if k[0] == ':'} # our content content = {} if not json_payload: if rules: # Create a copy data = request.POST.copy() remap_fields(rules, data, form=NotifyByUrlForm()) else: # Just create a pointer data = request.POST form = NotifyByUrlForm(data=data, files=request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): content.update(form.cleaned_data) else: # JSON Payload # Prepare our default response try: # load our JSON content content = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) # Apply content rules if rules: remap_fields(rules, content, form=NotifyByUrlForm()) except (RequestDataTooBig): # DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE exceeded it's value; this is usually the case # when there is a very large flie attachment that can't be pulled out of the # payload without exceeding memory limitations (default is 3MB) logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - JSON Payload Exceeded %dMB; operaton aborted', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], (settings.DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE / 1048576)) status = ResponseCode.fields_too_large msg = _('JSON Payload provided is to large') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) except (AttributeError, ValueError): # could not parse JSON response... logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Invalid JSON Payload provided', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']) status = ResponseCode.bad_request msg = _('Invalid JSON Payload provided') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) if not content: # We could not handle the Content-Type logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Invalid FORM Payload provided', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']) status = ResponseCode.bad_request msg = _('Bad FORM Payload provided') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) if not content.get('urls') and settings.APPRISE_STATELESS_URLS: # fallback to settings.APPRISE_STATELESS_URLS if no urls were # defined content['urls'] = settings.APPRISE_STATELESS_URLS # # Allow 'format' value to be specified as part of the URL # parameters if not found otherwise defined. # if not content.get('format') and 'format' in request.GET: content['format'] = request.GET['format'] # # Allow 'type' value to be specified as part of the URL parameters # if not found otherwise defined. # if not content.get('type') and 'type' in request.GET: content['type'] = request.GET['type'] # # Allow 'title' value to be specified as part of the URL parameters # if not found otherwise defined. # if not content.get('title') and 'title' in request.GET: content['title'] = request.GET['title'] # Some basic error checking if not content.get('body') or \ content.get('type', apprise.NotifyType.INFO) \ not in apprise.NOTIFY_TYPES: logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Payload lacks minimum requirements', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']) status = ResponseCode.bad_request msg = _('Payload lacks minimum requirements') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) # Acquire our body format (if identified) body_format = content.get('format', apprise.NotifyFormat.TEXT) if body_format and body_format not in apprise.NOTIFY_FORMATS: logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Format parameter contains an unsupported ' 'value (%s)', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], str(body_format)) status = ResponseCode.bad_request msg = _('An invalid body input format was specified') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) # Prepare our keyword arguments (to be passed into an AppriseAsset # object) kwargs = { 'plugin_paths': settings.APPRISE_PLUGIN_PATHS, } if body_format: # Store our defined body format kwargs['body_format'] = body_format # Acquire our recursion count (if defined) recursion = request.headers.get('X-Apprise-Recursion-Count', 0) try: recursion = int(recursion) if recursion < 0: # We do not accept negative numbers raise TypeError("Invalid Recursion Value") if recursion > settings.APPRISE_RECURSION_MAX: logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Recursion limit reached (%d > %d)', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], recursion, settings.APPRISE_RECURSION_MAX) status = ResponseCode.method_not_accepted msg = _('The recursion limit has been reached') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) # Store our recursion value for our AppriseAsset() initialization kwargs['_recursion'] = recursion except (TypeError, ValueError): logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Invalid recursion value (%s) provided', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], str(recursion)) status = ResponseCode.bad_request msg = _('An invalid recursion value was specified') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) # Acquire our unique identifier (if defined) uid = request.headers.get('X-Apprise-ID', '').strip() if uid: kwargs['_uid'] = uid # # Apply Any Global Filters (if identified) # apply_global_filters() # Prepare ourselves a default Asset asset = apprise.AppriseAsset(**kwargs) # Prepare our apprise object a_obj = apprise.Apprise(asset=asset) # Add URLs a_obj.add(content.get('urls')) if not len(a_obj): logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - No valid URLs provided', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']) status = ResponseCode.no_content msg = _('There was no valid URLs provided to notify') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) # Handle Attachments attach = None if not content.get('attachment'): if 'attachment' in request.POST: # Acquire attachments to work with them content['attachment'] = request.POST.getlist('attachment') elif 'attach' in request.POST: # Acquire kw (alias) attach to work with them content['attachment'] = request.POST.getlist('attach') elif content.get('attach'): # Acquire kw (alias) attach from payload to work with content['attachment'] = content['attach'] del content['attach'] if 'attachment' in content or request.FILES: try: attach = parse_attachments( content.get('attachment'), request.FILES) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: # Invalid entry found in list logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - Bad attachment: %s', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], str(e)) status = ResponseCode.bad_request msg = _('Bad Attachment') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) # Acquire our log level from headers if defined, otherwise use # the global one set in the settings level = request.headers.get( 'X-Apprise-Log-Level', settings.LOGGING['loggers']['apprise']['level']).upper() if level not in ( 'CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'TRACE'): level = settings.LOGGING['loggers']['apprise']['level'].upper() # Convert level to it's integer value if level == 'CRITICAL': level = logging.CRITICAL elif level == 'ERROR': level = logging.ERROR elif level == 'WARNING': level = logging.WARNING elif level == 'INFO': level = logging.INFO elif level == 'DEBUG': level = logging.DEBUG elif level == 'TRACE': level = logging.DEBUG - 1 if settings.APPRISE_WEBHOOK_URL: esc = '' fmt = f'["%(levelname)s","%(asctime)s","{esc}%(message)s{esc}"]' with apprise.LogCapture(level=level, fmt=fmt) as logs: # Perform our notification at this point result = a_obj.notify( content.get('body'), title=content.get('title', ''), notify_type=content.get('type', apprise.NotifyType.INFO), tag='all', attach=attach, ) esc = re.escape(esc) entries = re.findall( r'\r*\n?(?P\["[^"]+","[^"]+",)"{}(?P.+?)' r'{}"(?P\]\r*\n?$)(?=$|\r*\n?\["[^"]+","[^"]+","{})'.format( esc, esc, esc), logs.getvalue(), re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) # Prepare ourselves a JSON Response response = json.loads('[{}]'.format( ','.join([e[0] + json.dumps(e[1].rstrip()) + e[2] for e in entries]))) webhook_payload = { 'source': request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'status': 0 if result else 1, 'output': response, } # Send our webhook (pass or fail) send_webhook(webhook_payload) else: # Perform our notification at this point result = a_obj.notify( content.get('body'), title=content.get('title', ''), notify_type=content.get('type', apprise.NotifyType.INFO), tag='all', attach=attach, ) if not result: # If at least one notification couldn't be sent; change up the # response to a 424 error code logger.warning( 'NOTIFY - %s - One or more stateless notification(s) could not be actioned', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']) status = ResponseCode.failed_dependency msg = _('One or more notification could not be sent') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ 'error': msg, }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) logger.info( 'NOTIFY - %s - Delivered Stateless Notification(s)', request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']) # Return our success message status = ResponseCode.okay msg = _('Notification(s) sent') return HttpResponse(msg, status=status, content_type='text/plain') \ if not json_response else JsonResponse({ }, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=status) @method_decorator((gzip_page, never_cache), name='dispatch') class JsonUrlView(View): """ A Django view that lists all loaded tags and URLs for a given key """ def get(self, request, key): """ Handle a POST request """ # Now build our tag response that identifies all of the tags # and the URL's they're associated with # { # "tags": ["tag1', "tag2", "tag3"], # "urls": [ # { # "url": "windows://", # "tags": [], # }, # { # "url": "mailto://user:pass@gmail.com" # "tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"] # } # ] # } response = { 'tags': set(), 'urls': [], } # Privacy flag # Support 'yes', '1', 'true', 'enable', 'active', and + privacy = settings.APPRISE_CONFIG_LOCK or \ request.GET.get('privacy', 'no')[0].lower() in ( 'a', 'y', '1', 't', 'e', '+') # Optionally filter on tags. Use comma to identify more then one tag = request.GET.get('tag', 'all') config, format = ConfigCache.get(key) if config is None: # The returned value of config and format tell a rather cryptic # story; this portion could probably be updated in the future. # but for now it reads like this: # config == None and format == None: We had an internal error # config == None and format != None: we simply have no data # config != None: we simply have no data if format is not None: # no content to return return JsonResponse( response, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=ResponseCode.no_content, ) # Something went very wrong; return 500 response['error'] = _('There was no configuration found') return JsonResponse( response, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=ResponseCode.internal_server_error, ) # Prepare our apprise object a_obj = apprise.Apprise() # Create an apprise config object ac_obj = apprise.AppriseConfig() # Load our configuration ac_obj.add_config(config, format=format) # Add our configuration a_obj.add(ac_obj) for notification in a_obj.find(tag): # Set Notification response['urls'].append({ 'url': notification.url(privacy=privacy), 'tags': notification.tags, }) # Store Tags response['tags'] |= notification.tags # Return our retrieved content return JsonResponse( response, encoder=JSONEncoder, safe=False, status=ResponseCode.okay )