language: python dist: xenial addons: apt: packages: - libdbus-1-dev matrix: include: - python: "3.6" env: TOXENV=py36 - python: "3.7.7" env: TOXENV=py37 - python: "3.8" env: TOXENV=py38 - python: "3.9" env: TOXENV=py39 - python: "3.9-dev" env: TOXENV=py39-dev # PyPy Environments - python: "pypy2.7-6.0" env: TOXENV=pypy - python: "pypy3.5-7.0" env: TOXENV=pypy3 # An extra environment where additional packages are not installed - python: "3.9" env: - TOXENV=bare install: - pip install babel # upgrade tox, pip, and virtualenv so Python 3.6 will build crytography: # - pip install -U tox pip virtualenv - pip install codecov - pip install -r dev-requirements.txt - pip install -r requirements.txt # bare installs do not include extra package dependencies - if [[ $TOXENV != 'bare' ]]; then pip install -r all-plugin-requirements.txt; fi # pypy and bare installs do not include dbus-python - if [[ $TOXENV != 'bare' ]] && [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION != 'pypy'* ]]; then travis_retry pip install dbus-python; fi # run tests script: - tox after_success: - tox -e coverage-report - codecov notifications: email: false