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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2019-02-01 03:05:56 +01:00
# Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron <>
# All rights reserved.
2019-02-01 03:05:56 +01:00
# This code is licensed under the MIT License.
2019-02-01 03:05:56 +01:00
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :
2019-02-01 03:05:56 +01:00
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
2019-02-01 03:05:56 +01:00
2017-11-25 22:51:46 +01:00
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import sys
import pytest
import requests
from unittest import mock
from os.path import dirname
from os.path import join
2017-11-25 22:51:46 +01:00
from apprise import Apprise
from apprise import AppriseAsset
from apprise import AppriseAttachment
from apprise import NotifyBase
from apprise import NotifyType
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
from apprise import NotifyFormat
from apprise import NotifyImageSize
from apprise import __version__
from apprise import URLBase
from apprise import PrivacyMode
from apprise.AppriseLocale import LazyTranslation
from apprise import common
from apprise.plugins import __load_matrix
from apprise.plugins import __reset_matrix
from apprise.utils import parse_list
import inspect
# Sending notifications requires the coroutines to be awaited, so we need to
# wrap the original function when mocking it.
import apprise.py3compat.asyncio as py3aio
# Disable logging for a cleaner testing output
import logging
2017-11-25 22:51:46 +01:00
# Attachment Directory
TEST_VAR_DIR = join(dirname(__file__), 'var')
2017-11-25 22:51:46 +01:00
def test_apprise():
API: Apprise() object
def do_notify(server, *args, **kwargs):
return server.notify(*args, **kwargs)
def test_apprise_async():
API: Apprise() object asynchronous methods
def do_notify(server, *args, **kwargs):
return py3aio.tosync(server.async_notify(*args, **kwargs))
def apprise_test(do_notify):
# Caling load matix a second time which is an internal function causes it
# to skip over content already loaded into our matrix and thefore accesses
# other if/else parts of the code that aren't otherwise called
2017-11-25 22:51:46 +01:00
a = Apprise()
# no items
assert len(a) == 0
# Apprise object can also be directly tested with 'if' keyword
# No entries results in a False response
assert not a
# Create an Asset object
asset = AppriseAsset(theme='default')
# We can load the device using our asset
a = Apprise(asset=asset)
# We can load our servers up front as well
servers = [
a = Apprise(servers=servers)
# 2 servers loaded
assert len(a) == 2
# Apprise object can also be directly tested with 'if' keyword
# At least one entry results in a True response
assert a
# We can retrieve our URLs this way:
assert len(a.urls()) == 2
# We can add another server
assert a.add('mmosts://mattermost.server.local/'
'3ccdd113474722377935511fc85d3dd4') is True
assert len(a) == 3
# Try adding nothing but delimiters
assert a.add(',, ,, , , , ,') is False
# The number of servers added doesn't change
assert len(a) == 3
# We can pop an object off of our stack by it's indexed value:
obj = a.pop(0)
assert isinstance(obj, NotifyBase) is True
assert len(a) == 2
# We can retrieve elements from our list too by reference:
assert isinstance(a[0].url(), str) is True
# We can iterate over our list too:
count = 0
for o in a:
assert isinstance(o.url(), str) is True
count += 1
# verify that we did indeed iterate over each element
assert len(a) == count
# We can empty our set
assert len(a) == 0
# An invalid schema
assert a.add('this is not a parseable url at all') is False
assert len(a) == 0
# An unsupported schema
assert a.add(
'invalid://') is False
assert len(a) == 0
# A poorly formatted URL
assert a.add('json://user:@@@:bad?no.good') is False
assert len(a) == 0
# Add a server with our asset we created earlier
assert a.add('mmosts://mattermost.server.local/'
'3ccdd113474722377935511fc85d3dd4', asset=asset) is True
# Clear our server listings again
# No servers to notify
assert do_notify(a, title="my title", body="my body") is False
class BadNotification(NotifyBase):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(BadNotification, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# We fail whenever we're initialized
raise TypeError()
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
def parse_url(url, *args, **kwargs):
# always parseable
return NotifyBase.parse_url(url, verify_host=False)
class GoodNotification(NotifyBase):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
super(GoodNotification, self).__init__(
notify_format=NotifyFormat.HTML, **kwargs)
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
def send(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return True
def parse_url(url, *args, **kwargs):
# always parseable
return NotifyBase.parse_url(url, verify_host=False)
# Store our bad notification in our schema map
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['bad'] = BadNotification
# Store our good notification in our schema map
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['good'] = GoodNotification
# Just to explain what is happening here, we would have parsed the
# url properly but failed when we went to go and create an instance
# of it.
assert a.add('bad://localhost') is False
assert len(a) == 0
# We'll fail because we've got nothing to notify
assert do_notify(
a, title="my title", body="my body") is False
# Clear our server listings again
assert a.add('good://localhost') is True
assert len(a) == 1
# Bad Notification Type is still allowed as it is presumed the user
# know's what their doing
assert do_notify(
a, title="my title", body="my body", notify_type='bad') is True
# No Title/Body combo's
assert do_notify(a, title=None, body=None) is False
assert do_notify(a, title='', body=None) is False
assert do_notify(a, title=None, body='') is False
assert do_notify(a, title=5, body=b'bytes') is False
assert do_notify(a, title=b"bytes", body=10) is False
assert do_notify(a, title=object(), body=b'bytes') is False
assert do_notify(a, title=b"bytes", body=object()) is False
# As long as one is present, we're good
assert do_notify(a, title=None, body='present') is True
assert do_notify(a, title='present', body=None) is True
assert do_notify(a, title="present", body="present") is True
# Send Attachment with success
attach = join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'apprise-test.gif')
assert do_notify(
a, body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO,
attach=attach) is True
# Send the attachment as an AppriseAttachment object
assert do_notify(
a, body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO,
attach=AppriseAttachment(attach)) is True
# test a invalid attachment
assert do_notify(
a, body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO,
attach='invalid://') is False
# Repeat the same tests above...
# however do it by directly accessing the object; this grants the similar
# results:
assert do_notify(
a[0], body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO,
attach=attach) is True
# Send the attachment as an AppriseAttachment object
assert do_notify(
a[0], body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO,
attach=AppriseAttachment(attach)) is True
# test a invalid attachment
assert do_notify(
a[0], body='body', title='test', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO,
attach='invalid://') is False
class ThrowNotification(NotifyBase):
def notify(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
raise TypeError()
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
2018-09-06 04:20:52 +02:00
class RuntimeNotification(NotifyBase):
def notify(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
raise RuntimeError()
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
class FailNotification(NotifyBase):
def notify(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return False
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
# Store our bad notification in our schema map
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['throw'] = ThrowNotification
# Store our good notification in our schema map
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['fail'] = FailNotification
2018-09-06 04:20:52 +02:00
# Store our good notification in our schema map
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['runtime'] = RuntimeNotification
2018-09-06 04:20:52 +02:00
for async_mode in (True, False):
# Create an Asset object
asset = AppriseAsset(theme='default', async_mode=async_mode)
# We can load the device using our asset
a = Apprise(asset=asset)
assert a.add('runtime://localhost') is True
assert a.add('throw://localhost') is True
assert a.add('fail://localhost') is True
assert len(a) == 3
# Test when our notify both throws an exception and or just
# simply returns False
assert do_notify(a, title="present", body="present") is False
2018-09-06 04:20:52 +02:00
# Create a Notification that throws an unexected exception
class ThrowInstantiateNotification(NotifyBase):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
raise TypeError()
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['throw'] = ThrowInstantiateNotification
# Reset our object
assert len(a) == 0
# Test our socket details
# rto = Socket Read Timeout
# cto = Socket Connect Timeout
plugin = a.instantiate('good://localhost?rto=5.1&cto=10')
assert isinstance(plugin, NotifyBase)
assert plugin.socket_connect_timeout == 10.0
assert plugin.socket_read_timeout == 5.1
plugin = a.instantiate('good://localhost?rto=invalid&cto=invalid')
assert isinstance(plugin, NotifyBase)
assert plugin.socket_connect_timeout == URLBase.socket_connect_timeout
assert plugin.socket_read_timeout == URLBase.socket_read_timeout
# Reset our object
assert len(a) == 0
# Instantiate a bad object
plugin = a.instantiate(object, tag="bad_object")
assert plugin is None
# Instantiate a good object
plugin = a.instantiate('good://localhost', tag="good")
assert isinstance(plugin, NotifyBase)
# Test simple tagging inside of the object
assert "good" in plugin
assert "bad" not in plugin
# the in (__contains__ override) is based on or'ed content; so although
# 'bad' isn't tagged as being in the plugin, 'good' is, so the return
# value of this is True
assert ["bad", "good"] in plugin
assert set(["bad", "good"]) in plugin
assert ("bad", "good") in plugin
# We an add already substatiated instances into our Apprise object
assert len(a) == 1
# We can add entries as a list too (to add more then one)
a.add([plugin, plugin, plugin])
assert len(a) == 4
# Reset our object again
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
a.instantiate('throw://localhost', suppress_exceptions=False)
assert len(a) == 0
assert a.instantiate(
'throw://localhost', suppress_exceptions=True) is None
assert len(a) == 0
# We rince and repeat the same tests as above, however we do them
# using the dict version
# Reset our object
assert len(a) == 0
# Instantiate a good object
plugin = a.instantiate({
'schema': 'good',
'host': 'localhost'}, tag="good")
assert isinstance(plugin, NotifyBase)
# Test simple tagging inside of the object
assert "good" in plugin
assert "bad" not in plugin
# the in (__contains__ override) is based on or'ed content; so although
# 'bad' isn't tagged as being in the plugin, 'good' is, so the return
# value of this is True
assert ["bad", "good"] in plugin
assert set(["bad", "good"]) in plugin
assert ("bad", "good") in plugin
# We an add already substatiated instances into our Apprise object
assert len(a) == 1
# We can add entries as a list too (to add more then one)
a.add([plugin, plugin, plugin])
assert len(a) == 4
# Reset our object again
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
'schema': 'throw',
'host': 'localhost'}, suppress_exceptions=False)
assert len(a) == 0
assert a.instantiate({
'schema': 'throw',
'host': 'localhost'}, suppress_exceptions=True) is None
assert len(a) == 0
def test_apprise_pretty_print(tmpdir):
API: Apprise() Pretty Print tests
# Privacy Print
# PrivacyMode.Secret always returns the same thing to avoid guessing
assert URLBase.pprint(
None, privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Secret) == '****'
assert URLBase.pprint(
42, privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Secret) == '****'
assert URLBase.pprint(
object, privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Secret) == '****'
assert URLBase.pprint(
"", privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Secret) == '****'
assert URLBase.pprint(
"a", privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Secret) == '****'
assert URLBase.pprint(
"ab", privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Secret) == '****'
assert URLBase.pprint(
"abcdefghijk", privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Secret) == '****'
# PrivacyMode.Outer
assert URLBase.pprint(
None, privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Outer) == ''
assert URLBase.pprint(
42, privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Outer) == ''
assert URLBase.pprint(
object, privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Outer) == ''
assert URLBase.pprint(
"", privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Outer) == ''
assert URLBase.pprint(
"a", privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Outer) == 'a...a'
assert URLBase.pprint(
"ab", privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Outer) == 'a...b'
assert URLBase.pprint(
"abcdefghijk", privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Outer) == 'a...k'
# PrivacyMode.Tail
assert URLBase.pprint(
None, privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Tail) == ''
assert URLBase.pprint(
42, privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Tail) == ''
assert URLBase.pprint(
object, privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Tail) == ''
assert URLBase.pprint(
"", privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Tail) == ''
assert URLBase.pprint(
"a", privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Tail) == '...a'
assert URLBase.pprint(
"ab", privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Tail) == '...ab'
assert URLBase.pprint(
"abcdefghijk", privacy=True, mode=PrivacyMode.Tail) == '...hijk'
# Quoting settings
assert URLBase.pprint(" ", privacy=False, safe='') == '%20'
assert URLBase.pprint(" ", privacy=False, quote=False, safe='') == ' '
def test_apprise_tagging(mock_post, mock_get):
API: Apprise() object tagging functionality
def do_notify(server, *args, **kwargs):
return server.notify(*args, **kwargs)
apprise_tagging_test(mock_post, mock_get, do_notify)
def test_apprise_tagging_async(mock_post, mock_get):
API: Apprise() object tagging functionality asynchronous methods
def do_notify(server, *args, **kwargs):
return py3aio.tosync(server.async_notify(*args, **kwargs))
apprise_tagging_test(mock_post, mock_get, do_notify)
def apprise_tagging_test(mock_post, mock_get, do_notify):
# A request
robj = mock.Mock()
setattr(robj, 'raw', mock.Mock())
# Allow calls = ''
robj.text = ''
robj.content = ''
mock_get.return_value = robj
mock_post.return_value = robj
# Simulate a successful notification
mock_get.return_value.status_code =
mock_post.return_value.status_code =
# Create our object
a = Apprise()
# An invalid addition can't add the tag
assert a.add('averyinvalidschema://localhost', tag='uhoh') is False
assert a.add({
'schema': 'averyinvalidschema',
'host': 'localhost'}, tag='uhoh') is False
# Add entry and assign it to a tag called 'awesome'
assert a.add('json://localhost/path1/', tag='awesome') is True
assert a.add({
'schema': 'json',
'host': 'localhost',
'fullpath': '/path1/'}, tag='awesome') is True
# Add another notification and assign it to a tag called 'awesome'
# and another tag called 'local'
assert a.add('json://localhost/path2/', tag=['mmost', 'awesome']) is True
# notify the awesome tag; this would notify both services behind the
# scenes
assert do_notify(
a, title="my title", body="my body", tag='awesome') is True
# notify all of the tags
assert do_notify(
a, title="my title", body="my body", tag=['awesome', 'mmost']) is True
# When we query against our loaded notifications for a tag that simply
# isn't assigned to anything, we return None. None (different then False)
# tells us that we litterally had nothing to query. We didn't fail...
# but we also didn't do anything...
assert do_notify(
a, title="my title", body="my body", tag='missing') is None
# Now to test the ability to and and/or notifications
a = Apprise()
# Add a tag by tuple
assert a.add('json://localhost/tagA/', tag=("TagA", )) is True
# Add 2 tags by string
assert a.add('json://localhost/tagAB/', tag="TagA, TagB") is True
# Add a tag using a set
assert a.add('json://localhost/tagB/', tag=set(["TagB"])) is True
# Add a tag by string (again)
assert a.add('json://localhost/tagC/', tag="TagC") is True
# Add 2 tags using a list
assert a.add('json://localhost/tagCD/', tag=["TagC", "TagD"]) is True
# Add a tag by string (again)
assert a.add('json://localhost/tagD/', tag="TagD") is True
# add a tag set by set (again)
assert a.add('json://localhost/tagCDE/',
tag=set(["TagC", "TagD", "TagE"])) is True
# Expression: TagC and TagD
# Matches the following only:
# - json://localhost/tagCD/
# - json://localhost/tagCDE/
assert do_notify(
a, title="my title", body="my body", tag=[('TagC', 'TagD')]) is True
# Expression: (TagY and TagZ) or TagX
# Matches nothing, None is returned in this case
assert do_notify(
a, title="my title", body="my body",
tag=[('TagY', 'TagZ'), 'TagX']) is None
# Expression: (TagY and TagZ) or TagA
# Matches the following only:
# - json://localhost/tagAB/
assert do_notify(
a, title="my title", body="my body",
tag=[('TagY', 'TagZ'), 'TagA']) is True
# Expression: (TagE and TagD) or TagB
# Matches the following only:
# - json://localhost/tagCDE/
# - json://localhost/tagAB/
# - json://localhost/tagB/
assert do_notify(
a, title="my title", body="my body",
tag=[('TagE', 'TagD'), 'TagB']) is True
# Garbage Entries in tag field just get stripped out. the below
# is the same as notifying no tags at all. Since we have not added
# any entries that do not have tags (that we can match against)
# we fail. None is returned as a way of letting us know that we
# had Notifications to notify, but since none of them matched our tag
# none were notified.
assert do_notify(
a, title="my title", body="my body",
tag=[(object, ), ]) is None
def test_apprise_schemas(tmpdir):
API: Apprise().schema() tests
# Caling load matix a second time which is an internal function causes it
# to skip over content already loaded into our matrix and thefore accesses
# other if/else parts of the code that aren't otherwise called
a = Apprise()
# no items
assert len(a) == 0
class TextNotification(NotifyBase):
# set our default notification format
notify_format = NotifyFormat.TEXT
# Garbage Protocol Entries
protocol = None
secure_protocol = (None, object)
class HtmlNotification(NotifyBase):
protocol = ('html', 'htm')
secure_protocol = ('htmls', 'htms')
class MarkDownNotification(NotifyBase):
protocol = 'markdown'
secure_protocol = 'markdowns'
# Store our notifications into our schema map
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['text'] = TextNotification
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['html'] = HtmlNotification
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['markdown'] = MarkDownNotification
schemas = URLBase.schemas(TextNotification)
assert isinstance(schemas, set) is True
# We didn't define a protocol or secure protocol
assert len(schemas) == 0
schemas = URLBase.schemas(HtmlNotification)
assert isinstance(schemas, set) is True
assert len(schemas) == 4
assert 'html' in schemas
assert 'htm' in schemas
assert 'htmls' in schemas
assert 'htms' in schemas
# Invalid entries do not disrupt schema calls
for garbage in (object(), None, 42):
schemas = URLBase.schemas(garbage)
assert isinstance(schemas, set) is True
assert len(schemas) == 0
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
def test_apprise_notify_formats(tmpdir):
API: Apprise() Input Formats tests
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
# Caling load matix a second time which is an internal function causes it
# to skip over content already loaded into our matrix and thefore accesses
# other if/else parts of the code that aren't otherwise called
a = Apprise()
# no items
assert len(a) == 0
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
class TextNotification(NotifyBase):
# set our default notification format
notify_format = NotifyFormat.TEXT
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(TextNotification, self).__init__()
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
def notify(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return True
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
class HtmlNotification(NotifyBase):
# set our default notification format
notify_format = NotifyFormat.HTML
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(HtmlNotification, self).__init__()
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
def notify(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return True
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
class MarkDownNotification(NotifyBase):
# set our default notification format
notify_format = NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(MarkDownNotification, self).__init__()
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
def notify(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay
return True
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
# Store our notifications into our schema map
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['text'] = TextNotification
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['html'] = HtmlNotification
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['markdown'] = MarkDownNotification
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
# Test Markdown; the above calls the markdown because our good://
# defined plugin above was defined to default to HTML which triggers
# a markdown to take place if the body_format specified on the notify
# call
assert a.add('html://localhost') is True
assert a.add('html://another.server') is True
assert a.add('html://and.another') is True
assert a.add('text://localhost') is True
assert a.add('text://another.server') is True
assert a.add('text://and.another') is True
assert a.add('markdown://localhost') is True
assert a.add('markdown://another.server') is True
assert a.add('markdown://and.another') is True
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
assert len(a) == 9
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
assert a.notify(
title="markdown", body="## Testing Markdown",
body_format=NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN) is True
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
assert a.notify(
title="text", body="Testing Text",
body_format=NotifyFormat.TEXT) is True
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
assert a.notify(
title="html", body="<b>HTML</b>",
body_format=NotifyFormat.HTML) is True
2018-02-20 02:59:19 +01:00
def test_apprise_asset(tmpdir):
API: AppriseAsset() object
a = AppriseAsset(theme='light')
# Default theme
assert a.theme == 'light'
# Invalid kw handling
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
a = AppriseAsset(
2018-07-01 18:40:56 +02:00
a.default_html_color = '#abcabc'
assert a.color('invalid', tuple) == (171, 202, 188)
assert a.color(NotifyType.INFO, tuple) == (58, 163, 227)
2018-02-26 01:59:37 +01:00
assert a.color('invalid', int) == 11258556
assert a.color(NotifyType.INFO, int) == 3843043
2018-02-26 01:59:37 +01:00
assert a.color('invalid', None) == '#abcabc'
assert a.color(NotifyType.INFO, None) == '#3AA3E3'
2018-02-26 01:59:37 +01:00
# None is the default
assert a.color(NotifyType.INFO) == '#3AA3E3'
2018-02-26 01:59:37 +01:00
# Invalid Type
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
2018-02-26 01:59:37 +01:00
# The exception we expect since dict is not supported
a.color(NotifyType.INFO, dict)
assert a.image_url(NotifyType.INFO, NotifyImageSize.XY_256) == \
assert a.image_path(
must_exist=False) == '/dark/info-256x256.png'
# This path doesn't exist so image_raw will fail (since we just
# randompyl picked it for testing)
assert a.image_raw(NotifyType.INFO, NotifyImageSize.XY_256) is None
assert a.image_path(
must_exist=True) is None
# Create a new object (with our default settings)
a = AppriseAsset()
# Our default configuration can access our file
assert a.image_path(
must_exist=True) is not None
assert a.image_raw(NotifyType.INFO, NotifyImageSize.XY_256) is not None
# Create a temporary directory
sub = tmpdir.mkdir("great.theme")
# Write a file
)).write("the content doesn't matter for testing.")
# Create an asset that will reference our file we just created
a = AppriseAsset(
image_path_mask='%s/{THEME}/{TYPE}-{XY}.png' % dirname(sub.strpath),
# We'll be able to read file we just created
assert a.image_raw(NotifyType.INFO, NotifyImageSize.XY_256) is not None
# We can retrieve the filename at this point even with must_exist set
# to True
assert a.image_path(
must_exist=True) is not None
2021-01-23 23:35:04 +01:00
# Test case where we can't access the image file
with mock.patch('', side_effect=OSError()):
assert a.image_raw(NotifyType.INFO, NotifyImageSize.XY_256) is None
2021-01-23 23:35:04 +01:00
# Our content is retrivable again
assert a.image_raw(NotifyType.INFO, NotifyImageSize.XY_256) is not None
2017-12-11 03:28:00 +01:00
# Disable all image references
a = AppriseAsset(image_path_mask=False, image_url_mask=False)
2017-12-11 03:28:00 +01:00
# We always return none in these calls now
assert a.image_raw(NotifyType.INFO, NotifyImageSize.XY_256) is None
assert a.image_url(NotifyType.INFO, NotifyImageSize.XY_256) is None
assert a.image_path(NotifyType.INFO, NotifyImageSize.XY_256,
must_exist=False) is None
assert a.image_path(NotifyType.INFO, NotifyImageSize.XY_256,
must_exist=True) is None
2018-07-01 18:40:56 +02:00
# Test our default extension out
a = AppriseAsset(
assert a.image_path(
2018-07-01 18:40:56 +02:00
must_exist=False) == '/default/info-256x256.jpeg'
2018-07-01 18:40:56 +02:00
assert a.image_url(
2018-07-01 18:40:56 +02:00
NotifyImageSize.XY_256) == \
2018-07-01 18:40:56 +02:00
# extension support
assert a.image_path(
2018-07-01 18:40:56 +02:00
extension='.ico') == '/default/info-128x128.ico'
2018-07-01 18:40:56 +02:00
assert a.image_url(
2018-07-01 18:40:56 +02:00
extension='.test') == \
def test_apprise_disabled_plugins():
API: Apprise() Disabled Plugin States
# Reset our matrix
class TestDisabled01Notification(NotifyBase):
This class is used to test a pre-disabled state
# Just flat out disable our service
enabled = False
# we'll use this as a key to make our service easier to find
# in the next part of the testing
service_name = 'na01'
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
def notify(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay (so we don't break other tests)
return True
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['na01'] = TestDisabled01Notification
class TestDisabled02Notification(NotifyBase):
This class is used to test a post-disabled state
# we'll use this as a key to make our service easier to find
# in the next part of the testing
service_name = 'na02'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestDisabled02Notification, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# enable state changes **AFTER** we initialize
self.enabled = False
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
def notify(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay (so we don't break other tests)
return True
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['na02'] = TestDisabled02Notification
# Create our Apprise instance
a = Apprise()
result = a.details(lang='ca-en', show_disabled=True)
assert isinstance(result, dict)
assert 'schemas' in result
assert len(result['schemas']) == 2
# our na01 is disabled right from the get-go
entry = next((x for x in result['schemas']
if x['service_name'] == 'na01'), None)
assert entry is not None
assert entry['enabled'] is False
plugin = a.instantiate('na01://localhost')
# Object is just flat out disabled... nothing is instatiated
assert plugin is None
# our na02 isn't however until it's initialized; as a result
# it get's returned in our result set
entry = next((x for x in result['schemas']
if x['service_name'] == 'na02'), None)
assert entry is not None
assert entry['enabled'] is True
plugin = a.instantiate('na02://localhost')
# Object isn't disabled until the __init__() call. But this is still
# enough to not instantiate the object:
assert plugin is None
# If we choose to filter our disabled, we can't unfortunately filter those
# that go disabled after instantiation, but we do filter out any that are
# already known to not be enabled:
result = a.details(lang='ca-en', show_disabled=False)
assert isinstance(result, dict)
assert 'schemas' in result
assert len(result['schemas']) == 1
# We'll add a good notification to our list
class TesEnabled01Notification(NotifyBase):
This class is just a simple enabled one
# we'll use this as a key to make our service easier to find
# in the next part of the testing
service_name = 'good'
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
def send(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay (so we don't break other tests)
return True
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['good'] = TesEnabled01Notification
# The last thing we'll simulate is a case where the plugin is just
# disabled at a later time long into it's life. this is just to allow
# administrators to stop the flow of their notifications for their own
# given reasons.
plugin = a.instantiate('good://localhost')
assert isinstance(plugin, NotifyBase)
# we'll toggle our state
plugin.enabled = False
# As a result, we can now no longer send a notification:
assert plugin.notify("My Message") is False
# As just a proof of how you can toggle the state back:
plugin.enabled = True
# our notifications will go okay now
assert plugin.notify("My Message") is True
# Reset our matrix
def test_apprise_details():
API: Apprise() Details
# Reset our matrix
# This is a made up class that is just used to verify
class TestDetailNotification(NotifyBase):
This class is used to test various configurations supported
# Minimum requirements for a plugin to produce details
service_name = 'Detail Testing'
# The default simple (insecure) protocol (used by NotifyMail)
protocol = 'details'
# Set test_bool flag
always_true = True
always_false = False
# Define object templates
templates = (
# Define our tokens; these are the minimum tokens required required to
# be passed into this function (as arguments). The syntax appends any
# previously defined in the base package and builds onto them
template_tokens = dict(NotifyBase.template_tokens, **{
'notype': {
# Nothing defined is still valid
'regex_test01': {
'name': _('RegexTest'),
'type': 'string',
'regex': r'[A-Z0-9]',
'regex_test02': {
'name': _('RegexTest'),
# Support regex options too
'regex': (r'[A-Z0-9]', 'i'),
'regex_test03': {
'name': _('RegexTest'),
# Support regex option without a second option
'regex': (r'[A-Z0-9]'),
'regex_test04': {
# this entry would just end up getting removed
'regex': None,
# List without delimiters (causes defaults to kick in)
'mylistA': {
'name': 'fruit',
'type': 'list:string',
# A list with a delimiter list
'mylistB': {
'name': 'softdrinks',
'type': 'list:string',
'delim': ['|', '-'],
template_args = dict(NotifyBase.template_args, **{
# Test _exist_if logic
'test_exists_if_01': {
'name': 'Always False',
'type': 'bool',
# Provide a default
'default': False,
# Base the existance of this key/value entry on the lookup
# of this class value at runtime. Hence:
# if not NotifyObject.always_false
# del this_entry
'_exists_if': 'always_false',
# Test _exist_if logic
'test_exists_if_02': {
'name': 'Always True',
'type': 'bool',
# Provide a default
'default': False,
# Base the existance of this key/value entry on the lookup
# of this class value at runtime. Hence:
# if not NotifyObject.always_true
# del this_entry
'_exists_if': 'always_true',
# alias_of testing
'test_alias_of': {
'alias_of': 'mylistB',
'delim': ('-', ' ')
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
def send(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay (so we don't break other tests)
return True
# Store our good detail notification in our schema map
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['details'] = TestDetailNotification
# This is a made up class that is just used to verify
class TestReq01Notification(NotifyBase):
This class is used to test various requirement configurations
# Set some requirements
requirements = {
'packages_required': [
'cryptography <= 3.4',
'packages_recommended': 'django',
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
def send(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay (so we don't break other tests)
return True
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['req01'] = TestReq01Notification
# This is a made up class that is just used to verify
class TestReq02Notification(NotifyBase):
This class is used to test various requirement configurations
# Just not enabled at all
enabled = False
# Set some requirements
requirements = {
# None and/or [] is implied, but jsut to show that the code won't
# crash if explicitly set this way:
'packages_required': None,
'packages_recommended': [
'cryptography <= 3.4',
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
def send(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay (so we don't break other tests)
return True
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['req02'] = TestReq02Notification
# This is a made up class that is just used to verify
class TestReq03Notification(NotifyBase):
This class is used to test various requirement configurations
# Set some requirements
requirements = {
# We can over-ride the default details assigned to our plugin if
# specified
'details': _('some specified requirement details'),
# We can set a string value as well (it does not have to be a list)
'packages_recommended': 'cryptography <= 3.4'
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
def send(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay (so we don't break other tests)
return True
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['req03'] = TestReq03Notification
# This is a made up class that is just used to verify
class TestReq04Notification(NotifyBase):
This class is used to test a case where our requirements is fixed
to a None
# This is the same as saying there are no requirements
requirements = None
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
def send(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay (so we don't break other tests)
return True
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['req04'] = TestReq04Notification
2021-11-26 17:24:43 +01:00
# This is a made up class that is just used to verify
class TestReq05Notification(NotifyBase):
This class is used to test a case where only packages_recommended
is identified
requirements = {
# We can set a string value as well (it does not have to be a list)
'packages_recommended': 'cryptography <= 3.4'
def url(self, **kwargs):
# Support URL
return ''
def send(self, **kwargs):
# Pretend everything is okay (so we don't break other tests)
return True
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['req05'] = TestReq05Notification
2021-11-26 17:24:43 +01:00
# Create our Apprise instance
a = Apprise()
# Dictionary response
result = a.details()
assert isinstance(result, dict)
# Test different variations of our call
result = a.details(lang='ca-fr')
assert isinstance(result, dict)
for entry in result['schemas']:
# Verify our key does not exist because we did not ask for it
assert 'enabled' not in entry
assert 'requirements' not in entry
result = a.details(lang='us-en', show_requirements=True)
assert isinstance(result, dict)
for entry in result['schemas']:
# Verify our key does not exist because we did not ask for it
assert 'enabled' not in entry
# Requirements are set for display
assert 'requirements' in entry
assert 'details' in entry['requirements']
assert 'packages_required' in entry['requirements']
assert 'packages_recommended' in entry['requirements']
assert isinstance(entry['requirements']['details'], str)
assert isinstance(entry['requirements']['packages_required'], list)
assert isinstance(entry['requirements']['packages_recommended'], list)
result = a.details(lang='ca-en', show_disabled=True)
assert isinstance(result, dict)
for entry in result['schemas']:
# Verify that our plugin state is available to us
assert 'enabled' in entry
assert isinstance(entry['enabled'], bool)
# Verify our key does not exist because we did not ask for it
assert 'requirements' not in entry
result = a.details(
lang='ca-fr', show_requirements=True, show_disabled=True)
assert isinstance(result, dict)
for entry in result['schemas']:
# Plugin States are set for display
assert 'enabled' in entry
assert isinstance(entry['enabled'], bool)
# Requirements are set for display
assert 'requirements' in entry
assert 'details' in entry['requirements']
assert 'packages_required' in entry['requirements']
assert 'packages_recommended' in entry['requirements']
assert isinstance(entry['requirements']['details'], str)
assert isinstance(entry['requirements']['packages_required'], list)
assert isinstance(entry['requirements']['packages_recommended'], list)
# Reset our matrix
def test_apprise_details_plugin_verification():
API: Apprise() Details Plugin Verification
# Reset our matrix
a = Apprise()
# Details object
details = a.details()
# Dictionary response
assert isinstance(details, dict)
# Details object with language defined:
details = a.details(lang='en')
# Dictionary response
assert isinstance(details, dict)
# Details object with unsupported language:
details = a.details(lang='xx')
# Dictionary response
assert isinstance(details, dict)
# Apprise version
assert 'version' in details
assert details.get('version') == __version__
# Defined schemas identify each plugin
assert 'schemas' in details
assert isinstance(details.get('schemas'), list)
# We have an entry per defined plugin
assert 'asset' in details
assert isinstance(details.get('asset'), dict)
assert 'app_id' in details['asset']
assert 'app_desc' in details['asset']
assert 'default_extension' in details['asset']
assert 'theme' in details['asset']
assert 'image_path_mask' in details['asset']
assert 'image_url_mask' in details['asset']
assert 'image_url_logo' in details['asset']
# Valid Type Regular Expression Checker
# Case Sensitive and MUST match the following:
is_valid_type_re = re.compile(
# match tokens found in templates so we can cross reference them back
# to see if they have a matching argument
template_token_re = re.compile(r'{([^}]+)}[^{]*?(?=$|{)')
# Define acceptable map_to arguments that can be tied in with the
# kwargs function definitions.
valid_kwargs = set([
# General Parameters
'user', 'password', 'port', 'host', 'schema', 'fullpath',
# NotifyBase parameters:
'format', 'overflow',
# URLBase parameters:
'verify', 'cto', 'rto',
# Valid Schema Entries:
valid_schema_keys = (
'name', 'private', 'required', 'type', 'values', 'min', 'max',
'regex', 'default', 'list', 'delim', 'prefix', 'map_to', 'alias_of',
for entry in details['schemas']:
# Track the map_to entries (if specified); We need to make sure that
# these properly map back
map_to_entries = set()
# Track the alias_of entries
map_to_aliases = set()
# A Service Name MUST be defined
assert 'service_name' in entry
assert isinstance(
entry['service_name'], (str, LazyTranslation))
# Acquire our protocols
protocols = parse_list(
entry['protocols'], entry['secure_protocols'])
# At least one schema/protocol MUST be defined
assert len(protocols) > 0
# our details
assert 'details' in entry
assert isinstance(entry['details'], dict)
# All schema details should include args
for section in ['kwargs', 'args', 'tokens']:
assert section in entry['details']
assert isinstance(entry['details'][section], dict)
for key, arg in entry['details'][section].items():
# Validate keys (case-sensitive)
assert len([k for k in arg.keys()
if k not in valid_schema_keys]) == 0
# Test our argument
assert isinstance(arg, dict)
if 'alias_of' not in arg:
# Minimum requirement of an argument
assert 'name' in arg
assert isinstance(arg['name'], str)
assert 'type' in arg
assert isinstance(arg['type'], str)
assert is_valid_type_re.match(arg['type']) is not None
if 'min' in arg:
assert arg['type'].endswith('float') \
or arg['type'].endswith('int')
assert isinstance(arg['min'], (int, float))
if 'max' in arg:
# If a min and max was specified, at least check
# to confirm the min is less then the max
assert arg['min'] < arg['max']
if 'max' in arg:
assert arg['type'].endswith('float') \
or arg['type'].endswith('int')
assert isinstance(arg['max'], (int, float))
if 'private' in arg:
assert isinstance(arg['private'], bool)
if 'required' in arg:
assert isinstance(arg['required'], bool)
if 'prefix' in arg:
assert isinstance(arg['prefix'], str)
if section == 'kwargs':
# The only acceptable prefix types for kwargs
assert arg['prefix'] in (':', '+', '-')
# kwargs requires that the 'prefix' is defined
assert section != 'kwargs'
if 'map_to' in arg:
# must be a string
assert isinstance(arg['map_to'], str)
# Track our map_to object
# Some verification
if arg['type'].startswith('choice'):
# choice:bool is redundant and should be swapped to
# just bool
assert not arg['type'].endswith('bool')
# Choices require that a values list is provided
assert 'values' in arg
assert isinstance(arg['values'], (list, tuple))
assert len(arg['values']) > 0
# Test default
if 'default' in arg:
# if a default is provided on a choice object,
# it better be in the list of values
assert arg['default'] in arg['values']
if arg['type'].startswith('bool'):
# Boolean choices are less restrictive but require a
# default value
assert 'default' in arg
assert isinstance(arg['default'], bool)
if 'regex' in arg:
# Regex must ALWAYS be in the format (regex, option)
assert isinstance(arg['regex'], (tuple, list))
assert len(arg['regex']) == 2
assert isinstance(arg['regex'][0], str)
assert arg['regex'][1] is None or isinstance(
arg['regex'][1], str)
# Compile the regular expression to verify that it is
# valid
assert '{} is an invalid regex'\
# Regex should always start and/or end with ^/$
assert re.match(
r'^\^.+?$', arg['regex'][0]) is not None
assert re.match(
r'^.+?\$$', arg['regex'][0]) is not None
if arg['type'].startswith('list'):
# Delimiters MUST be defined
assert 'delim' in arg
assert isinstance(arg['delim'], (list, tuple))
assert len(arg['delim']) > 0
else: # alias_of is in the object
# Ensure we're not already in the tokens section
# The alias_of object has no value here
assert section != 'tokens'
# must be a string
assert isinstance(
arg['alias_of'], (str, list, tuple, set))
aliases = [arg['alias_of']] \
if isinstance(arg['alias_of'], str) \
else arg['alias_of']
for alias_of in aliases:
# Track our alias_of object
# We can't be an alias_of ourselves
if key == alias_of:
# This is acceptable as long as we exist in the
# tokens table because that is truely what we map
# back to
assert key in entry['details']['tokens']
# Throw the problem into an assert tag for
# debugging purposes... the mapping is not
# acceptable
assert key != alias_of
# alias_of always references back to tokens
assert \
alias_of in entry['details']['tokens'] or \
alias_of in entry['details']['args']
# Find a list directive in our tokens
t_match = entry['details']['tokens']\
.get(alias_of, {})\
.get('type', '').startswith('list')
a_match = entry['details']['args']\
.get(alias_of, {})\
.get('type', '').startswith('list')
if not (t_match or a_match):
# Ensure the only token we have is the alias_of
# hence record should look like as example):
# {
# 'token': {
# 'alias_of': 'apitoken',
# },
# }
# Or if it can represent more then one entry; in
# this case, one must define a name (to define
# grouping).
# {
# 'token': {
# 'name': 'Tokens',
# 'alias_of': ('apitoken', 'webtoken'),
# },
# }
if isinstance(arg['alias_of'], str):
assert len(entry['details'][section][key]) == 1
else: # is tuple,list, or set
assert len(entry['details'][section][key]) == 2
# Must have a name defined to define grouping
assert 'name' in entry['details'][section][key]
# We're a list, we allow up to 2 variables
# Obviously we have the alias_of entry; that's why
# were at this part of the code. But we can
# additionally provide a 'delim' over-ride.
assert len(entry['details'][section][key]) <= 2
if len(entry['details'][section][key]) == 2:
# Verify that it is in fact the 'delim' tag
assert 'delim' in \
# If we do have a delim value set, it must be
# of a list/set/tuple type
assert isinstance(
(tuple, set, list),
spec = inspect.getfullargspec(
function_args = \
(set(parse_list(spec.varkw)) - set(['kwargs'])) \
| (set(spec.args) - set(['self'])) | valid_kwargs
# Iterate over our map_to_entries and make sure that everything
# maps to a function argument
for arg in map_to_entries:
if arg not in function_args:
# This print statement just makes the error easier to
# troubleshoot
2021-11-26 17:24:43 +01:00
raise AssertionError(
'{}.__init__() expects a {}=None entry according to '
'template configuration'
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP[protocols[0]].__name__, arg))
# Iterate over all of the function arguments and make sure that
# it maps back to a key
function_args -= valid_kwargs
for arg in function_args:
if arg not in map_to_entries:
2021-11-26 17:24:43 +01:00
raise AssertionError(
'{}.__init__({}) found but not defined in the '
'template configuration'
common.NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP[protocols[0]].__name__, arg))
# Iterate over our map_to_aliases and make sure they were defined in
# either the as a token or arg
for arg in map_to_aliases:
assert arg in set(entry['details']['args'].keys()) \
| set(entry['details']['tokens'].keys())
# Template verification
assert 'templates' in entry['details']
assert isinstance(entry['details']['templates'], (set, tuple, list))
# Iterate over our templates and parse our arguments
for template in entry['details']['templates']:
# Ensure we've properly opened and closed all of our tokens
assert template.count('{') == template.count('}')
expected_tokens = template.count('}')
args = template_token_re.findall(template)
assert expected_tokens == len(args)
# Build a cross reference set of our current defined objects
defined_tokens = set()
for key, arg in entry['details']['tokens'].items():
if 'alias_of' in arg:
# We want to make sure all of our defined tokens have been
# accounted for in at least one defined template
for arg in args:
assert arg in set(entry['details']['args'].keys()) \
| set(entry['details']['tokens'].keys())
# The reverse of the above; make sure that each entry defined
# in the template_tokens is accounted for in at least one of
# the defined templates
assert arg in defined_tokens
@mock.patch('apprise.py3compat.asyncio.notify', wraps=py3aio.notify)
def test_apprise_async_mode(mock_async_notify, mock_post, tmpdir):
API: Apprise() async_mode tests
mock_post.return_value.status_code =
# Define some servers
servers = [
# Default Async Mode is to be enabled
asset = AppriseAsset()
assert asset.async_mode is True
# Load our asset
a = Apprise(asset=asset)
# add our servers
# 2 servers loaded
assert len(a) == 2
# Our servers should carry this flag
for server in a:
assert server.asset.async_mode is True
# Send Notifications Asyncronously
assert a.notify("async") is True
# Verify our async code got executed
assert mock_async_notify.call_count == 1
# Provide an over-ride now
asset = AppriseAsset(async_mode=False)
assert asset.async_mode is False
# Load our asset
a = Apprise(asset=asset)
# Verify our configuration kept
assert a.asset.async_mode is False
# add our servers
# 2 servers loaded
assert len(a) == 2
# Our servers should carry this flag
for server in a:
assert server.asset.async_mode is False
# Send Notifications Syncronously
assert a.notify("sync") is True
# Verify our async code got called
assert mock_async_notify.call_count == 1
# another way of looking a our false set asset configuration
assert a[0].asset.async_mode is False
assert a[1].asset.async_mode is False
# Adjust 1 of the servers async_mode settings
a[0].asset.async_mode = True
assert a[0].asset.async_mode is True
# They all share the same object, so this gets toggled too
assert a[1].asset.async_mode is True
# We'll just change this one
a[1].asset = AppriseAsset(async_mode=False)
assert a[0].asset.async_mode is True
assert a[1].asset.async_mode is False
# Send 1 Notification Syncronously, the other Asyncronously
assert a.notify("a mixed batch") is True
# Verify our async code got called
assert mock_async_notify.call_count == 1
def test_notify_matrix_dynamic_importing(tmpdir):
API: Apprise() Notify Matrix Importing
# Make our new path valid
suite = tmpdir.mkdir("apprise_notify_test_suite")
module_name = 'badnotify'
# Update our path to point to our new test suite
sys.path.insert(0, str(suite))
# Create a base area to work within
base = suite.mkdir(module_name)
# Test no app_id
class NotifyBadFile1:
# No class of the same name
class BadClassName:
# Exception thrown
base.join('').write("""raise ImportError()""")
# Utilizes a schema:// already occupied (as string)
from apprise import NotifyBase
class NotifyGoober(NotifyBase):
# This class tests the fact we have a new class name, but we're
# trying to over-ride items previously used
# The default simple (insecure) protocol (used by NotifyMail)
protocol = ('mailto', 'goober')
# The default secure protocol (used by NotifyMail)
secure_protocol = 'mailtos'
def parse_url(url, *args, **kwargs):
# always parseable
return ConfigBase.parse_url(url, verify_host=False)""")
# Utilizes a schema:// already occupied (as tuple)
from apprise import NotifyBase
class NotifyBugger(NotifyBase):
# This class tests the fact we have a new class name, but we're
# trying to over-ride items previously used
# The default simple (insecure) protocol (used by NotifyMail), the other
# isn't
protocol = ('mailto', 'bugger-test' )
# The default secure protocol (used by NotifyMail), the other isn't
secure_protocol = ('mailtos', ['garbage'])
def parse_url(url, *args, **kwargs):
# always parseable
return ConfigBase.parse_url(url, verify_host=False)""")
__load_matrix(path=str(base), name=module_name)